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About InfurnallDragon

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    Metru Nui Archives
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    Videogames (ARPG/RPG some shooters), Writing, and Drawing

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  1. WoW Legion is introducing a new weapon system and the primary weapon of Beastmasters will be this: http://i.imgur.com/wQ3DY0F.png My reasoning: Flavor text of the item is: "A peerless example of techno-magical engineering, infused with the power of storms." 1. It says "techno-magical" in the flavor text which is how I've always described BIONICLE. 2. It's powered by Lightning just the same as the Laser Crossbow and Kongu's Toa powers. 3. The lightning was a machination of the "Great Beings"-- the "titans" of BIONICLE. A Titan of WoW made Titanstrike. 4. Their shapes are very similar, albeit Blizzard put far more detail into it. The orb where lightning is held in the bow is where the button activating the light effect of the toy was located. The "power button" if you will. 5. Both Kongu and Beast Master hunters specialized in animals. They tame animals and summon them. Kongu has worked with animals practically his entire life, and even got the ability to summon them magically. 6. One of the artifact sockets of Titanstrike is a Wind socket. Kongu was Toa Inika of Air, and his crossbow could manipulate wind. Also worth noting that Kongu could control some Lightning as part of the Inikas' cohesive theme, and many of the features of Titanstrike are lightning-based as well. I'm pretty excited about this, but are there any other BIONICLE Lore buffs that find this interesting or disagree with the hypothesis? I was hoping to find another BIONICLE fan out here who might have more input on this.
  2. I think the LEGO facebook page is trying to yank our chains right now. They re-posted the Legend video with this: More ambiguous maybe-its-all-in-the-same-lore-maybe-its-not inaction. It really feels to me like they are suggesting they are connected while also keeping the strong possibility it isn't just to maintain a neutral point in the whole thing.
  3. For anyone still needing that in english, here is the Protector of Water review on Bionifigs: Brought to you in glorious Googlish!
  4. Ooh! They lined up all the pieces! Thats a lot more trans [blue Color] than I thought there would be! Theres a lot of even number pairings too for a pretty good symmetry in the set and in any MoCing projects.
  5. Why not just have the PoE sit on Onua's shoulders similar to how the Kobold Engineer in Battleforge used to sit on the ogre's: (This is just what I though of when I tried to imagine including PoE's gun without taking him apart) The current "combiner models" are pretty poor IMO. They will more than likely serve some plot significance at least.
  6. That last pic and anything similar always reminds me of this scene in Dragonheart. Looks like fun! Sadly my town ran out of the smaller sets like this (we just have a few dozen combat machines) or I probably would have gotten it.
  7. I already accepted this theory as headcanon when the Vahi theory was first mentioned. It does serve as a bridge while keeping the hard reboot feel for any newcomers. I usually go to Jangbricks for reviews because he shows the entirety of the set. He shows the packaging, all the pieces sorted out to where we can see what we would want for MoCing, the finished form of the set, and then he provides his input of the sets. This provides a great way for the viewer of the review to judge the set for themselves. was the first of his that I saw and it helped me pick my first CCBS set.I did really like the text version of the Protector of Jungle review. The video review of him left me a little unimpressed at his design, but the pictures of him in all the different poses has made me reconsider.
  8. VBBN don't be a troll. Gnuklear is the Gold-Skinned being! Remember? He's the one that transported the Toa Nuva to the new future reality of Okoto. Now they have to fight to get back to the past and default the warlock Gnuklear for all time. I will look forward to those reviews! Theres probably a few I'll skip out on though just to have the clean, totally new experience of opening them for myself. Someone should totally MoC Gnuklear and review him though.
  9. I too was once one of those kids in class that knew too much about arachnids and let everyone else know. Memories. Protip: never tell a reading group of 10 yr olds about the dust mites. Now back on topic: I understand spiders can be dangerous even when small, but there can also be MANY of them. Unless LOSS is not a unique badguy and there are more running around, I will never be able to take him seriously while comparing him to all 6 toa at once. I would also expect the Dragon Bolt effect, where if hes unique he will be shown much larger in animation.
  10. I think LOSS is what happens when you invest a bit too much in the Function rather than the appearance. I wonder what is up with that random red pin in the axle for his pseudo-abdomen handle. You could probably use it with the pinholes of the handle to mod a more complete look to him, I just wonder why LEGO didn't to begin with. Without it he looks so small compared to the Toa. I can see them punting him around like any of the other spiders really. I look forward to buying quite a few protectors. The Jungle one looks really interesting, and the Earth one. Any of the protectors would make pretty good part packs depending on what you are looking for because they bring a lot of rare and unique recolors of pieces.
  11. With that quote from the LMB and this possibility, do you guys think that maybe LEGO could be considering to continue running HF sets? Could be similar to the case of Slizers and '01-'03 BIONICLE where they just didnt plan for success. HF could focus more on the minifigs with Mechs sort of thing (like Exoforce). The minifigures with mechs fighting giant monsters could definitely have a niche in toys. This also provides LEGO an excellent opportunity to show CCBS as a LEGO product to fight the "this isnt real LEGOs" mindset. I like what they are doing with Chima and Ninjago, but those waves doing the Exoforce thing is a one-time thing for sure and Hero Factory could probably keep it for a few more waves at least. More diverse and interesting designs of vehicles and monsters could also provide more showing of CCBS' versatility.
  12. No, silly. Funmetal is a mix of confetti colors aka leftover plastic solutions with glitter mixed in. (The first impression I got when I read funmetal a hundred pages ago) That LOSS is kinda underwhelming. I was expecting him to have some sort of abdomen at least, his handle area looks very incomplete. Dat Miru.
  13. What the Karzhani is that!? Its horrifying! I don't remember seeing him on any of the recent sets I got...
  14. I'd like to request that anyone doing a review with the official sets please show all the parts out of their plastic bags, and maybe arranged neatly so we can see each one. I really like when reviewers do this because it allows us to see every component in the set, rather than just the highlights. Its really helpful for parts hunting for MoCs and such.
  15. Ladies, gentlemen, and biomechanical whatnots: THIS IS OUR NEW ANNIVERSARY EDITION VEZON REMAKE! And to arc: Yeah Ekimu + Makuta(uninfected) double set like Norik+Iruini where in this case Ekimu(instead of Norik) can only be obtained in this box set.
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