Everything posted by ArrowBricks
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
You’d think the Hagrid Bike will be a buildable, rather than a general set given the price. Interested to see Malfoy Manor!
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Symptomatic of downscaling across the board. Both vehicles fit 3 troops. Yes, it’s a bit disheartening but it’s what Lego does now.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Back of the box leaked. Huge, huge fan of this set. Looks excellent.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Love the set. Feels like a reward to the fans, for the fans. Yes, only 6 troops, but I do like the Astro droid and the vehicles seems to benefit from having 3 figures, for each. Hopefully stock is good, because I’d want a fair few of these. The set go extremely well with Boarding on Tantive, Yavin Base, and the Imperial Star Destroyer all from recent times. I love when I can buy multiple sets that make sense together.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I follow, but how would the Viaduct be a viable set? What would it be based off?
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
To be honest, a proper buildable Hedwig is likely. Have the Owl sat up right. I was thinking a Knightbus, but the last one was done so well, I can't see how they'd change it unless it was a pure remake. I would have predicted these, too. What would the Viaduct set be based off of? I think we might get the Quidditch pitch first, and that later...? Thestral is an intriguing prediction, I had not really considered. I think the Lake is a good shout. Do we think the Fawkes set will be a higher price point, if this was to be released?
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
I think we might see the greenhouses. These are likely, too.
Wizarding World 2024 - Rumors & Discussion
7 sets this January, I’d love to hear predictions! Let’s go!
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
One of many questionable design decisions in recent years. Whoever is signing them off has got it so wrong.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
So, the last few days: I do like Jedi Bob’s Starfighter, despite the figures being lacklustre. At the end of the day I want Jedi Bob and the Starfighter is excellent. Price is bad, but all the sets have awful prices. I’ll get it for £30 at some point. Regarding 2025, I am glad we have a larger January wave. It makes a lot of sense to have the Mid-scale line together. Remember everybody it’s likely we will see another mid-scale set, an exclusive set like The Invisible Hand. 1. Ahsoka’s Jedi Interceptor is great, I am really intrigued to see what Ahsoka Minifigure we might get! Given the price I wouldn’t be surprised if it ends up being her Jedi Starfighter, instead. 2. Really happy with the ARC-170, it’s a wonderful model and I think it’s going to be great with modern techniques. The price will be horrific, but the 2010 model was too. Here’s hoping the Pilot looks good. 3. I am intrigued by Buildable Grogu because it’s likely it will be in scale with R2 and C3-PO which I plan to purchase at some point. I completely understand the disappointment, though. 4. Absolutely all over the mid-scale Acclamator. I would assume it has the red livery and the Republic logos, otherwise it’s a snooze fest. Price looks great, and can’t wait to get this one. 5. I am happy we are getting the mid-scale Home One, but it’s not something I will want to buy. 6. 4+ N-1 - price seems a little better than other 4+ sets. It could be Naboo, but most likely it’s Mando’s and therefore we could see the Astromech Droid otherwise it’s just like the Microfighter… So, I think we still have one more set releasing in January, given the mid-scale exclusive set I think we will get. Interestingly, no battle packs. Either they’re both connected to something releasing in 2024/2025 from Disney or are from, say, Andor sets based on the first season (a bit like Mando S3).
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Just ignore this person, full of utter waffle.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Torches, maybe?
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Onyx Cinder looks nice, certainly doesn’t feel like 1325 pieces. Minifigures are good, as expected. Fingers crossed I like the show, and there’s a certain set on shelves already that will go nicely with it, too. If you know, you know.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
25 (26, shhh…) Lego Star Wars sets I’d love to see in the next 5 years. Battle Packs: 212th Clone Troopers (Crab Droid) £19.99: 212th Clone Trooper (x2), 212th Airbourne Trooper (x2) 91st Recon Troopers £19.99 (Barc Speeder): Phase II 91st Recon Trooper (x3), Barc Trooper Kashyyyk Forces (Swamp speeder, Wookiee turret) £24.99: 41st Elite Corps Trooper (x2), Kashyyyk Clone Trooper, Wookie Warrior Wolfpack Troopers £19.99 (AT-RT, turret): Phase II Wolfpack Trooper (x2), Phase II Wolfpack Jet Trooper, Wolfpack ARF Trooper Elite Separatist Forces BP £19.99 (Flitknot Speeder, Command post): Commando Droid (x3), Tactical Droid Imperial Science Bureau BP (Turret, speeder) £19.99 Imperial Commando (plain), Imperial Commando (grey), TK StormTrooper (x2) Specialist Imperial Battle Pack £19.99: Imperial Rocket Trooper, Death Trooper (x2), ISB Imperial Agent OT: Lars Homestead - see @bricks.of.chaos (instagram) £64.99: Luke Skywalker, Uncle Owen, Aunt Beru, Biggs Darklighter, C3-PO, R2-D2 Imperial AT-ACT Walker £159.99: Baze Malbus, Chirrut Imwe, Imperial AT-ACT Driver (x2), ShoreTrooper (x2), Rebel Soldier Executor Super Star Destroyer £169.99: Darth Vader, Admiral Piett, Boba Fett, Dengar, 4-LOM, Zuckuss, IG-88, Imperial Officer PT: Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi Interceptor £29.99: Ahsoka Tano, R7-A7 Count Dooku’s Solar Sailor £69.99: Count Dooku, FA-4 Pilot Droid, Yoda, Anakin Skywalker Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter w/hyperdrive £99.99: Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe, Admiral Coburn, R7-D4, Republic Transport Shuttle £99.99: Anakin Skywalker (TCW armour), Obi-Wan Kenobi (TCW armour), Clone Pilot, Phase II Clone Trooper Naboo Royal Starship £139.99: Queen Amidala, Ric Olie, Captain Paneka, Qui-Gon-Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, R2-D2, Jar-Jar Jango Fett’s Starship vs Obi-Wan’s JSF £149.99: Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Lama Sue, (head of R4 Republic SPHA-T £149.99: Mace Windu, Kit Fisto, Clone Captain, Clone Lieutenant, Clone Trooper (x2), Republic Gunship £159.99: Yoda, Ki-adi Mundi, Clone Pilot, Clone Commander, Clone Trooper (x3) ST: Kylo Ren’s Tie Whisper £49.99: Kylo Ren, Sith Sovereign Protector, First Order StormTrooper First Order Tie Fighter vs Poe Dameron’s X-Wing (TFA): £109.99: Poe Dameron, BB-8, First Order Tie Pilot, First Order Heavy Trooper Kylo Ren’s Tie Silencer vs Resistance A-Wing (red) £99.99: Kylo Ren, General Leia Organa, Resistance Pilot, First Order StormTrooper First Order UA-TT £74.99: Poe Dameron, Zori Bliss, Lieutenant Barok, First Order Snowtrooper, First Order Driver Disney Content: Mando’s N1 Starfighter £49.99: Mando, Grogu, 1 other - new movie 2026. Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi T6 Shuttle £129.99: Ahsoka Tano, Sabine Wren, 2 others - Ahsoka show/new movie 2026 UCS: Petranaki Arena £349.99: Count Dooku, Poggle the Lesser, Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, Nute Gunray, Jango Fett, Boba Fett, Coleman Trebor, Aayla Secura, Sora Bulq, Shaak Ti, Bultar Swan, Roth-Del Masona, Geonosian Battle Droid (x3), Super Battle Droid (x2), Winged Geonosian (x2), R2-D2, Battle Droid C3-PO, Droideka Republic Dropship w/AT-TE Walker £249.99: Luminara Unduli, Barriss Offee, Pablo-Jill, Clone Pilot, AT-TE Driver, Clone Trooper (x2)
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Quite a few playsets this year. Boarding on Tantive, Moff Gideon vs Paz Battle, Duel on Peridea. Arguably the Skiff & Sarlacc and the Mandalorian Battle Pack fit into that category too. Could be good news for ROTS next year, but that’s purely speculative.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Duel on Peridea looks like a £30 set, maximum. Figures are excellent, shame about Enoch. The set looks really average, so a 30% off sale is needed. 7.5/10. Skiff & Sarlacc was so so close to being a 10/10 set. If Boba was accurate and a Skiff Guard was included I’d have paid the extortionate price. Nien, Lando, Luke are really great minifigures! I think it’s the best Skiff to date, and the Sarlacc looks like great fun. 9/10.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
C3-PO looks great, except the eyes. Wow they look bad. Doesn’t help seeing the price, too. Shame. If I liked this set, I would have splashed out on getting this and the new R2-D2.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
The Clone Wars must keep going, even if clone “fatigue” is a thing. Elite Separatist Forces Battle Pack £19.99 (CIS Flitknot Speeder, Command Station): Bx-series Commando Droid (x2), B2-RP Rocket Super Battle Droid, Tactical Droid Elite 501st Clone Forces £19.99 (smaller AT-RT, weapons rack): 501st Airbourne Trooper (x2), 501st ARF Trooper, 501st ARC Trooper CIS Proton Cannon £49.99: Tactical Droid, Battle Droid (x2), Commander Wolffe, Phase II Wolfpack Trooper Republic Attack Shuttle £79.99: Anakin Skywalker (TCW armour), Obi-Wan Kenobi (TCW armour), TCW Clone Pilot, Phase II Clone Trooper Republic Acclamator - previously discussed, but fits here nicely.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
“Very good… very good” Especially love the ones quoted above. Imagine Lego trying to market Jango’s head ejection function…ha!
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
I’m surprised what has leaked already, has leaked. Official stuff will be at the start of the month, if going on previous waves. That being said, leaks usually happen a few days before official leaks irrespective of what has happened before, so next week is the week.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
Genius, genius ideas. Your creative ability beyond existing Lego Star Wars parameters is increasingly becoming my favourite! Those chess sets would be a dream, something I never thought were a dream. At my request, please do an AoTC wave that transcends existing sets, sub-themes etc! I’d love to see, if you don’t mind.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Mon Cala in Bob’s SF = correct.
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Hahaha, well I think we all would be happy with that, even if it was purely for the memories!
LEGO Star Wars 2024 Set Discussion - READ FIRST POST!!!
Have to respect the creativity here! Minifigures are legendary, and the Falcon looks good with the striking colour scheme and unique aesthetics, design, and features. Look forward to seeing if the designers have been creative interiorly.
Wishlist: Future Star Wars Sets and Minifigures
It was so disappointing that we didn’t get Bad Batch S2-3 stuff.
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