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Eurobricks Vassals
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About Gondorfan

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  1. I believe that the UCS slave I will have much better value in a few years as the Slave I contains a rare Boba Fett whose value will increase just like the Cloud city Boba Fett.
  2. Thankyou Yes I spent alot of time on it. Thanks It was a scout trooper
  3. Here is my attempt at recreating the forest moon of endor it features roughly 16,000 pieces I am to slowly expand it to include taller trees Back view of the battle by Lego Ewok Freaks, on Flickr Wicket admires the MOC by Lego Ewok Freaks, on Flickr Battlefield:Endor by Lego Ewok Freaks, on Flickr Ewoks watch the battle unfolding by Lego Ewok Freaks, on Flickr Chewbacca hijacks a walker by Lego Ewok Freaks, on Flickr Ewok villiage by Lego Ewok Freaks, on Flickr Battlefield:Endor by Lego Ewok Freaks, on Flickr
  4. How can I show my Moc profesionally? http://www.eurobrick...howtopic=103411 My Moc skills are great but my photography skills mean that my Moc is often overlooked
  5. Thankyou I wish I had pictures from a better angle I have begun to add a third wall, I will post updates soon. My armies have grown substantially!
  6. Hi, can anyone tell me the dimensions of this amazing model?
  7. Here is my humble attempts at Napoleonic stopmotions. ill be adding some more soon. Tell me what you think
  8. What? Lego fried my Youtube account for posting pictures of these sets while posting them in an official catalogue Lego has truly let the cat out of the bag.
  9. Thank-you, the armies have been slowly built over three years. The only problem is I have no idea how to show off the moc professionally.
  10. Check out my Flickr for more photos and more progress . It's epic i'm constantly adding minifigs and buildings to this MOC. Glad to see that people like the MOC. Thanks. I 've done about 80% of the work with a few people contributing some minifigs. It's taken me 2 years and I intend to spend years continuing it, the only thing that's stopping me is that LOTR mini-figs are getting really hard to find.
  11. Thank-you, I am slowly slowly adding more to this MOC.
  12. Just showing my Orc army from LOTR from 6 months ago. When I can be bothered I'll post my Gondor army 130 mordor orcs 60 Haradrim 6 Cave trolls 2 Elephants Orc army by Lego Ewok Freaks, on Flickr In total our group has over 250 orcs now!
  13. I have put this magnificent project on hold for a year as I am doing a SW MOC. However I will shortly show off my expanded armies and show you how it looks now. I plan in the future to keep building this MOC for a long time. check out my youtube and Flickr for the final result
  14. Great army you almost have as many orcs as I do! 130 orcs + 5 cavetrolls This was before I ordered another 60 off B/L
  15. Great mini figs- Gondor soldiers are some of the most expensive mini figures to customize, with mine I used the CMF Heroic knight to create an army of over 100 Gondorians. flic.kr/p/pthxXn I wish I could afford to equip my whole army with those helmets!
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