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About Scheemdalegotrain

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  1. Okay Andy, great video, great layout - love the way you integrated 9v en 12v into one layout! One thought on the station though - I agree with those (including yourself?) who don't particularly fancy your station, especially the station building. I think the main problem with it is that it's simply too large for the rest of the landscape - it sort of looks like a beached, yellow whale... might downsizing it help?
  2. Hi there Helos, I saw your Railjet (again) today and it is simply amazing. One of the best renditions of this fine train built so far! This is a set I could truly imagine as a creator set one day (next year? Maybe too much to hope for...) Do you have building instructions?
  3. This is starting to look lie a really interesting lay out! I like your main station area and the connecting track on the inner loop, a very clever way to allow you to change the direction of your trains.... What scenery are you planning? I'd put a eye-catching row of buildings in the spaece between the two track of your main line in the upper part of the lay out. Keep us posted on your progress and brick on, Exa!
  4. Ah, that's a pity... My girlfriend and I lived in an apartment to, and I couldn't build a permanent lay out there, too... We moved to Scheemda last year and now I have a legroom with a (semi)permanent lay out in progress... I sympathise! I hope you can move soon and be able to actually use this fantastic station for your trains!
  5. In real life it looks even better than in LDD. A very, very cool looking station that I'd love to have, to be honest... And it works very well with the cut switches! Now, of course you will have to show us how it looks in your layout... Ha!
  6. Your modular lay outs (and especially this last one) show one of the great advantages of working modular (I say this although I haven't ever tried my own hand at it!): the amount of detail possible. It would be virtually impossible to reach such a level of detail on a full-scale lay out. What you do in modular is wonderful, (the cables in the ground, for example!), but don't you ever miss the 'play value' of operating your trains on a bigger track system?
  7. Cool city - and the way you have changed it over time are IMHO mostly improvements... I especially like the way in which the beach is combined with a road, turning this into a kind of 'seaside boulevard'. One thing you consistently keep doing I don't quite understand, though: why are the train tracks mostly 'separated' from the rest of the layout? This gives the feeling that they do not form an integral part of your layout and that the trains are riding around it. Why not put them on baseplates?
  8. Since I was bitten by the train bug two years ago, I have collected the following trains, all RC/PF: assembled: - the 7938 red passenger train; - the 7939 yellow cargo train; - the 3677 red cargo train; - the 60051 ICE passenger train; - the 60052 blue cargo train. Still to be assembled: - another 7938 red passenger train; - the 7997ICE passenger train; - the 7998 green cargo train.
  9. Hi Duq! I stand corrected.... I had completely forgotten that the mat. 64 were (are?) indeed called Apekoppen and not Hondekoppen... I also like the use of this piece, but I still think that it's a little bit 'off the mark" to really capture the feel of a mat. 64.
  10. Last year, I was suffering from a summer flu and i was browsing the internet a bit - and i stumbled on the website of a toy dealer here in the Netherlands who offered the 3677 red cargo train for only 105 euros - with free delivery... I bought it immediately!
  11. I think, looking at it, that is supposed to be an NS (Dutch national railways "Mat 64 Hondekop" (lit. "Dog's head") passenger train of the 1960/70s era (althouigh some still drive on presently!). It works fairly well, although the nose it a bit of... Nice layout!
  12. This is, indeed an amazing town square! I might have missed it, but: is thee an actiaul underground under your city? Or are you plannig to build and operate one? A working metro system under such a city... Oh yes!
  13. Great pictures! I like the way in which you combine 12v en 9v (or is it PF? I'm not sure) and the mountain with the rail construction on top... Brick on!
  14. Yes you should open at least one! (Hell, you should open both and build them!) This too is a great set. It is inspired by the 6400-series cargo locomotive of the Dutch railways NS. It was introduced in the late 1980s and it is still doing its job in the Netherlands... |This set is perhaps the one Lego designed that is closest to an actual real-life locomotive. Build it! Let it drive!
  15. Great video! I have bought and built this set some two weeks ago and I like this cargo train almost as much as the 7939. almost, because being from the Netherlands, we don't have this kind of locomotives around... But when I watched runaway train on one of our commercial channels yesterday night, I appreciated again how much like an american freight locomotive this one looks... It is happily clucking along my lay out!
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