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Banned Outlaws
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  1. Mind if I can just send you it? You seem to have been here a while.
  2. I...I want to show someone the cover of my catalog via email if that's okay? Please, don't spam me about it of course, but I'm looking for someone trust worthy. Someone who won't copy the image or share it.
  3. So does this theme sound like something someone who's just getting into collecting LEGO system sets, can, well...Start collecting? Even though I've been selling 'em for quite some time, I was never really interested in regular blocks--I've recently bought a few large Star Wars sets and a couple MCU sets to begin with.
  4. VBBN lives a tough life as a MOD.
  5. I'm not allowed to say anything pertaining the details of future sets anymore, or risk getting my account locked/deleted. Sorry.
  6. Kang is in limbo right now. It's true that his first appearance was in a F4 comic, but he's primarily an Avengers villain. The whole thing is even more weird than the Quicksilver/Scarlet Witch thing.
  7. This is what was said to me: http://i.imgur.com/mqu6gUT.png
  8. I apologize.
  9. Want me to take a screenshot to show you? But feel free to feel fishy, I could care less lol.
  10. No, sadly. They basically all use the same color schemes as before, except more flat colors. (Ex: Tahu has more red shells, less orange). Gali still has a couple trans-dark blue shells though. Happy Birthday BTW!!! Not really. Yes and no. The new chest piece and changed builds make it so the ball joints are partially exposed. Yes. There's repeating lines that say CONFIDENTIAl Not to be Copied or Disclosed. (or some-such) With a circle stamp in the middle. Pretty much, yes. Onua has trans-purple shells and instead of bones. All the Toa-sized sets have gearboxes.Oh, btw guys. My messaging system was disabled (for whatever reason) so I can't send out photos anymore. I was planning on showing Mesonak the partial cover of the catalog, but it seems like it isn't going to happen.
  11. Around the same size, he doesn't have that 'O' mouth anymore but instead the lower mask looks like a Gundam's face-guard without the vents and slightly squished back. Lewa's mask has that same 'ol grin, but the overall mask seems smaller and more 2008-ish but without the fins. (the mask lewa had with the vehicle)Scorpion has uses a projectile as it's stinger with double joints. G'night btw.
  12. Pray to Christian Stuart.
  13. Reminds me Christian Stuart.
  14. Same deal with Lewa, must be a strange way.I'm not dodging your question, but I may to study over the pics again. I'm not much of a MoCist, so they're pretty alien to me. The bird one in particular uses a new(?) upper 'beak' mold with those robot minifig arms with spikes at the end of 'em as a lower jaw.
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