- Moruth Swamp Outpost
HSS: Streets of Barqa
Wow that looks incredible. I really love how you use the different sa dish colours.
Avalonia Task 4: Watchtower in Gloomville
Nope actually here due to university. So at the moment bricks, space and money is rather scarce ;) Means that a lot of my ideas are just not realisable currently, or just as very basic versions, which still is fun, as these are the first builds I've made in quiet some years... So I am very grateful for any constructive criticism and suggestions that will help me improve.
Avalonia Task 4: Watchtower in Gloomville
Hey, most parts used do actually come from the lotr warg set. This is mainly due to me not having more than a couple of sets with me. The rest is in a different country. Plus it gave me a first idea on how to build a tree. It will sadly take a little while to build up a decent collection of pieces, until then I am working from a small selection. I will however try and improve the individualism and look over time as well. Concerning its size compared to the base I have to admit that it became much chunkier as I built along than I had originally intended for it to be, so something else I will be working on for the future.
Historican Settlements - HSS
Gloomville on the Gloomy Isles Watchtower
Avalonia Task 4: Watchtower in Gloomville
This is an example of the many watchtowers surrounding the hamlet of Gloomville, one of the larger hamlets of the Gloomy Isles. These watchtowers are used for several purposes. Their main purposes being the ability to see enemies approaching from all sides, however they are also used as lookouts from which to hunt deer and other animals inhabiting the isles lands. Most of the bigger watchtowers also possess facilities to home prisoners for short periods of time. This is particularly useful, as the network of watchtowers on the Isles can be used during prisoner transports across the land. It is surprising how many prisoners need to be transported each year. This is due to the high number of ships ending up stranded around the Gloomy Isles due to the heavy fog and difficult sea passages surrounding the islands. Everyone who ends up shipwrecked on the Isles is considered hostile, until his or her innocence is decided by the law council in Gloomville or the Black Tower Fortress.
The Gloomy Isles- Avalonia Task 1, 2 and 3
Hi thanks for your comment. Concerning the figures and future buildings, the problem is that the absolute majority of my lego is in a different country from where I am. Hence, I am very limited in what I can do atm. And even then, most of my lego is a bit older and I haven't got that much to build with.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Just posted some stuff on my land
The Gloomy Isles- Avalonia Task 1, 2 and 3
Price Pyfrael is the heir apparent to the Rising Sun Clan. The Clan under his father’s leadership rules over the Gloomy Isles. They are a group of small islands surrounding the clan’s main island, the Green Summer Island. It is interesting to note that it is fairly difficult the main island, as it's belt of small islands is also home to many dangerous animals and there are only few save approaches for boats. The islands are covered in dense forests and steep cliffs can be found along their shores. The many small islands surrounding the Green Summer Island are covered with small villages, which make their livelihood out of fishing and the collecting and growing of seaweeds, the main food resource of the gloomy islands. The main population of the islands once consisted of Elves. However, they have welcomed anyone looking for a save home. Today there live many men, dwarfs and others on the island. They are considered as much part of the Rising Sun Clan as the elves and abide to the rule of the clans royal family. -Townfolk of the Gloomy Isles Prince Pyfraels current task is to travel the clans land and visit and inspect the many small villages on the islands and their shores. He does so accompanied by his faithful retinue of Clan Guards. Here he can be seen to inspect one of the many small outposts on the shorelines of Gloomy Isles. He can also be found inspecting the village of Doomington, one of the many small hmalets occupying the Gloomy Isles’ smaller islands. It is composed of a seaweed farm, a woodcutter, a small watchtower and an Inn build on a boat that has been cast ashore and also houses a general store. A. Places: Island village - Doomington The Black Tower – Royal Fortress (WIP) B. Society & Culture · A strong feeling towards the Avalonian laws, lords and their beliefs. · All races are treated equal, they follow the clan’s elvish royal family. Even orcs can be found among the citizens. · Mostly forests and cliffs, some flatlands with farmland. · Slavery is against human rights. · Seasonal Feasts: 1) New Year 2) The Happening, a ceremony where the lads that have reached adulthood pledge their brotherhood 3) The Royal Birthday, official birthday of the current ruler. · Magic is common and mainly used by members of the order, the military wing of the clan’s army. · They tend to be self-sufficient, professions vary from fishermen, farmers, woodworkers, miners and smiths. · Traderoutes to Avalonia, Kaliphlin and Midgardia. The Gloomy Isles supply food, potions made from their various seaweed and metals. C. Ruling class The Royal family of the Rising Sun Clan: - Prince Pyfrael in ceremonial armour. The Royal Family can bee seen. From left to right: Prince Pyfrael dressed in normal army robes, his sister Princess Larya, King Pyrrehel I., Lord Tramere, Pyfrael's uncle. D. Important persons and heroes Auriel Sunleave, Commander in the Clan army and in Prince Pyfraels entourage, together with the half-elf Costa and regular soldiers. The half-elf Costa. E. Rising Sun Clan army Royal army troops. Light Infantry can be seen on the right. Mercenaries.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Thank you all for the warm welcome. If I complete tasks, ie 1 and 2 and 3 for example, how do I go about it? Furthermore I'm currently trying to compete a small hamlet. Hopin to finish it today or tomorrow, how do I post that? Thank you for your help.
Book II - Avalonia: Guild sign-up and Discussion
Greetings, Avalonians! I recently joined Eurobricks and came across Guilds of Historica, thinking it was cool, so I decided to join! Here's a picture of my sigfig. Price Pyfrael is the heir apparent to the Rising Sun Clan. The Clan under his fathers leadership rules over the Gloomy Isles. They are a group of small islands surrounding the clans main island, the Green Summer Island. It is interesting to note that it is fairly difficult the main island, as it's belt of small islands is also home to many dangerous animals and there are only few save approaches for boats. The islands are covered in dense forests and steep cliffs can be found along their shores. The main population of the islands once consisted of Elves. However, they have welcomed anyone looking for a save home. Today there live many men, dwarfs and others on the island. They are considered as much part of the Rising Sun Clan as the elves and abide to the rule of the clans royal family. Prince Pyfraels current task is to travel the clans land and visit and inspect the many small villages on the islands and their shores. He does so accompanied by his faithful retinue of Clan Guards. The yellow circle on the map shows where the Gloomy Isles lie in Avalonia. I am interested in the bigger of the two. I have also created my first MOC today and will post that later. Sorry for the bad picture and built quality in advance , I am unfortunately quiet limited in terms of camera and building pieces.
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