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Frozen Assasin

Eurobricks Citizen
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Everything posted by Frozen Assasin

  1. basically this frack lego for robbing us of a proper mythological line based in China
  2. I am grateful when they deserve it, lol. rn they don't imho
  3. Having finally seen the full list and images I am kind of disappointed. I will try to get Huntress and maybe the original Batman but for the rest, they are all boring and safe choices with maybe Metamorpho, Stargirl and Simon Baz GL as the major exceptions. When I first heard about this CMF series I actually got excited about it since I thought that Lego could go really crazy with it, show us the true potential of CMF and give us some characters that are a bit more obscure or mature to put in regular lego sets. I am talking Swamp Thing, John Constantine, Zatanna Zatara, Dream or Death of the Endless and so on and so forth. Or maybe they could release some really specific variants to tie in with the upcoming CoIE special the CW is planning (I was thinking stuff like Smallville!Clark Kent or a rerelease of that exclusive GA figure they made) or like just popular alternate versions of the characters we already have, like a Bombshell Harley Quinn or Batgirl or maybe a Red Son variant of Superman. Seeing this, especially with the coming price hike, has just left me wanting more. They only made 16 Minifigures, instead of the usual 20 and their choices were the most boring and bland things they could come up with, really. And that kind of disappoints me. But idk, seeing how excited you guys are, maybe it is just me being a sourpuss.
  4. Found this in the maskposting group on Facebook, decided to share. IDK if it is true, but one can only hope.
  5. The problem with a lot of older CCBS-styled themes and builds was that, at a certain point, they became incredibly outdated. We saw that with Bionicle, when pretty much every other single theme relied on universal pieces Bionicle still had to work with an extreme amount of specialized pieces that weren't even reusable (in many cases) within the series self. By 2010, when the series died they were a strange, nearly absurd, relic of the early 2000's, when all the series were like that (think of Galidor, Dinosaurs or Jack Stone. There exists a reason why they all finally vanished around 2004-2005.). In fact, if one looks at the timeline and the changes that occurred back then, then the old G1 system should already have started to fade out around the time of the Piraka and completely disappear when the Glatorian's rolled around. Even Knight's Kingdom, the only line that even came close to the level of Bionicle specialization back in the day had a large degree of regular Lego-compatible pieces and was canceled around 2006. Lego tried, of course, to keep the series on a sort of nearly artificial life support by introducing themes like Exo-Force, Power Miners and Atlantis with them using some degree of Bionicle parts (especially Exo-Force and Power Miners) but even they weren't enough to make the Bionicle pieces as universal as the regular Lego Brick became by that point. Same goes for Hero Factory. I appreciate their attempts at trying to finally create a system that would be just as versatile and compatible with pretty much anything as the Lego brick was with the CCBS systems, but they crashed and burned too when time came to adapt to a new, more...gimmicky, I guess...structure that a lot of other lines had. Stuff like Chima, Nexo Knights, and Ninjago all had collectibility and online compatibility, two things that are now apparently essential for an action Lego theme. Bionicle G2 tried that as well but failed for a lot of reasons, some of which I will talk about later. (BTW - I think that Bionicle might have lasted a couple more years if they went all in into the adult nostalgia angle, but more about that later on.) Right now Lego primarily focuses on two - wildly different - core demographics, both of which have their own unique subset within the Lego genre and both of which appear to be relatively satisfied by the way things are going (if sales are anything to go by.) The future of CCBS might be two completely different things, depending on which demographic Lego will try to address if they try to make a new construction line. The first one are those that are usually seen as Lego's core demographic, in other words - the kids, like between 6 and 12 years old. Those are the ones that lines like Ninjago, Chima or Nexo Knights are made for - flashy, simple, with easily recognizable villains, a collectible aspect, a battle-in-a-box aspect, a transforming gimmick of some sort and usually some kind of online connection. This evolution has gotten so far that even licensed lines like Jurassic Park are already part of this trend. If Lego decides to go this route we can probably expect something vaguely Exo-Force like, with a clear distinction between the good guys and the bad guys, simple mecha's (with a transforming function) that probably have some kind of small antagonist to accompany the bigger vehicle, an collectible aspect and some kind of online game/mini-series attached to it. Funny enough, a couple of those things were what brought G2 down as well - stuff like villains being too similar to the protagonists (made even more difficult by just dual-molding and rereleasing the same mask that the heroes had), a very limited focus on online connection and gameplay and the lack of a proper battle-in-a-box aspect (yeah, Skull Spider vs Toa. OMG, hours of fun.) The other one, that has only become the focus in recent years is the older, mature, nostalgic crowd. Strangely enough, Lego never seemed to actually pander to this demographic (with the exception of Technic) until Lego Ideas (or whatever it was called back during the first years) rolled around, with sets like Back to Future's Delorean. Then they realized that a lot of money could be made from the more mature crowd and those people are the ones that stuff like D2C sets, Lego Dimensions (especially the final waves. I mean, Gooneys? Mission Impossible? Beetle-freaking-Juice? And I am not even talking about the ones that got canned, like Universal Movie Monsters and Godzilla - I highly doubt those were designed with little kids in mind.), Lego Ideas, Brickheadz, Speed Champions, and even the current Harry Potter line are designed for. If Lego decides to focus on this demographic - which I doubt - then we probably going to get models of popular pop-culture figures that Lego can get their hands on and that still look semi-realistic within Lego's parameters. If we are really lucky we might get an actual original line with those people in mind, but I doubt either one of those will happen - mostly because Lego's main major competitor on the market, Mega Brands, has that slice of the pie completely covered with sets that often focus on r-rated pop-cultural artifacts (the likes of Aliens or Predator come to mind) so I doubt Lego will go and directly compete against them. Then again, Mega Brands mostly releases sets for the American market - in Europe, they are as good as non-existent, so Lego might actually try it. I also think that if Lego decided to focus on this demographic for Bionicle G2 and released sets that had a much stronger connection to G1 the line would've lasted for a couple more years, partly being pushed forward by nostalgia and partly by little kids who would often buy these sets because they would actually draw the attention much more than the actual G2 sets did. The latter would probably happen due to the distinct style and feel of the sets and their ability to stand out next to other Lego products. TL;DR - based on current evolutions within Lego chances are big we get Exo-Force by way of Nexo Knights as our next CCBS line. Think whatever you want of that.
  6. Talking about those SW rumors - any chance they might still get to mainland Europe? Like, apparently you folks got no last wave Chima AF, something we had here...so, is there a chance?
  7. Is there any proof that the Mosasaur set was confirmed as a fake? Or is it like those bloody SW AF's where "the source has been reliable in the past, so lets just blindly believe him" ?
  8. And btw - those who talk about shelf-warming sets, ain't the case where I live. Sets usually get sold out pretty quickly in my local shops.
  9. Can anybody link a,like, real source in the lego company ? Untill then - I won't trust any of you, no matter how "realible" you are. Have seen my fair share of that in the past, thank you very much.
  10. You know, if the last set would indeed be Snoke then just the new recolors and pieces would be awesome. Rumors say that in the movie he wears a red-and-gold bathrobe (of sorts), golden slippers (maybe new feet ? ) and generally looks like a Force-using space pimp. If that were to be true, then the pieces and the colors used in Snoke would be a MOC'ers wet dream.
  11. That is what makes it so strangely plausible...but most likely it is a hoax. Why can't he even disclose the name of the books this guy wrote ?
  12. I remember that at some point a 4chan set description actually was correct, so I kinda trust them...although having a series so far into production with a proper sci-fi writer attached to it seems a bit too promising. It seems like an idea posted into one of those "what if..." topics. You know, the ones where people say they would love to see someone like Neil Gaiman or one of the writers of WH4K take on Bionicle.
  13. Feet bigger. That is my main problem. The feet. For the rest - a pretty damn good moc, excellent color scheme.
  14. Well...a reboot of Knights Kingdom with more humanoid style armor and pieces, for starters. A series based around fantasy-creatures (licensed, not ? Maybe Lego D&D ?). Prehistoric animals of all kinds (see - Chima, but even more stylized + more animal-like). A theme around modern animals (this and the previous idea could be merged into one). DC and Marvel licensed characters. An Exo-Force reboot would be awesome (or maybe Pacific Rim ? Hell, even Lego Power Rangers have that potential - and there is a movie coming out about them...so). And of course....Galidor Two - Galidor Harder. With more tie-ins ! More pointless pieces ! More action-figure schlock ! More arms you can shoot off !
  15. Four MOCs. Some of the more sexualized, some less, but all an example of Nuva Boobs. BTW - I am not saying anything, but Retience has in fact lost to one of our Russian MOCers during a contest.
  16. Did I tell you that is actually a non-sexualized MOC in the Russian community's general conclusion ? Believe me, I've seen worse.
  17. May I ask then - what isn't "atrocious " looking in your opinion ? Cause that is one of the best MOCists we have...and one of the few which are still active.
  18. However...http://www.brickshelf.com/cgi-bin/gallery.cgi?i=6171977 - > One of our best MOCers, Red. He's MOST defiantly not stuck in 2007.
  19. So yes, now I get it. Thank you very much for the explanation. BTW - that part about "being stuck in 2007" is actually effin hilarious, since most of us consider 2007 - 2009 the golden years of Bionicle (sometimes together with 2001-2003). And having extremely complicated builds with lots of technic and system parts is also a valued thing.
  20. Actually, the compatibility part is wrong - they are perfectly compatible with Knights Kingdom and a guy build a villain for BftGM contest utilizing a Galidor head. Review itself - 10/10.
  21. I'm from Russia, but live in Belgium.
  22. When I view things and posts like these, I wonder - what is the big difference between you guys and the russian community ? We are all BIONICLE fans, we are all MOCists, but when it comes to CCBS vs Old school topic we take the opposite sides (In the Russian community CCBS is hated).
  23. Paraphrasing Garbage : "Can I have an opinion ? A mind of my own ?" Cause it appears I can't. No, seriously. I just wrote I giant post about how much I love the old system (because I do) but just as easily I can swap my glasses and write a gigantic post about how fu**ing awesome CCBS is, since it seems that people like me are in the minority. The only thing I don't get is why so much people want to convince me otherwise. Can't you just live with an different opinion from yours ?
  24. Size can stay same, and not all parts should be new - but more "unique" parts will be better, yep. Which is a pity.
  25. Because I , personally, think it is much more fascinating to see Lego actually trying to build something and design specific parts for that something, instead of reusing the same parts over and over again. Sure, CCBS has its perks (Grevious is f*cking awesome) and it can make for good titans when in the hands of capable MOCist's...but still. Let's take both Chima waves, f.e. I have Cragger and Fangar, and though both are fine sets...it just doesn't produce an animal feel, y'know ? And more so when you realize that they are using the same parts for a Crocodile, a Saber-Toothed Tiger and a goddamned Eagle. No, seriously. Back in the days (and I'm not talking about 2002-2004) we had different shapes and molds for every single AF or "Cockpit" line if there was one released. The closest thing we had to a generalized system was the one used in Knights Kingdom (seen in Galidor, Exo-Force and Powerminers), but even then Galidor had a bunch of new parts (which were only compatible with Kings Kingdom) and Exo-Force...well, it was Exo-Force. It was damn near perfection. And it also utilized parts from every single Lego sub-production (expect Belville, Scala and Clicketts. Oh. And Duplo). without making them clash. Powerminers also introduced a bunch of new parts including the omnipresent brick with balljoint. And Bionicle was so different from KK that they were (technically speaking...a good MOCist can make everything compatible) incompatible.Ben 10 was also a fine series, which despite its short run, had a lot of potential. And was drastically different from the Stars sets, released the same year. Then we had the first wave of HF, which was again different from its direct predecessors. 5 years later we can say that it looks like that Lego has got a bit lazy with its brands, creating 1 (2/3) creative builds and applying them everywhere. (See - Mixel joints).And when you say it is expensive to have a lot of personal brands, with interesting builds and lots of new pieces every year, just look at MegaBlocks. In their heyday (which was about 4-6 years ago. I think the last vestige fell when they cancelled the Plasma Monsters). they made a lot of sets (my favorites still being Neo Shifters, with their awesome trailer and Dragons, which even made 2 movies), many of whom utilized new and original systems (dual-colored characters, mold able characters,ball-jointed minifigs, Sharks that were big enough to eat a minifig, AF made from fracking magnets, which is too awesome for words) and these weren't that expensive. It is possible, see. Hopefully that is reason enough why I, IMHO, want the CCBS system gone. I just don't want to end up with my Knights being built from the same parts as their Steeds and the Robots from a separate line.
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