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Eurobricks Vassals
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    South Africa

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  1. Wow! These look amazing! What are the custom parts made of? Green stuff?
  2. I'd like to go to Europe with my family and see all the wonderful historical museums and sights! Museum by rip_curl82, on Flickr Thanks CopMike for hosting this raffle! Merry Christmas everyone!
  3. Perfect!!! The only thing I would consider changing is replacing one Hunter orc with that (I don't know his name) one eyed, pale, deformed face orc leader. Great work!!!
  4. Awesome!!! I love the snow around the rocks, it looks very realistic. Great job! I have the same question about overhang.
  5. Wow! This set is perfect in every aspect!!! Post this on the Lego Ideas, you'll get lots of support.
  6. Great work! You've really done a good job making it look like a set. Those fire pieces really compliment the moc well. Good job!
  7. Fantastic work! Lol. I really like the river and the trees. Great idea!
  8. MEC Category C: Dangers in Mirkwood http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=101522
  9. Hi all, This is my creation for the Middle Earth Contest category C. This moc is from the second Hobbit movie (The Desolation of Smaug) and it depicts the scene where Thorin and company are attacked by the Mirkwood spiders in Mirkwood. This is one of my favourite scenes from the movie and therefore I chose to recreate it in Lego. My moc features the tree Bilbo climbed, the old elven path though Mirkwood, one Mirkwood spider and the Mirkwood forest floor. I would love to hear what you think of my moc and any improvement suggestions you may have. Hope you enjoy it. The contest rules it say, "16 x 16 with minimal overhang". Could someone please let me know if my creation's overhang is too far. If so, I'll change it. Thanks. https://www.flickr.c...04/15575444822/ https://www.flickr.c...th/15574570445/
  10. Wow! Awesome moc! I like how you created the river flowing under the cellar. The interior detail is also very well designed. Good job!
  11. Fantastic moc! The inside is very well built and your rock work looks very realistic. Great job!
  12. Awesome build! I love the azure color you used for the ocean.
  13. Count me in! An Osgiliath set would be awesome!
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