Everything posted by Clone 01354 Productions
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
What if the Agori and Matoran in Gen 1 had inter-bred on Spherus Magna, and created a new race....The Protectors?! And what if there were still Glatorian around, and they all died...and now they're the Skull villains?!? Eh, just a theory. :V EDIT: Oh no, the descriptions have been taken down!! Man, I didn't even get to read Warrior's description....
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Interesting... 1) In the Skull Scorpio description, it says that the Masks of Power were lost....I wonder how? 2) The combo models sound interesting....I really hope that they have a role in the story. (But I do wonder why Scorpio and Grinder combine?) 3) Apparently, Grinder has a Mask Stealer Staff....Wait, Grinder steals masks? So he is a....Mask Hoarder, of sorts? #GrinderIsReallyMakutaSummer2015FTW 4) If Slicer is possessed by a Skull Spider, that means that the Skull Spiders are still active.... 5) Also, if Slicer used to be a warrior, does that mean there was another race of beings on Okoto? Also, I thought people were wrong calling him Scorpio, instead of Scorpion.....I guess I am wrong. :/ Overall, I am super excited for the summer. The sets are great, and the story has tons of potential.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
I don't think that selling retired sets at high prices is "wrong". I've never been on the selling end, but I have bought my fair share of retired LEGO sets at ridiculous prices--but I don't mind, because I pay the amount that I value the product at. Personally, I'm thinking about doing that with some BIONICLE sets....I've stocked up on a few extras, and I hope that someone will buy them at higher prices in a few years. Really, there's nothing wrong with that.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I am just now realizing that every single line Lewa has said was a joke (of some sort...), which completely fits his personality. And did anyone else notice that at the end, when all the Toa walk away, they are heading to the Protector-mask building? So I guess that's where Ekimu is buried....Which reminds me: I get that Ekimu is old and...well, lifeless....But when he wakes up, and he's back to normal, I want him to have a powerful, commanding, and young voice (I don't know why, but I imagined Makuta and Ekimu to be teens/early 20-year-olds at the time of their fight....) ALSO: What if that pedestal is where the Golden Skull Spider mask was, but it's now in the hands of the Skull Villains--and now, THEY have control of the Skull Spiders? (At this point, I'm just hoping that they will have a role in the summer, because if not, then they were a total waste of my time.)
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
(2015) May The 4th Be With You Offers - Discussion thread!
I really want to put the Slave I at the top of my priority list, but because it's a UCS, I realized that there is no rush to buy it. That set will be on shelves for a while, so I *might* skip it for this year. Right now, TFA sets will be of highest priority, Oh, and Tyderium.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
Well, keep in mind that Ekimu has been dead (or, in a coma) for a thousand years. I'd expect his voice to sound a little hoarse. And now that we have all the episodes for the winter wave, I just want to say that I loved the animations. I think that they have the right tone for the new BIONICLE, even though the episodes were pretty short.... Which reminds me: Is there a chance that the summer animations might be longer?
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
The voice acting isn't that impressive, but I like it. Now, would I like more voice actors? Maybe for a movie or TV show.....But for these animations, I think the narrator does a fine job. Anyway, his over-the-top voice impressions make me giggle sometimes. And when he does a voice, he does have a lot of power behind it, so at least he's giving it his best effort. That would actually be a really interesting way to portray the Protectors......I would be fine with the "Protector of ____" title if they explained it like that, but it's annoying me that they are just ignoring the matter entirely.
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
I never read graphic novels/comics, but I guess I'll be getting it anyway. And "Island of Lost Masks"..... Hopefully, we get some Protector names. I can't see them constantly being referred to as "Protector of ___". Unless, of course, they just focus on Tahu and POF, in which case they could just keep saying "the Protector".
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
What if the Skull villains are like the Rahi from Gen 1: originally, they were benevolent creatures (or, in this case, Villagers) who got possessed and/or mutated by the Mask of Ultimate Power? Then they attacked the Ancient City (or, at the time, the City?), and the Protectors defeated them and fled the City, dividing up into tribes across the island? Really, it could be anything. For all we know, these are Shadow Toa. Or, for all we know, their origin will never be explained.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Bionicle 2015 Discussion
- Bionicle 2015 Discussion
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Ugh, I knew they were going to dig up Rex....I just don't get why everyone loves him. He was just a generic, no-nonsense captain. And Hondo Ohnaka....apparently, he is such a fan favorite that they just had to bring him back. ANYWAY, I cannot wait to get some ships from Season 2 in LEGO form. The Corellian corvette, the A-Wings, all the different troopers.....Season 2 will be great for amy building.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Tips For Stop Motion Videos
1. For lighting, I would use a white-light lamp; it gives it a more polished look. 2. I would suggest 20 Frames Per Second (depending on what type of movements you have). 3. To project an image, your best option would be to layer it in post-production. I hope this helps! BTW I know this from experience, because my first stop motion used no special lamp and had a low FPS, and it just looked terrible. For the stop motion that I'm working on now, the white light and 20 FPS rule is working great. Good Luck!
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