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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. I kind of like the set. I'm still very surprised we can get both figures for $13. I'm definitely buying it. I agree that Batman could have been much better. He should have a gray suit, not a black one. And the cowl should have shorter ears, but I guess they wanted it to cover the chin and didn't want to make a new mold. And for Superman, what hairpiece does he have?
  2. Where is everybody? The trailer is unbelievably awesome and there's only been three posts about it here. Is there another thread where this is going to be discussed? What hairpiece do you think Lex Luthor will come with? Also, here's a new image of a variation of the new Batsuit. Some think that this could take in a dream sequence, since he's fighting an army of Superman's troops. I think it the only way we'd get this minifigure is by paying $75 USD or more at a Lego Store.
  3. Exactly! I think her minifig looks accurate enough! I can't wait to get it! I don't think she'll appear in many sets though. I think two sets would be the most she would come in. Also, I liked the Man of Steel sets. They could have had better builds, but I'm glad I have them.
  4. I really love how the Batmobile looks. I think they did an excellent job. I agree so much! The question is whether Batman and Superman will ever be in a set together. The only set with Iron Man and Captain America was $80 USD, so I think a "Batman vs. Superman" set would cost at least that much. But who knows?
  5. AWESOME! CMF will be amazing! It needs to happen this year! I hope they do that!
  6. Can we just Lego of all these puns? Which Raven do you desire? Because TLG could just be really simple and make the Raven from the Teen Titans show (animated, not TNT or TT Go!).
  7. I know most of you hate the super jumpers, but does anyone know how to make Superman jump out and hit Darseid from the back of the Javelin? He doesn't go far when I launch him.
  8. Just saw the pictures. I will definitely buy the Batboat Harbor Pursuit. That is wonderful. Looks like they'll AT LEAST give the 2012 Robin spiky hair. It'so a prelim, and I'm still wishing for that New 52 garb means Red Robin. It looks like I won't be buying Jokerland. All I want from Jokerland is Beast Boy and Starfire. Should I wait for those 2 mini figures in future cheaper sets or buy them somewhere online?
  9. Wow, I come back to this forum and what do I find? Plant-y of puns. I really hope this new Poison Ivy looks a lot different than the 2012/2013 one. I'm not sure if I'll even buy Jokerland.
  10. Deathstroke from the cancelled Beware the Batman show is a possible minifigure design. After all, they made a version of Batman from that show. You probably wouldn't like if they used this Deathstroke, as he wouldn't have much printing.
  11. I just saw the news! Dang, just2good was right about the Titans figures being put in either of the two sets. Thoughts on the Batboat Harbor Pursuit: I'm really okay that there is no Kiler Croc. The set sounds like a $20 USD one and my wallet loves that. Plus, I'm glad that we'll finally get Deathstroke! As for Robin, I really want him to be Red Robin or the red/black/yellow Robin costume. http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb57887/batman/images/2/2f/Robin.jpg Thoughts on Jokerland: I might get this next year because that price is huge! The zip-line sounds awesome. It seems like a lot of you are excited about the mini figures and vehicles (which I am too), but that zip-line detail really intrigues me. I wish there were other figures instead of Penguin and Poison Ivy. Everything is awesome!!!
  12. Does anyone know of an alternate build of the Bat-Mech?
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