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About Dukesc

  • Birthday 02/16/1983

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    New London, Wisconsin
  • Interests
    Lawn mowers, tractors, cars, trucks, motorcycles, snowmobiles, atvs, camping, hunting, fishing, fish, dogs, gardening, bicycling and Ertl tractors.


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    United States
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  1. Maxim, you've definitely touched on a sensitive subject and I respect your views. I would like to share with you another perspective though since most of the time this is not a black and white topic. For me, BoBS is strictly something that is fun and enjoyable. It can't be treated like college where you address things such as attendance, participation etc. After I've had several life changing events happen to me in the last year, it's always been comforting when I'm welcomed back rather than trying to figure out how to continue or start over. It was greatly appreciated for those who held down the fort for me while I suddenly diverted my focus on my current situation. I just hope everything is OK with those who left suddenly and, if possible, look forward to their return. Reporting can be perceived in several ways. I'm sure some communicate outside of EBs and if you know someone is taking care of business then you can focus your energy on more pertinent things. As far as handling other's accounts, I don't think anyone is going to force you to do so. If you choose to stop, things may not be taken care of for you in the event you really need them to be though. I think so long as someone is willing to handle another person's account that they should continue to be allowed to do so. I don't think it would be unrealistic for leadership to establish a freeze, account delete, etc, if someone has been gone for some established time(maybe a year or more?).
  2. The Royal Arsenal of Astrapi requires a large barracks to house the troops who are always ready to put their lives on the line for The Crown. This barracks can hold 43 of Oleon's elite troops in the finest of upscale luxury. Every soldier gets their very own wardrobe, headgear display, weapon holder and matching blankets! So shared by all is a central fireplace to ensure they get a good night's rest and are always ready to perform at their peak! The barracks is two stories tall, measuring 106x16 and has an overall footprint of 126x22. This barracks was inspired by some of the super ancient, in my eyes, barracks that I've stayed in while at Ft McCoy WI.
  3. The Wolf II is owned by Oleon. It was purchased during an auction and never owned by me.
  4. Good morning Sir. Good morning. You requested my services? Yes, please take these plans to our shipbuilders and have another one made right away. Yes Sir!
  5. It's good to hear from you Brandon! Like others have said a lot has happened here recently, but you have to take care of your home life first. BoBS will be waiting for you whenever you're ready to return. Best wishes ans I hope all is well!
  6. There's a lot of nice detail crammed into your build. The wooden poles sticking out of the side is my favorite part! The imperfect walls are made perfectly.
  7. Your lighthouse is very well done! That landscaping looks really good too!
  8. The building and quay are done well with the color variations and texture! I like how you portrayed the upset merchants with fitting facial expressions. Even the door broken off the hinges looks correct with the storming of a warehouse. Overall very nicely done!
  9. Another perspective of the news and definitely WTCish. It's always good to see things from someone else's point of view! The recipe is a neat touch and it's nice to get a little advertising for prospective builders for your settlement. I found it interesting to have 'passing away' and 'Sexiest' in the same sentence.
  10. This a very nicely made gun boat! I like the overall layout with the mortar and cannon locations. You did a good job with making the bow and stern. Having a mast is a nice feature too.
  11. The name is definitely funny, but fitting. Nice MOC and it was fun to read. I am wondering if the Elite can be beat or if they are more like Chuck Norris?
  12. Nice micro build Kotz! There's a lot of character in those buildings for a microbuild! I like the rooflines everywhere and how the warehouse connects to the main part.
  13. That's a nice gunboat! I like that it has a rudder with the option of a mast and sail.
  14. What a neat build! I also like the cutout so we can see the inner workings.
  15. The Mk.II design is improved indeed! You have gentler sloping sides and having more oars will certainly help your speed and maneuverability. The blue flag is a nice touch. On the Mk.III, if that is a thing, I would use one more set of hinges and make the front come to a point. If you decided to go longer, it wouldn't look too bad either. You could always add a tiller steer as many of them had as well. Overall good job!
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