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9v system

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Everything posted by 9v system

  1. i used the 3 drive points from the original version the bucket tower has about 30 pass points so putting the drives every 10 buckets works quite well, you may need to gear it down abit but i can hand crank the whole tower and the 5 modules which are also connected to the same drive very easily
  2. for the backlash issue on the gbc tower, i ran a common drive axle all the way up the length of the tower. this ensured that all the buckets were powered from the same drive and also keeps backlash to a minimum, like @Jude The Lego Dude has already said this is the best solution as if you go any higher than the 8 buckets the backlash gets really bad. i can reactivate that 4 bucket tower page if needed.
  3. @Ankoku did you notice that the drive shaft feeding into the bucket dumper gearing is at a slight angle upwards? if this is true then the bucket dumper gearing must be one plate higher meaning that the dumper will stay open for a bit longer when the shifter is moving across.
  4. been a while since i was last here, great to see you still making more modules, i was wondering if you had instructions for the roller coaster module?
  5. im also interested in the file, having taking a break from GBC to fix cassette decks im eager to get back into it
  6. looks like im late to this but heres my answers for some of your questions. i used a small airbrush compressor for mine. same as @HRU_Bricks i ordered my pneumatic hoses and ev3 cables of aliexpress as you can get them in 1m lengths for the cables and 10m rolls for the hose. i would connect the pneumatic stuff as you build each part. you will have trouble getting the hoses on if you leave it to the end. i took the pressure regulator off my build as it isnt really needed same with distribution block.
  7. nice work @Fyredog, the gear that turns the whole module arround is wrong in the instructions, it should be a 16 tooth gear not a 12, i made a file with the correct changes
  8. i have uploaded the part list to rebrickable, that one should work when exporting to BL
  9. hi all, its a bit late but i wanted to post the gbc layout we had at brickvention this year, i had a large section of Akiyuki and @Berthil modules on display, most of the modules run ok, i had to pull out tilted rotors and turntable cup to cup. @Jude The Lego Dude also brought a few of my old Akiyuki modules i sold to him. for this year im currently building the gbc tower by @diegobaca
  10. how much are you selling it for? and could you send me some photos? thanks
  11. i will take a look at this tomorrow and see what the issue is,i know BL has changed the part id's of some pieces and the white clutch gear is one of them
  12. super interested in the instructions for this one, i wanted to do this as well, your version is excellent
  13. i will send @Jim a message and see what he says
  14. interesting, from what i have seen they work with designers frequently, i am currently getting one of my gbc designs to be possibly made into a set, they have also been nice enough to send me copies of the GBC sets
  15. regarding the stolen designs, there are fake mouldking websites that steal designs. MK have confirmed this
  16. seeing that CADA is allowed here is it possible we could have a thread for mouldking? im happy to start one if its ok
  17. hi Berthil is it possible i can make a file for the double ball shooter? if so could you send me a couple of photos from the other side and drivetrain? i finished tensegrity yesterday and its a very impressive module. now onto parallel steppers
  18. interesting diff mechanism, my only concern is the chains may snap under high loads, i experienced this myself with the akiyuki ball factory, i suggest upgrading to 2 sets of chains incase 1 snaps .
  19. this thread is excellent i shall add this to the Akiyuki project page as well. i have instructions for the ball counter and ball catcher input as well. currently building tensegrity and its a very enjoyable build, some errors in the instructions though so i will post those when im finished also regarding framed robots, i have been testing my grabber design for several days now and its fairly reliable with only a couple of adjustments needed, i guess the real test for it will be at brickvention 23
  20. congrats on the win, i have someone who wants to build this if your going to make instructions.
  21. congrats @Berthil on the win, this was a very interesting contest, i enjoyed it
  22. has anyone tested this? the servo looks like it has proportional control? only downside is it has different plugs https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005005032408581.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.main.89.48b46a98Bw7A1s&algo_pvid=6180ba3a-da4a-482c-a94e-cb0b5d0e7d38&algo_exp_id=6180ba3a-da4a-482c-a94e-cb0b5d0e7d38-44&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000031396784699"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!AUD!64.46!48.34!!!!!%40210213c816711806019961829d0733!12000031396784699!sea&curPageLogUid=jVcWUsy6j8rw
  23. a new GBC layout from akiyuki and others. some interesting changes to his modules here, he has removed the black connections on the ends of his modules. the inputs are now bulkier for some reason. 6 heads output is now moved to the front. basket shooter has a very complicated splitter. screw type 1 has been shortened, same with the output ramp from the cup to cup
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