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Everything posted by ArrowBricks

  1. Fingers crossed. There’s money to be made from these sets, I’m convinced! Pretty sure the character designs for our main characters are similar to season 2 so it might work out as a savvy move. More people will tune in for the finale of the series, I hope. Crosshair maybe returning in his old attire could make it work, too. Something with Imperial Commando’s and TK Troopers and I am happy. This would work similar to how they’ve done Mando S3 sets in the context of arm building Mando’s and Imperial units (SuperCommando’s, Pretorian Guards).
  2. Really excited for that Brickheadz pack now! Great selection of characters there. Queen Amidala and Jar-Jar will be great. May 4th Droid Carrier Promo sounds great. Feels like an actual set, which I prefer. If I was being a bit greedy, I’d have loved a Droid Commander (still could happen), or extra wishlistingy (great word, I know), a Nute Gunray. Can’t complain, though. Podrace Diorama news is a bit lacklustre. Subjectively, I’d have wanted 4-5 microscale Podrace and less focus on the terrain, but that is just me. That buildable Droideka is going to be superb, too! Can’t wait for May 1st to get the Droideka and the Brickheadz pack along with the promo. Now, I wait for the Sith Infiltrator.
  3. Lego confirmed there’s 6.
  4. Here he is, back from the depths. Saw sounds great if that’s what you’re hinting at!
  5. I am a little bit annoyed at the Tantive cockpit. Are people right to be aggrieved at its proportions?
  6. The last two have unknown figures rumoured so most likely than not it will be one of those two. Pretty sure the Skiff set has Luke and a Weequay which wasn’t originally rumoured but has been now by reputable leakers. (Sith infiltrator proved though it could be anything). So I’m almost convinced the X-Wing vs Tie will have the final figure, if we assume there isn’t one in Bob’s SF or the Dark Falcon.
  7. There’s nothing about any of the other anniversary characters that suggest Skad. Nobody cares about Skad. Granted, Young Leia is not a favourite, but it is Princess Leia. Skad is literally a nobody, quite frankly. Look, if I’m wrong I’ll buy you the set and post it to you for free.
  8. Nice work! Definitely Saw in my eyes, now.
  9. Not an awful lineup, especially as noticed Qui-Gon seemingly has the poncho. Obviously, dependant on the anniversary figure. I would be happy with Saw or Ezra (S3-4). Gives me hope one day a Naboo Royal Starship will be made!
  10. Originally my thought, but it’s Ezra I think. Not until we see it first hand! ;)
  11. Well we don’t know the other figure still! That’s only reason I said because it could be a yellow or flesh Bob or both! Interesting!
  12. It’s been confirmed that there will be 6 anniversary figures. It’s taken directly from Lego which in their promotion has a silhouette of the Sith Infiltrator, too. Go check your country’s Lego.com and click on Star Wars 25th anniversary. 1. Fives 2. Malak 3. Cal 4. Young Leia The other two most likely are Jedi Bob and Darth Vader, or one of those and a promotional figure e.g., in the Encyclopaedia. UPDATE: it hints the next anniversary figure is a “rebel with a cause” included in the Sith Infiltrator. Big news!
  13. I like all 3. Wasn’t expecting to have the 25th anniversary box-art for these sets. Then again, the Executor had the ROTJ brick and these new ones have a 25th anniversary brick. You’d think the Podrace diorama will have one, too.
  14. I think the usual YouTubers etc have hypothesised Jedi Bob’s Starfighter and the Dark Falcon as maybe having anniversary figures, too. Now, personal speculation here but I think the Tie vs X-Wing might have one too. We are missing a few of those figures. I reckon C3-PO and the Skiff might as well, but that’s a guess. Ultimately, I strongly believe there are more anniversary figures out there. Makes you lose faith in the decision makers on the LSW team. How did that pass?
  15. Guys I’m no mod, but you know what’s coming. You will spoil it for the rest of us when this thread gets locked and the rest of the March wave leaks. When that happens, imma fall off a balcony again and meet my death. I love the passion but we’ve got to find better ways at reading differing opinions. If you can’t, take it to the private messages and shout until your hearts content at one another.
  16. Nice idea, but I genuinely think there’s more chance of a set depicting Anakin slaughtering younglings. People make good points about the clone issues. I think it’s quite simple. Fives has problems because all Clone Troopers in the modern day have issues. To expect an amazing Fives is almost insanity considering ‘easier’ Clone Troopers (in theory) have their issues. Lego committed to helmet holes and unfortunately, I think, it weakens the Clone Trooper. What’s worse, though, is the printing issues most of them have. Never in a million years should Lego have gotten away with Commander Fox; the debacle is quite frankly shameful. What’s worse is that it followed the 212th controversy and that leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. It’s certainly welcome, but there will be a fair few people who will think ‘what if’ rather than a golden age. Equally, many will view it as a golden age. For me, it cannot be a golden age because the sets are inferior in every single way to the ones from 2010+. I really really really wish it wasn’t the case.
  17. I actually can’t believe in a world we are seeing people moan about having these anniversary figures in sets. I respect people countering those complaints but even then it’s so tiresome.
  18. R2-D2 looks very very good. Already planned on picking this up, but it’s a definite for me now.
  19. The box-art is truly stunning. Set looks fine; I was never going to purchase it. Looks a lot smaller than the rumoured piece count, I must admit. Great figure selection, though. Looks even better with the set.
  20. Purely speculation on my part, but could the rumoured buildable creature be an IG-11 Unit with Grogu? It did have a really weird rumour last year.
  21. Inspired by the 25th anniversary lineup, here’s my extremely premature wish list for 2029 to celebrate 30 years of Lego Star Wars. I have focused on iconic ships, vehicles and scenes. Each set will have an exclusive, never released, and unlikely to be released minifigure. This is except Starkiller; I just could not ignore him. The only controversial part of this list is the lack of Sequel love. But I’m hoping the 10 year anniversary of these respective movies will give us representation. Duel on Geonosis £29.99 (Dooku’s Speeder, Geonosis terrain and lighting): Count Dooku, Yoda Exclusive Figure: Black Krrsantan Hoth Wampa Cave £49.99 (moulded Wampa & Tauntaun): Luke Skywalker, Han Solo Exclusive Figure: Saw Gerrera Tusken Raider Encounter £59.99 (moulded Bantha, Landspeeder): Luke Skywalker, Ben Kenobi, C3-P0, R2-D2, Tusken Raider (x2) Exclusive Figure: Yarael Poof Tie Defender £69.99: Tie Pilot, Stormtrooper, Ruhk Exclusive Figure: Baron Papanoida Naboo Royal Starship £139.99: Ric Olie, Captain Paneka, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Maul, R2-D2, Queen Amidala Exclusive Figure: Snaggletooth Millenium Falcon £159.99: Lando Calrissian, Nien Nunb, General Airen Cracken, Rebel Trooper ‘Blount’, Rebel Trooper ‘Evans Basch’ Exclusive Figure: Starkiller Republic Dropship w/AT-TE £229.99: Clone Pilot, AT-TE Driver, Clone Trooper (x2), Kit Fisto, Luminara Unduli, Geonosian Battle Droid (x2, Droideka Exclusive Figure: Sim Aloo
  22. Good luck, great story!
  23. Ha! Perfect. This will inform my expectations.
  24. People love army building, especially Clones. To not have a battle pack or figure pack of some sort with the troop variants is money on the table. I think the Justifier was a poor choice, albeit rational with Cad Bane showing up in TBOBF. Considering this is now the Empire, these figures will certainly also attract OT fans too.
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