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Everything posted by Corvette3

  1. This reminds me of the previous time you talked about fake lego only you were a lot more supportive of it, you live, you learn i suppose. Chinese-produced products are often a gamble, sometimes you get what you pay for and sometimes you wonder how badly you got ripped off.
  2. Oh well pics of the mod might be cool then, i was surprised as most cars the 380(and other motors) is designed for use high quality bearings to reduce drive train friction(motor killer) and lego does not have any of those
  3. A titan 380? i'm surprised it can handle the weight. Go with the 775 hehe.
  4. I still believe they wanted to make a good set, i wonder if something went wrong somewhere... I wish it was not so bloody expensive here though, i would still get one. Hopefully if this line continues next year we will see improvements
  5. Volvo is a certainty for me, And maybe the Klaas.
  6. I know the pain, but $250 probably wont happen anywhere even used, id settle for $350-400 at best.
  7. Man its $500 here, the Arocs only cost me 300, im not sure if i want it that badly :(
  8. Gears waste energy, less is better unless you need lots of torque. you will need one remote/receiver per 2 functions.
  9. Anyone know the AUD retail price? i'm ready to fall out of my seat.
  10. Oh i don't even want to know what it will cost in Australia...
  11. Heh, Mega-blocks as a swearword replacement...
  12. Man there is nothing i hate more than discrimination, that might explain why most stores i find have very little Technic but loads of everything else.
  13. Not bad, its not quite long enough, but its good start.
  14. I might sound stupid here but, how do things get from the wheel to the conveyor?
  15. Man i preferred the optimistic speculation, can't we just wait and see?
  16. I hope it wont be too hard to get the Porsche in Western Australia we don't get much Technic at my local stores, i only just found the 42043 that i promptly placed on Lay-buy.
  17. Lucky you, amazon won't post Lego to Australia :(
  18. I have seen models with 4 XL Motors but no details on how diffs hold up.
  19. If i am not mistaken the release date is supposed to be December 1 but most stores don't care and release early, it happens with video games too, it was possible to buy fallout 4 in Germany a whole week before release.
  20. I think the 8285 is cheaper than the metal hook at the moment.
  21. F1s with PP tires? really? that'd be quite a sight.
  22. I feel like TLG knows what they are doing, the outriggers on 42009 were a little disappointing, they where a technical nightmare and they could just barely manage to lift it, i feel like these are a good idea as long as they can still have a decent range of imaginative uses,(Sariel's fire pump) we will come to accept them, now if i could only get one of these bloody sets here and for a good price... not likely.
  23. Really? I built the 42030 and accidentally put one of them in backward, and did i frantically ask message boards for help? no, i calmly disassembled the past ten minutes of building, flipped the rear diff and calmly resumed building Honestly some people really lack common sense. BTW i was only joking with the 18+ comment, relating it to an R movie or something.
  24. How about Technic 18+ "looks both ways awkwardly"
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