Everything posted by ArrowBricks
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Sounds like our missing anniversary minifigure. Mon Mothma. Completely agree. I’d have liked more to be honest. Needed the red dot and the arm as you say.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Literally! I can’t believe how many people have not noticed this! Overall, the battle pack is great. Not perfect, but really good. The Octuptarra droid is really great. Would have loved a CIS sticker/print on the STAP. The Republic vehicles are lacklustre, but they do pay homage to 2007 and I’m sure someone will create a really great vehicle with the parts. The riot shields are neat. Really am surprised we don’t get accessories! Now, I’ll wait for the price. (£) 9/10 so far.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Buzzing for the super battle pack. It’s the sort of set to spark something, and I’m sure it will for many people. So many Clones for army building, for brickfilms, and it really could be the start of more CIS stuff we need. Praying it doesn’t disappoint.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Nah, we aren't celebrating the name.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
They’re super tricky to do, and with Lego seemingly downscaling, these ships are at the expense. Admittedly, I do think about a Nebulon B Frigate, a lot.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Definitely agree. I was disappointed with the lack of Honour Guards in the Yavin set. For the build, I’d love a Microfighter style AAC-1 Tank from the old Battlefront games, but that’s just personal preference.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Love all these! Surely the SPHA-T would be more than $120!;) Never realised how badly I wanted a new Gunship Microfighter. Perhaps Rex’s Y-Wing has wet the appetite as I’m really excited for that set. It’s scandalous we don’t have an updated Pilot… I know the feeling with the double post! Would have replied sooner, if I could. Hectic week. Love these ones quoted! Admittedly, I think I’d want a larger Boga vs Grievous set with a brickbuilt creature. Could be a good way to get Cody again, too. To be honest, I think you’ve included lots of refreshing Clone content. I still think there’s lots more Lego can do as evidenced here, and some of my ideas I have too. I think I’d want a larger Mustafar duel diorama set, more akin to the old set from 2005. It could go again as the grain of diorama’s and be a little bit more expensive. Would sell really well; one of those that would appeal to fans beyond Lego that’s for sure! Can already see it viral on TikTok.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Better late than never! The Rise of Skywalker wave. The one with the most amount of potential sets given Lego releasing just the one wave and a few add ons… Knights of Ren Brickheadz Pack £44.99: Reason: The best way to get the Knights of Ren, and in a unique format given we were lucky to have all 6 released, although in several sets because The NightBuzzard was poorly designed, was a Brickheadz pack. I think this would be an excellent display piece and fans would appreciate the unique features of each Knight packed into an efficient use of parts. Whilst some will pose different and perhaps more complex challenges than others, I think each Knight should be able to be translated into the Brickheadz format nicely. Resistance B-Wing £54.99: Minifigures: Aftab Ackbar, Rose Tico, Larma D’Acy, Klaud Reason: Because I have decided to release both Resistance and First Order vehicles in the downscaled format we saw with the X-Wing and Tie in January 2021, it would seem rather perplexing to omit the B-Wing. In truth, we need a Rebel B-Wing, but equally, the Resistance B-Wing has an interesting colour scheme and the potential for good figures. On the topic of figures, I was always a fan of the sheer scale and diversity of Resistance members of Ajan Kloss. A B-Wing could really help provide us with some of the Rebels we are missing. I also think there’s space somewhere for an Ajan Kloss Resistance Battle Pack but that’s for another time. Treadable Tank £64.99: Minifigures: Lando “the Hermit”, Chewbacca, Kalo’ne, First Order Jet Trooper, First Order Treadspeeder Pilot. Reason: Who wouldn’t want a unique variant of Lando, and a really cool alien in Kalo’ne? Moreover, I felt this offered more as a Passana playset over the missing speeder with its counterpart that released in 2019. Finally, with such a unique design this is right up Lego’s street. And whilst the tank is less of a tank than traditionally considered, the presence of a Treadspeeder will help with the playability on offer. Duel on Exegol Diorama £69.99 Quote: The lifeforce of your bond... “a dyad in the Force. A power like life itself. Unseen for generations.” OR “And now... the power of two restores the one, true Emperor.” Minifigures: Palpatine, Rey, Ben Solo Reason: Unquestionably, I think it’s such a disappointment this set has yet to be released. I was very surprised that in 2020 we did not see this set, and that surprise has not changed. Nevertheless, a reboot of the ST provides an opportunity for this long awaited set. It comes at a time when a new sub-theme has emerged: diorama’s. I think a diorama of this scene is the best option compared to a playscale version because I don’t think there’s a great deal of play that could be had beyond Palpatine taking his seat on the throne. This diorama would come with that function, and a bacta tank nearby. The main draw would be the grand throne; I think Lego could really do something imposing here. In terms of figures, all 3 are vital to the scene. The inclusion of Palpatine would be enough for any Star Wars fan, but I think most would love Ben Solo in Lego form. Rey could come with a new faceprint and torso to match her battle scars. Finally, I excluded the option to include Sovereign Protectors as the 2023 Death Star duel diorama failed to include the Royal Guards; I’m not against this decision because they do detach from the overall scene and thus the quote. I have managed to fit those somewhere else, however. Overall, everything about this set would be a winner. First Order UA-TT £74.99: Minifigures: Poe Dameron, Zorii Bliss, Lieutenant Barrok, First Order SnowTrooper (cape), First Order UA-TT Driver Reason: in a film where the Final Order dominate, a First Order set might be surprising. Even more so because it’s barley seen in the movie. However that has not stopped Lego before…there are countless examples, I’m sure you could think of a handful in a few seconds. Moreover, not only do I love the UA-TT’s design, but it provides a key into the Kajimi scenes. Hence, we can get Poe and Zorii. I have also included Barrok as shown in the movie, a First Order Snowtrooper with cape (goes along with the Snowtrooper from the Ski Speeder), and a UA-TT Driver (this can be the traditional First Order Drive as seen in sets such as the First Order AT-AT…or what I have seen more recently when searching for this very driver). Either way, this set would be a great way to get Poe and Zorii even though their versions were pretty good in 2019. Some First Order forces are never a bad thing, however. I did for a moment consider our friend Babu, but it just didnt feel appropriate enough. Final Order Transporter £99.99: Minifigures: Sith Trooper (x2), Sith Jet Trooper (x2), Finn, Jannah, Beaumont Kin (and an Orbak) Reason: At first, I wanted to do another Final Order Battle Pack. But given the variety of Final Order Forces that could be included, and those types that have not yet been released (we will get to that next…) it wouldn’t work. The next best thing was a Transporter. Lego has previously released one of these back in 2015 based on TFA and it’s a solid set. I think Lego would need to simply re-release that with minor changes to brush it up and make it that bit better. Accompanying the set would be 4 Final Order Troopers, and Finn, Jannah, and for the first time, Beaumont Kin…with your chosen character riding a moulded Orbak. This set would be fantastic, and I can only imagine how amazing the box-art would look! Simply, this set is a no brainer. Final Order Star Destroyer £159.99: Minifigures: General Pryde, General Hux (injured), Final Order Technician (x2), Sith Sovereign Protector (x2) Reason: This set is much-need. It would serve as the flagship of the wave. Whilst Thrawn’s Chimera will ultimately revive the Star Destroyer in the coming years, 2029 being the film’s 10 year anniversary and the Final Order version having its divergences, least so the large underside cannon and the red livery around its edges gives this set promise. Additionally, it will have enough differences to the Finalizer as mentioned in my TFA list. This set would allow us to get Final Order Technicians and Sith Sovereign Protectors which are two variants I think are needed. I did originally have these in a battle pack, but I felt it would reduce the appeal of the Star Destroyer if it were ever to be released. Alongside them would be Pryde who does not need many changes, and Hux in his injured variant which would be an amusing and neat addition. Overall, the set would be spectacular and refreshing and the minifigures would only strengthen both these things. What a set this would be. Overall, that rounds out my TROS wave, and my Sequel Trilogy reboot. For those who have followed along, I hope it was enjoyable. I’d love to have some commwnts…granted I admit the trilogy is far than satisfactory and relevant right now. However, I have hoped to convey the real potential these movies have in the realm of Lego and I have tried to make my ideas original and exciting. If I was to decide which set is my favourite from each movie in this reboot, I’d go with the X-Wing vs Tie, The Raddus Hangar, and the Duel on Exegol. Cheers everyone!
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Thanks! Love all your ideas, especially the ones quoted!
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
No, not quite. BUT, it’s been confirmed elsewhere it’s ALL FAKE.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I was about to say…I swear he is reliable!
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It originally was rumoured as such, tbf.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Pretty much agree here…it came from the cesspit, after all.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
June apparently
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Show me the light, father. I beg of you.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
The discord server is a cesspit of nonsense imo. Just had a scroll through it all. Long live Eurobricks, long live Renown. I will now return to staying on target. Move along, move along.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
We still haven't confirmed if the last load was true or not… Can someone direct me to this discord server please, thanks!
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
It is claimed 75388 is the Z-95, priced at $40. 75388 and 75389 were posted by FalconFan from Brick Merge on Insta 18th August. No price. The set number was listed in the larger, presumably ‘more accurate’ leak of the last few days. I think the price is correct.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hmmm. I assume this set number is not the Z-95 Headhunter then. Maybe it doesn’t exist… could you clarify if the rumours are true or not? thank you:)
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
What a shocker! Not.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Maybe it will be like the Hogwarts Grounds released this year and therefore only have one figure.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Come on then, reveal everything you know! ;)
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
75399 Microscale Jedi Temple, includes Yaddle. €/$159.99. From Instagram, take it with a pinch of salt.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I wonder why no other August news is around and about given the Z-95 is August…
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Wow! Never would have predicted this. For me, it has to have a Clone Pilot…or I am not buying.
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