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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. My SO who obviously loves me very much, went to our local LEGO shop a little before opening and got in line. Apparently, there were only 12 sets available and thankfully she was 7th in line. Surprised they didn't have more sets at the store. Good luck to everyone else hoping to get a set.
  2. I am surprised the Statue of Liberty passed as an official model. That does not look good, but I will chime in with the rest of how jealous I am to get some sand green elements in PaB.
  3. I picked up a PaB large cup today. Among the usual parts everyone has recently listed such as the Dark and Light Bley bricks, my store had a bin of 1x6x5 Wall Elements in White. I was able to get 18 while packing the inner space between 2 with fence elements.
  4. Went to a different Target in Charlotte, NC today (University City) and they had a maybe half a end cap display left. It took forever to find a queen. I am pretty sure I picked up the last one. They seemed to have plenty of Sharkguys left. I walked away with the Queen, Shark guy, Clumsy guy, and the Janitor. They had the end cap on the same aisle as the Friends sets.
  5. Went by my local Target (Charlotte, NC) today and found nothing. Really looking forward to getting Sharkguy.
  6. I have 1-GE, 1-PS, 1-PR, and 1-PC. The Parisian Restaurant is by far my favorite. The drink cabinet in the restaurant is a pretty simple yet impressive build. I also remember while assembling the blue roof of the upstairs apartment section I thought to my self, Jamie has out done himself with this build.
  7. Yeah my store gave me a HUGE sticker to go with my calendar when I checked out. It covers the December 2015 dates with 2016 dates. It is definitely a big miss, but not that big of a deal, the sticker fixes the problem. Thankfully my GB house box wasn't crushed.
  8. Made sure to go on my lunch break to pick up the Ideas Dr. Who set. Went ahead and got the Dimensions set too along with a couple other things to put me over the $99 threshold for the free Gingerbread House and 2016 Calendar. Thanks to a bank of VIP Points didn't cost too much cash.
  9. I don't much of a winter village at all, so my train is free. I do use the Exclusive Holiday sets from last year to decorate our Stocking holders. The small Elf workshop is on the holder for my Santa stocking, the Ice Skating scene for my wife's Snowman stocking, and the Reindeer for our dog's Reindeer stocking. LEGO makes great sets for extra Christmas decorations.
  10. I am just curious if anyone else is planning on surrounding their Christmas Tree with a LEGO train. We setup our tree tonight, but haven't finished decorating. I am planning no running my Horizon Express around the tree once the tree is decorated. I will try to post a picture. Feel free to share any pictures you have of Trains around Christmas Trees.
  11. Can someone give details as to what coupons come with the 2016 Wall Calendar that comes with a $75 purchase? I am not sure if the coupons are different by region, but I am looking for the US version.
  12. My store had 1x2x2 trans panels. There are studs on top so you can still use for a Train MOC. http://www.bricklink.com/search.asp?colorID=12&itemID=42404
  13. My store (Concord, NC) has recently had a bin like this. I am not sure if it is something they will always have. I just assumed someone didn't fill like sorting out mixed parts.
  14. The new store in Charlotte,NC. (Southpark)
  15. My local store and some 1x2x2 Panels in Trans-Clear. Picked up a ton of those as well as some 1x2 and 1x3 Light Bley bricks.
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