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  1. This is Invindra, my daughter's and my CCC XII entry that I will GoH-ize (it'll be more than just changing the flags). Invindra is a school of magic located somewhere Witherwoods. It magically moves so that only those who qualify may find it, allowing the school to avoid those pesky border wars that pop up from time to time. The school itself is built around a floating tree of life, a magical focus that enhances the abilities of the teachers and powers the school. Mages, wizards, and paladins from across the four (five?) realms are welcomed and trained together. I've tried to reflect this cohesion (at least on the combat side) in the towers where combined forces of paladins, casters with their familiar, and footmen (and ballistas) form the defensive core for each tower. The dragon nest, of course, provides is own protection. My goal is to turn this into a settlement (at 64x64 studs and 1 meter tall, I think I have enough features already to qualify as a village), though there are many future story telling elements to this build that are forth coming. I'll post better pictures when the first phase is done, and when I've found better photo editing software. I blatantly copied drew a lot of inspiration from DNZ's Phean with the central tower. Edit: I guess I still need my sigfig?
  2. If you need inspiration, look at what everyone else has done. Look at the technique how-tos. Figure out what appeals to you and what you can build given your available pieces. Once you have something that interests you, start putting pieces together. Many people plan beforehand. I just slap pieces together. Figure out which method works for you. Start small. You can't make a behemoth build without the component structures anyway. Make things modular so you can easily upgrade as you pieces and skill increase. Your build will grow over time. I have to echo Mike. Build for you. If it's not fun, why do it? Acclaim will come eventually, but it will never come if you never build.
  3. cookiesdad replied to cookiesdad's post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    Thanks everyone. Heh, these guild rivalries seem to be fun. Truth be told, my building style is closest to Avalonia, with Mitguardia a close second. However, I've been loyal to the crusader knights ever since that little 6080 castle when I was a kid. Unfortunately, I also own a total of two green flags, so it's Kali for me.
  4. Thanks everyone! Now I have to go build and deliver. Back to Bricklink I go... I just realized that I don't even have the right head for my sig-fig.
  5. Thank you for the welvome everyone. Woops. I meant Wither Woods. Guess I've been reading too much GoT. NiceMarmot and Robuko, My build style is probably closer to Avalonian (but I can't abandon my crusader lions), so a place on the border is appropriate. The architecture doesn't quite fit in most of the towns, especially Petraea, and the build itself is designed to be a self sufficient structure (gatehouse, walls, turrets, keep, mage tower, stables, hatchery, hint of moat, etc.).
  6. cookiesdad posted a post in a topic in Hello! My name is...
    I'm a long time lurker who finally decided to join. I started off with the classic 6080 as a little kid, and ended up spending much of my first paycheck on Legos. Having a baby put a complete halt on my building, but now that the kid is older, I have time and an excuse to start building again.
  7. Hello Everyone, I'm a looooong time lurker who finally got a little time to build. After much reading, I think Kaliphlin is the guild for me. My first moc is one that I'm currently building for the Colossal Castle Contest (I don't want to count the Bricklink orders I've gone though). I've seen many people reference "GoH-izing" builds from other purposes. May I do the same with this one? If so, may I claim a random spot in Whispering Wood (my brick palate is completely grey, but all of my mini-figs are crusader lions an I own all of 1 green flag for Avalonia)? I'll eventually seek village qualification for it (I think this build will have all the required points except the food production). Also, from a thematic perspective, the moc is a mage school. I've seen may people reference magic in GoH as something rare. Will something like a mage school for the four lands fit in this place?
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