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Clone 01354 Productions

Eurobricks Knights
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  1. It sounds like we're getting 4 plain OT Stormies in the Battlfront battlepack....... And the Carbon Freezing Chamber sounds great; I'll buy two, and make the full platform. Plus, fully-printed Boba Fett....and an Ugnaught..... :wub: The rest....I'll likely skip. Though, I might get the escape pod for the Jawas.
  2. It makes no sense why people think it would end right there. The cliffhanger for 2016 is going to be: And that's a proper cliffhanger; it finishes the 2015 story, and teases the 2016 sets. Why would they leave off on a cliffhanger for almost four months, just to give us the 90-second conclusion to 2015 in January? (spoiler alert: They wouldn't, because it makes absolutely no sense.)
  3. Does Boba Fett have printed arms in the carbon-freezing chamber?
  4. Hey....can I get a PM of Kylo with his hood on? I missed out on it....
  5. I was going to hold off on any TFA purchases until we get closer to the movie release date.... ....but I don't know if I can pass up all these sets for a few months.
  6. Congratulations! You just won the "Most Intelligent Argument of the Year" award. You obviously have a complete understanding of how these designs are made and approved. These ships are obviously made by JJ, who hand-draws them and colors them, then just throws them in the movie. It's people like this that make me hate the Star Wars fanbase.
  7. On the Arena page on the website, there's a little info about a game called "Hammer Flush". Not much is known about it, except it was once a very popular game on Okoto, Slicer is *supposedly* a champion of the game, and that it involves trying to....hit pillars? We honestly don't know.
  8. ....Did anyone notice that there is a female First Order Officer in Kylo Ren's shuttle? ALSO: Since Kylo Ren comes with a hood, maybe his actual head has the helmet printed on? I doubt it's going to be his actual face, so this makes total sense.
  9. This is pretty much what the community acts like. I'm surprised they haven't burned the LEGO factory down because BB-8 doesn't roll. :P
  10. I agree. People whine and complain because Kylo Ren isn't 100% screen accurate, or because Rey's hood is a bit large. Are you people serious? The sets look spectacular, and the minifigs (especially the Stormtroopers) look great. I'm buying all of them....once I get some money. XD
  11. Nah, that $500 UCS is going to be a snowspeeder. Honestly though, I doubt the legitimacy of the rumor.....but if it is true, why can't it be Cloud City? Oh yeah, because LEGO obviously hates that place.
  12. We'll have the 2014 Snowspeeder, (likely) a Snowspeeder in the Echo Base set, a TFA Snowspeeder, and a (presumably) Rebels Snowspeeder all sitting next to each other on shelves. Well....If you like snow...and speeders...then this is going to be a good wave for you. It's a shame that LEGO keeps doing this, because I'm getting really, really sick of Hoth......
  13. ....Where is Scorpio coming from? He just fell from the ceiling. XD And Gali....
  14. Star Wars: "Oh hey, we'll be releasing the highly-anticipated seventh Star Wars movie this December. You can sell any products you want based off of the movie." LEGO: "Great, we'll sell another Snowspeeder." Star Wars: "Oh, a TFA one?" LEGO: "Yeah, and then a TESB one too." Star Wars: "..." Seriously, I'm sick of snowspeeders. Unless they totally change the design (which they won't), it's going to be the same thing since 2011.
  15. I'm pretty sure it's rust. Although, it would be interesting to learn that Ekimu's just a fraud who uses gold spray-paint to make himself seem better than everyone else. XD
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