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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. This is great info, thank you! Even if I don't end up going with this build on the Sian, I definitely want to do this with a brand-new car, maybe even the Icarus, it sounds like a blast. I really want more 42099 CV joints, they're fantastic. I also want the new differential; I wonder if the stock diffs in the Sian will be able to handle the power as-is. I did a bit of reading here about the comparison, it was quite insightful; sounds like they're a decent bargain. Some people noted some inconsistencies in different speeds (same Chinese motors, just one faster, one slower) and that some don't last very long. Honestly though, for that price, I'd still be willing to give it a shot, at least much more willing than dropping $100 on a nearly 10 year old motor.
  2. Whoa that is quick! At around $200 CAD/each four BuWizz units might get pricey, but it IS a very tempting setup I almost wish I had a second Sian to experiment with! Madoca's stuff is truly mind blowing; indeed, the way he compacts and takes every bit of power out of L motors is just masterful. I'll check out the Icarus for sure. I was looking at the Chinese knockoff motors as the actual Lego ones are crazy expensive; I do have one from an old, old set, but one won't do if I end up going down that route. I might consider those more seriously now though. Either way, I imagine if I want speed, regular PF components (besides the motors) just won't cut it. I initially thought about putting in 2 XLs with a single battery box, but it'll probably be super sluggish. Thank you all for the suggestions and ideas, this is great!!
  3. That's a very interesting idea... and of course I'd still need BuWizz for this, right?
  4. Kind of what I was thinking. Also why, if I end up getting the BuWizz, I'd just use two XL motors. I guess the only other thing I'd have to worry about at that point is the gearing. I doubt I'd get much speed if I bolt the XLs straight onto the main driveline axle.
  5. It's OK, it's not slow, but I'd want it to be a bit faster than that. And wow, eight L-Motors and TWO BuWizz!
  6. Hey all, I've been pondering about this a lot lately. Ever since I built my Lamborghini Sian a few weeks ago, I've been tempted by RC'ing it (I apologize in advance to all the purists here who would rather keep it as-is) but I personally like to make my Technic stuff move. The Lambo though, I want it to be a little bit more special; I want it to be quick. I've been thinking to get Buwizz, not only for the Lambo, but in general for my MOCs, since it would have so many applications. My question is, will it actually make it faster than say hooking up two XL's to a normal PF battery back. I ask because all in, it's $250 CAD, which is quite a bit of money for a tiny box (one that does a lot of cool things, but still, that's a set right there). A quick search on Youtube found a couple of videos of Sians with Buwizz, but I wouldn't exactly call them quick. Maybe I'm just dreaming... the Lambo is a very heavy set, so perhaps it's not realistic to make it go as fast as I hope. Have any of you tried it on such a heavy Lego vehicle? Is it worth the investment? Any suggestions would be most welcome :)
  7. Absolutely stunning work, your model is truly inspiring in so many ways.
  8. I just spoke with someone at Lego to get a clearer picture on this. Basically the agent told me that those who placed their order on late May 31 or June 1 and whose orders ended up on backorder, are still on the July 2 shipping schedule. He said because of all the factory-shut downs, production has been very limited and the preliminary first-wave sets were gone on June 1. July 2 is the second wave, July 5 the third, August the fourth, at least based on what he was saying. The charge to my credit card is a pre-authorization, so I should get that money back this week or early next week, in which case it will be charged in July when it ships. Kind of unnecessarily complicated, and I will keep an eye on my credit card to see if my money is returned soon as promised. When I asked him if the July 2 date, or any date, for that matter, is guaranteed, he gave me a very deep and philosophical answer, "nothing in the world today is guaranteed" to which, well, there wasn't much else I could say. I'm still not entirely convinced, but I have no choice but to take his word for it... at least, for now. If I get another delay, I'm cancelling the order.
  9. Same. It JUST changed right after posting that. Two months wait? Seriously? I'm tempted to cancel the order and pick it up at a much later time, really not worth this much trouble. Love that they charged my credit card already too.
  10. Backorder has changed (at least here in Canada) by three days; from July 2, to July 5. I imagine this will continue changing. It's also great that it's being advertised literally everywhere and they don't even have anything right now to fill the orders with. Awesome. Seems like the marketing department really outdid themselves.
  11. This still really blows my mind; I would think/feel the same thing. I don't understand how that happened; system must've just been overwhelmed with orders in a very short time period. Or just the inventory of sets was well below average and just ran out. I remember the release of 8043 fairly well. It was again a really anticipated release and when it came out there were several issues; among the colour issues, mechanical design errors that were later corrected by Lego in separate instructions and linear actuators that were problematic and needed replacement.
  12. Yesterday, I had the page window open on the Lego Shop site with the Sian in the wish list (this was around 11 a.m. Pacific Standard Time, here on the West Coast). I checked again around 4 p.m. and again, there was no order button yet, just the Coming soon message. I was tired of sitting by my computer clicking refresh every hour or so and wanted to go on with my day and relax. I checked back in around 10 p.m. and the set was already backordered. So I think different time zones definitely matter, because while I don't know the exact time it became available, Lego's release wasn't a static date as they advertised; because June 1 was already June 1 in some places, and in others (such as for me, here in Victoria, B.C.) it was still May 31. That tells me that majority of the purchases came from other parts of the world where the set had been live for a longer period of time because of the time differences. While it wasn't impossible to get it in Canada (as you have proven) not many were as lucky to get it, because the window of opportunity wasn't very high. I've ordered Lego sets online from Lego for years, and this has never happened; for a set to be released not even for 24 hours and for it to already be backordered... it's absurd.
  13. Ah man that's even worse, I'm sorry to hear that. I can tell you that I feel pretty disheartened about it (like you and everyone else who hasn't been able to get one and likely won't see it until mid-July). I also couldn't agree more. They hyped this set for more than a month, and they knew they were going to have a hit, because this happened with the Bugatti and Porsche; they were big hits. They pushed it via social media, on car websites, and I mean, just look at this forum; it's got 73 damn pages of discussion. So, knowing that, plus knowing that once they run out they won't be able to produce as many right away (because of COVID) they still allowed people to order up to three at a time. I have no problem with people buying multiple copies of sets, but TLG shouldn't have allowed purchase of more than one at a time, at least for the first wave of sets, just so everyone had more of an equal chance to get one, even if it still ended up on backorder. Also, time zones. By the time it was June 1 here in Canada, it was already June 1 in Europe and other parts of the world; TLG's site just said "Coming soon June 1, 2020" so I imagine others had a rather unfair advantage to purchase well ahead of time. I have no one to blame but myself in that regard, as I should've known to go online when it became June 1 elsewhere, but still... I did not think it would be this extreme.
  14. At least you managed to get the first one in (can't believe they have a limit of 3, no wonder they're all gone so fast). When I checked, it was already on backorder. I didn't think I had to stay glued to my computer and hit the refresh button every single second the entire day, but boy I was wrong.
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