Everything posted by Legostone
- [ENTRY] [LARGE] Captain Steve of the Revenant
[MOC][SHIP] Neptune's Glide
@danth @GeoBrick @LEGO Train 12 Volts @Sebeus I @omerai Thank you! Both of these must be coincidences :D Well, I usually build sailing ships, so it might not just be a coincidence :D I wanted it to look a bit worn (and also was running a bit tight on white 1x2 bricks - there is ~700 of them in this vessel), so 2nd option. The dark blue detailing on the engines is also asymmetrical, unlike the well kept golden detailing.
[MOC][SHIP] Neptune's Glide
Hi, Not the first time I try Shiptember, though the first time I'm finishing, even though I'm a couple days late. This vessel has been on my mind for a while; I’d wanted to build a vessel a bit like a podracer - giant engines drawing a small cockpit behind - but decided that would be a bit fragile and rough looking. Besides that, connecting a couple sections by cables seemed a bit like cheating to reach the size limit. So I decided to connect the engines and cockpit with some curves - inspired by any of the Naboo ships, though particularly the N1. Size: 120 studs long, 58 studs wide, 28 studs tall The Neptune’s Glide is one of a few royal yachts of the Akh-Du - a group of Manta people native to another planet quite a distance away. It is the fastest vessel that ever came from their shipyards, outpacing even any of their military craft. The Akh-Du pride themselves in decorating their royal vessels. Their vessels are typically set up to be able to dive down to their cities a couple hundred meters into the ocean; the engines are capable to push the entire craft along even under water. Neptunes Glide is an unarmed vessel that typically travels with an escort of several military craft; however, it has some of the strongest shields available. The generators for those are hidden away inside the hull; only the bump at the bow indicates that they exist. Picture time! Neptune's Glide Neptune's Glide Front Neptune's Glide rear-side Neptune's Glide top
- Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
- Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
[MOC] La Flora
Thank you! Thanks! Also thanks for the Frontpage! Well, maybe I need to see about more then... There is a lot of techniques from that tutorial still in this one, and to top it off I'm pretty sure it is the original hull from the tutorial - @Captain Green Hair would have to confirm that though.
[MOC] La Flora
Hello, I've not shown a vessel here in forever. How about a Frigate? Started in early 2019, this ship stood on my shelf unfinished for almost 2 years at this point. I finally decided to complete the rigging and add the missing sails the last couple weeks. I think this might be my most elaborate rigging job yet, hope it shows! La Flora is inspired by mid 18th century french frigates. First started but abandoned by Captain Green Hair, I purchased the parts from him and tried to stay close to the initial idea. Sails are old curtains, coloured with coffee. Not a single reddish brown piece was used in this ship. Ratlines are glued. No time for long description, here are the pics! Extra thanks to Sebeus, Kabel and Captain Green Hair for their quick feedback whenever needed!
La Comete
Thanks a lot everyone! I think I'm gonna take your advice and tear it down. But not before I have an equivalently sized alternative ready, which is currently just missing rigging and sails (easier said then done - takes forever )
Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
Just found pictures of one of my vessels I never bothered posting, not sure if I should create a thread for it since the pictures aren't that great at all. Sadly it got destroyed during transport back from the convention and since the rigging was messed up beyond repair I decided not to fix it and instead reuse the hull another time. Maybe there are some inspirations for others here. I'll check another time but I don't think I took any more pictures of it.
La Comete
Sorry for digging out such an old thread of mine. I need help deciding. I've had this vessel (La Comete) for about a year now and now I'm contemplating what to I want to do with it. I've had it with me at 4 conventions by now, and due to travel - often by public transport - the rigging is badly worn. Its not super visible in the picture, but the foremast is bent badly and on the verge of falling over, the main is loose, the mizzen has fallen before and the bowsprit keeps breaking off. Besides that, the sterncastle has been knocked off during one of the conventions and since the internal structure wasn't reachable isn't quite stable anymore. Now, what to do? 1 - tear down, new vessel 2 - tear down rigging, rebuild 3 - leave it be and enjoy it as long as it lasts 4 - complete rebuild but back to basically the same vessel (besides small tweaks) 5 - ? I need to decide this within the next week since I have a couple weeks of time now where I can work on this...
Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
Started working on another Galleon, this time a razee. Fairly minimalistic vessel (flat stern compared to usual galleons, not nearly as elaborate detailing around it, but general hullshape still galleon-like) One of the goals for this vessel was making the gundeck significantly lower then my other small galleon - I've solved this by turning the entire sides upside down so I could put cheeseslopes at the bottom of the gunstripe. Not entirely happy with the stern yet, hope I can think of something to make it fit a bit better... Inspired by the Tiger, a british Galleon Razee. ´
Galleon Esperanza
Thanks! Roadmonkey replied about the parts around the windows - its indeed the sprues from the ninjago throwing stars Thanks! Thanks and thanks for the answer ;) Thanks! Thanks! Glad you like the stern, a lot of time was spent on the details :D Thanks! Green and gold just work so well together :D Thanks! Hope to see something inspired by it! Thanks! Can't go much larger then this on the small hulls - I think 3 midsections is the absolute maximum for these. Your vessels were some inspiration for me as well, I think I'm gonna continue building a couple galleons for now - this one was a lot of fun to put together.
- Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
- Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
HMS White Card (Now finished!)
Great start! The bow looks great, but I think you should give turning the droid arms around a go - it might look a little better that way :D With the stern I agree with Faladrin, it would probably look better if you kept it a little flatter and maybe not quite as wide as it is now - not angling the side windows outwards could already help quite a bit, maybe trying to get rid of 2-3 plates below it as well. Line of the gundeck looks great :D
Galleon Esperanza
Hello, I present a small Galleon I've been building recently. Think she'll be a class 4, though I guess its at the upper size for those vessels? Gonna leave it with little words since I think the pics should be plenty and I'm too tired to type out a story :D
- New Ship for 2019
Brethren of the Brick Seas (BoBS) Intro Thread, Era II
yeah, thats what you'll have to do if you aren't part of any TC and don't want your faction to license it. The royal properties have caused a fairly significant impact on some players accounts so pulling one income source away from them is one of our measurements to combat this. This part should remain untouched, yeah. There are plenty of ways to get some DB's into the quinnsville account by then ;) If its already irrelevant in a game where inflation is a big issue why not eliminate another source of (small) income? well, off course we want people to keep building ships But right now there is still enough money in the game for this to be a non-issue. If it ends up being to expensive it might get lowered at some point, but currently ship costs aren't in line with their potential reward anyways...
Account Summary
Looks right to me, can‘t see anything wrong on my end. Can you doublecheck? It may have been enough to have someone capable of editing them reload them (pretty sure that fixed someone elses issue earlier this week already...)
Introducing BoBS Cards!
BOBS cards! A little late (as usual), but in time for the MRCA! @Flavius Gratian Cease, in the name of Her Majesty! Lieutenant Lavendwood of the HMS Intrepid has shown great zeal and tactical skill in fighting pirates, recently driving off Bluebeard himself. Serial: #20 Bonus: +1 to manoeuvre Transferable, assigned to HMS Intrepid @Professor Thaum Good luck and fair seas! The Red Dragon is a lucky ship. A very lucky ship.So lucky, in fact, that it is said it will never be lost at sea! Serial: #21 Bonus: This vessel will always divert to nearest port when in trouble at sea, even if it is not in the same zone. Effectively, it cannot sink outside of combat. Non-transferable, locked to the Red Dragon @Garmadon No guts, no glory! Captain Nordau is brave, many would say bordering on stupid. His raid on Acropolis was, at best, optimistic... Or so his critics would claim. His crew, on the other hand, celebrate him as a hero! Serial: #22 Bonus: +1 to crew Transferable, follows Captain Nordau @MKJoshA A sunken Enemy! The Komodo Dragon II's crew managed to tie a couple guns onto floating leftovers of the Diligente and add them to their own vessel. Serial: #23 Bonus: +1 guns for the Komodo Dragon II Non-Transferable @Bregir Blaze away Having given Montroy himself a bloody nose, and soon a stretched neck, the arrival of the Blazer and Western Wind in Calisto attracted many young volunteers ready to join their crews in their adventures Serial: #24 Bonus: +1 crew for one of the two vessels Transferable between those two vessels I have a surprise for you! The Carnian trade convoy never saw it coming. Out of the blue, Zublius van Wreck sprang his trap on the merchant vessels. Serial: #25 Bonus: +1 manoeuvre for the Reaper Non-transferable
MRCA Deadline January 8
I‘ll grand the extension, holidays have just passed and shipping troubles are expected. But please, already submit the forms already (even with wrong data) as they help tremendously preparing the amrca. Same applies for @Drunknok, fill out the form, we know its delayed but its impractical having to keep track of this manually.
Kings Port Advertiser and Ship List (Vol 3, Issue 7) October-December 618
Seeing all the stats of your factions(members) ships. If it got lost again I can make a copy (don't have access to the original) and send it to a handful of more active SR to spread it further. @Capt Wolf Nova Terreli Tax taken care of.
MRCA Deadline January 8
- Shipwrights Guild Hall (WIPs, feedback, and advice)
The Naval Licensing and Prize Court
I'm the one to PM to change stats Though ideally you could license your vessel as a class 6 with your own stats and I'll take care of removing the duplicate and fixing the costs.
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