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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by hockeyboy89

  1. I'm not sure it's the Avengers quin jet. I looks more like the jets at the new avenger HQ at the end of AoU. They were def smaller and different.
  2. I had the majority of parts already. Most were the old light gray color. Once I subbed colors that weren't important, it's coming out nice so far.
  3. I'm building one myself. I'm using the older light grey pieces I already had to give it a worn look, so I'm looking to come in around 250.00 total once I subbed some part colors. Loving it so far.
  4. Mine says in warehouse as well.
  5. Found the cube at Target in Dallas TX. Pretty cool fig.
  6. hockeyboy89 replied to boonc's post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    Very nice my friend.
  7. I'm sorry, I don't have the receipt. If I come across it, I'll post it.
  8. Got the Carnage set at Target in TX last week for my son.
  9. My wife bought the Ant Man set at the Lego Store in Dallas. Putting it together right now!
  10. I'm using an older Obi Wan head and I've Brasso-ed the sideburns off.
  11. Can we rename this the "Raven/Harley Hairpiece" thread?
  12. Man, all this b*tching for a damn hair piece? It is source material after all, just depends on your source. I thought the Raven nuts were bad.
  13. The price for the Hydra fortress doesn't bother me....toys r us send out 20% off coupons all the time so that drops the price to 39.99. That's fair for that set.
  14. My TRU has the Quinjet, tower, hydra castle, and hydra chase. I didn't get any though
  15. I got 5 today. They were at customer service. I had an opened package from one I got on eBay, and asked her to look it up. She asked how many I wanted then pulled them from underneath the counter. Good luck all!
  16. Well there we go......cause you're 21 and have other expenses that should prohibit anyone else from getting something you want. But since I'm 41, have a FT job and use my tax refund and bonus money to travel, I shouldn't get something because you don't have it. Makes total sense.
  17. Any chance people there bought Lego in the past? I think they may be just as faithful. If I save money and take my kids there next summer, I'm rich? Nope, I just saved my money.
  18. Yep.....the entitlement that people shouldn't have something because everyone else can't have it is silly. The more anger I read on here just warms my heart. It's not the fact that these figs aren't available to the public, they are on a second hand market, it's the cost associated with getting them. Which is why they are intended as a gift to those attending. That doesn't entitle everyone to have one. I'd like to have a Green Lantern, black suit Superman, or Green Arrow as much as the next guy and I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE TO GET THEM. But again, cost is an issue. It'd still be cheaper than a flight, hotel, rental car, admission and everything else associated with being LUCKY enough to get them. So to those that can get them, good luck and enjoy......or sell them. Someone will complain about it, but will still end up buying it because either "they have to have it" or, just want it. People on here sound like children because some other kid got a toy and they didn't so they will kick and scream on an Internet forum raging about Lego is an evil corporation. And as we tell children, just wanting it doesn't mean you get everything you want. Save your pennies, it'll get you closer to getting your figs than venting here about it. I don't have the money to just buy these figs, and I'm still ok with it. I'm just open minded enough to realize what they were.....a gift.
  19. Actually he's not. I've said the same thing and other have to. I have no problem with Lego rewarding fans with special exclusives for making a trip. I'm planning on going next year to SDCC and hope I can get something for me and the boys. It's the elitists that are making this such a big deal.
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