[MOC]Lotr-The Battle of Helm's Deep
That looks amazing. The explosion is great!
This is awesome! All of the detail, the minifigures. The castle is very well done. The whole thing is just impressively well done. But what is with the (what I believe) Doctor Who police box?
[MOC] Old Republic - Crimson Pilgrim
This is really awesome, it is extremely detailed. The curves are really cool. Everything about the MOC is very well done.
The Paths of the Dead
That's really cool, I like the doorway and the figures on the pillars. I don't think I've seen many MOC's from that scene.
[MOC] On the Hunt
The trees look amazing!
- MOC: Boromir & The Ring
[MOC] UT-AT - Unstable Terrain Artillery Transport
Good job picking out the small details from the movies and building it
- MOC: Mos Eisley Cantina
- [Petition] Save LEGO the Lord of the Rings
Middle Earth Contest Voting Topic
Category A: #2 #4 Category B: #3 #4 Category C: #2 #4
MOC - Mustafar
Let me pick up my jaw off the floor. This is amazing. I thought it was digital when I first saw it. How long did it take you?
Thrawn Trilogy - Heir of the Empire - Myrkr - Hyllyard City- IDSMO - R
That is awesome! Most people stick to the original series or the clone wars, but this is awesome! I'm a huge fan of the books and I'm glad someone did something like this.
MEC Category B: Siege of Karna
This is a great idea, attacking the Southrons. Tolkien never really expanded on what happened to them. Great work!
MEC Category C: Bilbo on the Loose
Really cool. The water is one of the best I've ever seen. Good luck!
Middle Earth Contest entry thread.
MEC Category B: Last Orc Camp
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