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Everything posted by ArrowBricks

  1. Star Wars needs big stories. The Sequel Trilogy felt irrelevant in that regard, and most things since have failed to feel important in the wider scheme of things. The Mandalorian has engaged with bigger stories but it’s still lacking. The Clone Wars and Order 66 changed the galaxy. Luke defeating the Emperor changed the galaxy. We need the next big story. Palpatine returning did not feel ‘big’ irrespective of whether I liked that it happened. Anyway, back to Lego.
  2. To be honest, I am a huge Clone Wars fan and if the rumours are true, I am looking forward to the 327th BP, V-19, UT-AT, and MTT. These are either new releases or worthy re-releases so I don’t think the criticism is all that fair. I do appreciate personal preference, though. I can see the frustration given the lack of OT playsets.
  3. I have no idea, sorry!
  4. Logically, it makes sense if Aayla appears in this summer wave, or next January given the 327th rumours. MTT? Unless it’s the missing set. V-19 is promising! I do hope it’s not scaled down too much.
  5. Turbo Tank very unlikely. Absolutely agreed. I have banged this drum for over 2 years. Never mind.
  6. Where’s this from?
  7. These rumours are starting to sound less and less real…
  8. Not the most inspiring list, except Rogue One.
  9. UT-AT screams The Justifier, but better. Imagine lots of big pieces to make it work, alongside new moulds for the figures. It will be overpriced, either way. Exciting that I can buy a UT-AT and a CIS MTT in the same wave - sounds very fun. Alongside rumours of a brand newClone Pilot, and I predict either a Y-Wing or V-19 I am very, very excited.
  10. Surely it’s CIS blue, especially seeing the small CIS builds in the battle pack last Jan.
  11. Pretty sure was plural, but don’t quote me. Combination of Clone Trooper ‘fatigue’, criticisms of Clone Troopers, and soaring prices are probably enough to stifle any sort of excitement.
  12. I agree, it’s super exciting. Especially after hearing the summer wave is good, with atleast 2 Jedi and some Clone Commanders. My guess is a V-19 Torrent. It could be a Y-Wing, too.
  13. From Instagram - reliable source Maxbautde. Plo Koon’s JSF = Microfighter. Night Trooper BP = small patrol gunship; still not clear if Enoch is in this set. A new Clone Pilot is to be released that is not the Clone Commander as per the UCS Gunsip debacle. Max describes the summer wave as “fans are eating good next summer”.
  14. Class ideas, loved reading these.
  15. Pretty sure these rumours are legit; you are correct to say they were discredited originally.
  16. Gone all out with 3 after having 0 this year, so I’d suggest they have another wave in mind. Without speculating too much, I still think there’s options such as an Imperial Royal Guard, Snowtrooper, Lando Skiff Guard, Grievous, Death Star Gunner etc etc. This is ignoring more recent Star Wars media, too.
  17. Jango Fett Helmet Kylo Ren Helmet AT-AT Driver Helmet I personally think that’s a really strong lineup.
  18. What do we think the next Diagon Alley shops will be?
  19. Still here my friend, waiting patiently for the big 2025 winter leak and beyond! For this thread specifically, I want to be excited but Batman is uninspiring these days. Granted, I don’t the sets have been that bad. I do like the sound of some of the rumours for 2025; an Arkham set would be greatly appreciated. ArrowBricks exists because 11-12 year old me wanted to make Lego reviews and my slogan would have been “straight to the point”. These days, my enjoyment for Lego comes from evaluating sets and whether they are objectively good or not. I’ve noticed a shift by Lego where many of the sets link together, like the good old days. I am really excited to see Harry Potter’s modular castle sets and the Diagon Alley shops. The Ahsoka sets and Mando s3 sets are great because they all go well together. The Yavin Temple, Boarding on Tantive, Rebel Scout Speeder vs Dropship, Imperial Star Destroyer are another great example. onwards and upwards!
  20. To put it bluntly, the source is more of a sauce than a source. Let’s wait and see.
  21. Renown is the sort of person that dreams about hints and leaks, he definitely got excited at the thought of creating a leak like this! Renown is also a man of integrity, we shall trust him unless otherwise!
  22. Renown hammered, class story.
  23. Kit Fisto’s Jedi Starfighter (Green) £44.99: Kit Fisto, R6-H5 Saesse Tiin’s Jedi Starfighter (Orange) £44.99: Saesse Tiin, Astromech Droid Obi-Wan’s Blue Jedi Interceptor £39.99: Obi-Wan Kenobi, R4-G9, Tion Medon Adi Gallia’s Jedi Starfighter £44.99: Adi Gallia, Astromech Droid Anakin Skywalker’s Green Jedi Interceptor £39.99: Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2 Clone Turbo Tank £159.99: Yoda, Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Commander Gree, 41st Elite Corps Trooper (x2), AT-RT Driver, Tarfull, Wookie Warrior Republic Dropship w/AT-TE (AOTC) £249.99: Clone Pilot, Clone AT-TE Driver, Shaak Ti, Clone Trooper (x3)
  24. I’m interested in the following - 4, 3, 6, 5 If the Kylo Mid-Scale set is true, that will be on the list too. More iconic, better design, should look really good. We will have to see how new the Plo Koon Minifigure is. If it’s a massive upgrade, I’d really want a Kit Fisto JSF. Either way, I think it’s likely.
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