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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by BobaFett1337

  1. Hey everyone. I just finished this absolute beauty of a model after following this project for years. I am just thinking about adding a different stand and I tried to download the LDD File for Churcholos Stand but it appears the server, where Churcholo uploaded it to, isnt working anymore. Does anyone have the LDD File available and could send it to me or reupload it? I would really appreciate it.
  2. Yeah I used glue like it was advised in the instructions on the 1x2 plates and the arch pieces, where the legs attach to the ankles.
  3. Just finished this beauty ! Thanks again to cjd223 and of course cavegod, and all my Bricklink suppliers, too :D
  4. Oh i see, thanks for your answer. I just finished building the body including the head and the sides and I am now making my way to the legs. The instructions are great so far. Some things are a bit tricky to attach, but other than that it's going great. Once I finished this beauty, I will be posting some pictures. Just one more quick question if you don't mind. Would you say glueing the feet/ankles, like advised in the instructions, is necessary if I want to display the AT-AT on the base ? Or is it just a recommendation out of experience ?
  5. Hey @Cjd223, I think I found a little mistake in the instruction or maybe I am seeing something wrong. On Page 284 there is a Dark bluish gray Slope 2x2 attached to the plate and on the next step, the 1x2 Slope attached right next to it, is in Light Bluish Gray. Is this intended, or are they supposed to be in the same color ? Edit: I found another thing. On page 300 between steps 16 and 17, there is a 2x1 brick with grille attached to the bottom on the neck, and then on step 17 it disappears and a 2x1 brick with axle hole is being placed.
  6. Hey guys, I used Cjd223s rebrickable parts list for bricklink and ordered all the parts for this model. I noticed one thing on my wanted list though. I didn't choose a color for the parts which had "Not Applicable" as their color and I noticed that the "Wanted List" counted the colored parts also as the "Not Applicable" parts. For example, I order 20 Light Bluish Grey 2x2 Bricks, they are counted as 20 Light Bluish Grey 2x2 Bricks AND as 20 Not Applicable Bricks, and that's not the outcome I want out of the "Wanted List", because it now ordered less bricks than needed. Is this a common problem with bricklink Wanted Lists ? Would it be advisable to choose a color for the "Not Applicable" pieces beforehand ? Otherwise I got almost all pieces together and I am REALLY looking forward to building this monstrum :)
  7. Just bought the instructions and I am now trying to get the part. So excited :)
  8. Man I have been in love with this model since i first saw it years ago on Lego IDEAS (Cuusoo back then) and I have been on the edge about ordering the parts on bricklink. Now with the updated parts list and manual on the way I don't think I can withstand it anymore :D Really looking forward to your work Cjd223 and thank you for doing this (and thanks for Cavegod, too. Of course.) :)
  9. Got myself the 75060 UCS Slave I about a week and a half ago for 159,99€ . Absolutely in love with this beautiful model.
  10. I read some people claiming the TIE to be available at the Legoland in Germany and there is even at least one on the Germany eBay (apparently the real set and no preorder).
  11. haha yeah, the camera of my phone isn't the best :P Got one that i made a few months ago, when I didn't have the X-Wing yet. http://i.imgur.com/o1HOK.jpg
  12. Here is my display :) http://i.imgur.com/FggMO31.jpg http://i.imgur.com/IK7vzvJ.jpg
  13. 199€ in the German shop. Yay \o/
  14. The maximum height is about 34cm. Hope that helps. If you need more information, just ask ;)
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