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Lucio Switch

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Lucio Switch

  1. 32: 10 20: 6 1: 4 25: 3 19: 2 5: 1 So many wonderful and different MOCs! It was hard to choose and I'm sorry to have left someone out even if they deserved.
  2. I waited to comment until it was completely done. Just when it was, I was a little too busy. But now that I have a bit of time I have to say that it's wonderful...and incredible huge! The lights give to it the right touch!
  3. I hope I'm not wrong, but it does so only partially. It correct a bit the "fish-eye" effect, but if you shoot with a 18mm lens it will be always a pic with a 18mm lens. I suggest to use a 50mm or higher.
  4. Yes, they are there: http://legko-shake.ru/moc/technic/technic-moc/MOC-4027 I found even my MOCs (I haven't received any mail)...I'm not sure what's happening, I'll wait a bit to understand a bit more.
  5. Good luck! I'll not forget you! You put some stone in the Technic's history!
  6. You started an ambitious project, this does not mean it's impossible, just get ready to rebuild many times. If you have the patience to do it, you will gain in experience to complete this MOC and to make more and more better MOCs in the future. Now, I don't want to discourage you, but you still have a bit of step to do, but you are young so you have planty of time! What follows are my tips, but I think the best thing is that you do your mistakes and learn from them. The overall width is excessive. I didn't research info about the specific model, but the width of the truck should be around 2500mm, in "Unimog Wheels scale", it may not exceed 31 studs, if the model is a road truck, and 29 if it is an off-road truck (and these are excess approximate widths). You should try to build the 1st axle using the portal hubs, take inspiration from the Unimog or the Crawler. It must be very robust. Try to rotate the servo motor 90 ° along the longitudinal axis, so you may gain some space for the frame. 2 XL motors, if properly geared down, can work, but I think, given the probable weight, 4 of them would be a better choice. The chassis itself must be strongly reinforced at every point, you have to consider a thickness of at least 5 beams where posssibile. It 'true that in real life the chassis works in torsion, but leaves a little of the work to the suspensions.:-) The scheme suggested for the pivot point of the bed is the same that I used for my dump truck and it works, the panels help to reduce the weight of the structure, but it still remains very heavy, so you should consider to use a leverage system proposed some posts ago. This is what I can suggest from my experience, but I think it's better if you make your own through the mistakes you will make.
  7. Model: Noah Release date: 24-08-2016 Parts: we start from 2 small pieces, but after a while we lost count, however, several billion Dimensions and weight: 50,5 cm of lenght and 3350 g of weight. (dimensions and weight of the box are not available but it's in a good conditions). Thanks to all of you!!
  8. Guys... I have become a daddy! This means that I have to take a break from building MOC, I have some ideas, but for now my mind is too occupied by another things. However, I will continue to follow the forum!! See you soon!
  9. Thanks a lot Sariel to have reported it! I just submitted the requests for take down my two videos!
  10. Yesterday I have updated to the new App version and I had the same delay problem. I have 2 SBrick. One that I done a firmware update in the past and one that I have never done. It was possible to update to a new version only the one that was alredy updated before, the other one doesn't give info about version, temperature and voltage and says that the firmware was already updated, but it wasn't. Fortunately, I still have the old App version on the Ipad, and I was able to do a first update even the other one. After that, I have updated it to the last version with the new app and now it works fine.
  11. Amazing job! I hoped that the wheels around the turntable would give more stability to the crane, in any case it is an exceptional result!
  12. It's time to start to stop to underestimate yourself!
  13. Thanks!! I did not know of this, however, from my personal experience, I can only thank him! From a commercial point of view most of the BI have a too low price, I mean, 15€ for the last Sheepo jeep is to high? Personally no! Simply I think that is a fair price for both the sides, seller and buyer.
  14. Your level is already very high, but this time you've raised the bar! The MOC is really awesome!!
  15. Since I was mentioned a couple of times I think that I have to give my personal point of view. First of all, Blakbird doesn't sell instructions, at least for what I know, he does an enormous work for the comunity in various aspect for free and I think it's inappropriate to add him in this context. Now coming to the point, I'm a worker with a thirty-year mortgage a pregnant wife that will give us a baby in a couple of weeks that will become a student with a budget, so everyone has his life problems, but I'm for sure a lucky guy and I can't complain! Please don't take it in the wrong way, but I build for my personal satisfactions, not for yours. So the instructions are not my goal. At a rough guess, for the Dump Truck, I spent 500 hours between build itself, shooting pics/video and making instructions. The last activity occupies 2/3 of the entire amount of time. Time that I could use to build other MOCs or to be with my family. To do money with BI, I should start to build more affordable MOCs, maybe something like C-models. For sure a 7600 parts MOC, that cost more than 4000€ in parts, will not have lot of customers. In facts, I haven't reach your lowest selling number (500) with all my 3 models together. Now, I'm asking 10-12€ for each instructions, doing some math, I don't think that's a high price. Honestly I don't think is a high price even for smaller MOCs of other builders (not everything is based on the dimensions), and I don't intend to belittle my work with discounts. There would be other things that we would have to consider. But I think I gave a good overview of how much work there is behind. Anyway I admire generous people like Madoca, but I'm not so, sorry!
  16. Good to hear that!
  17. No problem at all! It was just the fact that when I read it I wondered ... ok and so from where comes the 8x8 which is on the square under my office? I really like this one...I just wondering how many 5x11 panels are in this render!
  18. Like I have already said to you, thanks for this review! I really appreciate! But I have to correct you, the 8x8 version exist!
  19. I do not know what the future holds for me, but since it doesn't work very well, I should first fix some things, probably I have to rebuild it..... but I do not think I will do. 12 are not enough, actually you need 13 (and 4 rims need to be the new 6 holes variant).
  20. Hi folks! Finally the instructions are available here: http://rebrickable.com/mocs/Lucioswitch81/dump-truck-8x8 A big thank goes to Blakbird and Theo van Vroenhoven for the indispensable indispensable support and help!
  21. Is possible to have an idea about when will available the "public" option on the profiles? Thanks
  22. I already had lots of problems with 13 studs...I can't imagine at 9!
  23. After the Zblj's video, I have to say that this device is really interesting.
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