Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Have u guys seen this? Giant Man build!
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
The iceman is based on this Custom http://www.minifigur...tom-minifigure/ . All these designs are taken from existing customs available on ebay or other sites, which cost about 50x the price (no exaggeration) of the bootlegs. Even if there's some quality loss...honestly no contest. Personally I was hoping they would clone this one with glittery transparent plastic, by far the best 'ice' translation I've seen to date.
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
New SY deadpool set... Check out more pics HERE!
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Have you guys seen these star wars connectable bases? Would be great for making an iron man lab / x-men danger room or something.,searchweb201644_0,searchweb201560_9
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
looks like Dargo is making transparent vehicle sets now...they look pretty terrible :S,searchweb201527_4_71_72_73_74_75,searchweb201560_4,searchweb201527_4_71_72_73_74_75,searchweb201560_4
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
I came across someone selling SY Ghost Rider individually, I remember some people were asking about that in the past... gotta say I love all these single sales that are happening now. Would much rather purchase singles at a slightly higher rate, than 8 minifigs where I only want 3 of them. http://www.aliexpres...archweb201560_4 Also Deathstroke from the new line is already available as single, so you can skip all the arrow characters...,searchweb201527_4_71_72_73_74_75,searchweb201560_4
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
looks like lezi did a Fantastic Four set, although not really sure that dragon ball z hair is workin? Maybe good for a ghost rider custom? http://www.aliexpres...2444777232.html
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
I wish they would sell the sentinel build on it's own. I want a couple extras, but don't wanna buy the whole set :)
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Hrmm... there's no feedback on the account. Not too sure. Might be too good to be true?
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
I noticed SY is selling a new set of blank figures as well. This seller has them priced really high, but maybe they'll be cheaper elsewhere?
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
hanmei is selling those transparent minifigs from Dargo. You can get a better look, maybe good for customs?...
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Closer look at decools new league of legends figs, also for sale. Also for anyone doing customs, this might be a great option. Wonder what the quality and compatibility of these is like.
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
New SY guardians set is out already
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
He keeps reposting them, found it here...
Bootleg Super Heroes minifigs - worth it or not?
Mine is from I think the best one I've seen is phoenix customs... (but pretty expensive). There's also this one that is modelled after the lego marvel superheroes game... hope that helps!
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