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  1. Is it just me, or do I see thin 6L yellow beams on the crane... Looking forward to that. Can't wait to see how to suspension works too. Looks like a solid set from these first photos
  2. I know I build in black a lot. Most of my MOCs are in black, and generally I build other people's MOCs in black as well. For me, I have a lot of black. Almost every set I have has tons of black liftarms, connectors, panels, etc. and less in other colours. To a lesser extent, I guess it also looks pretty solid and holes are less noticeable. Perhaps that's just my own opinion I am collecting lots of orange at the moment and thinking of starting a white collection too so maybe I'll be able to branch out a bit In regard to my first point, I've noticed that lots of smaller sets contain very few coloured pieces. For example, the 42007 motorbike has a completely black/grey chassis and contains only 9 orange parts, yet the main colour is obviously orange. Perhaps that has something to do with it?
  3. I must say, those micromotors are very impressive, as are the grey PP tires! On a bit of a different note, I was wondering if someone could help me out. I have some buggy motors and I'm considering buying the battery pack and steering parts for it, but the seller isn't selling the remote. Do I need this remote in particular? I have a 2514c01 remote that came from the Red Beast RC car, would this be compatible with the RC system? Thanks in advance for the help!
  4. I'm having a hard time fathoming the size of both of these trucks! I love seeing that they drive so well, and also the smoothness of the bodywork - the lack of gaps and holes make it look very sleek
  5. Hey, just wanted to say I saw your exhibition at the BrickExpo! I was really impressed with your collection of models that you displayed, including these ones Keep up the good work!
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