MOC - Elf Fortress
This fortress looks very good, especially walls, as i see (maybe i made a mistake) you inspired by the wall of a set of 79012, But you made them much higher and, you have made these walls more natural, severer in appearance, And tower in original lego set is awful, your towers look much better, and the gates, I loved the leaves on them. I think if this was a set of modular, it would be even more beautiful, just imagine, two of these sets, would make a great(really great) elven fortress. And of course the ballista looks very original.
MEC Category B: Elves' New Pass-time
Its really awesome, original and funny idea, river looks very fast, as if it is mountain river
Hi from Ukraine
Hi, my name is Alejandro, im living in Lviv, western Ukraine, but I'm not Ukrainian. Im fan of LEGO since 1995, but seriously got interested in Lego just two years ago. Im fan of Castle and LOTR series, my son (he is only 7 years old) except LOTR loves City series. The only moc we made a pictures, is here (we've failed to make a proper background so pictures are not so good as wanted) and we had very little bricks, especially plates ( so there is green plate instead of gray) outpost on the mountain pass 1st version http://www.brickshel...ry.cgi?f=518513 Now we have not enough time to make something solid, due to illness son (he had problems with hearing) but I hope that soon we will have more free time to lay down something interesting, Sorry for my english, don't have much practice.
6103 or 6105? Which do you prefer?
In my subjective opinion 6105 is better, because you'll have something like a feudal lord and his small army (although of course I would prefer instead of one of wolfpack and one soldier in a knightly helmet, two ordinary soldiers (perhaps one villager) of course 6103 is a must have set, its great for building an army of different factions.
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