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Eurobricks Vassals
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Everything posted by princeofgonville

  1. Wow. I wish I had space to display so many modulars. I especially like the way you have increased the width of the pet shop, the cinema, and other models. I want to do the same as well (and wish I had more time - as well as space). Did you also add an extra floor to the town hall?
  2. @Notaromantic, I share your interest in doing my own versions of the Modulars. Sorry to hear about your empty envelope though.
  3. I have three of the old grey ones (which I keep losing), and none of the green or orange ones. Removing tiles is a right royal pain on the fingers - even when using the back of a Minifig spanner (which I believe was encouraged in the instructions in one set). I am currently using a non-Lego metal screwdriver to remove tiles - apologies to the purists: not ideal and I am worried about scratching. So .... big ask ... if you have too many orange separators, I would be very happy to accept one. Princeofgonville (London, UK).
  4. Yesterday was Remembrance Sunday (the closest Sunday to November 11th). I wondered what feelings a toy soldier would feel remembering the sacrifice of his fellow soldiers. I felt quite emotional and sad making this. They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, We will remember them. (Binyon, 1914) Princeofgonville, London, November 2014 https://www.flickr.c...le/15135517824/
  5. Duchessa, that's exactly what I have in mind. I am also planning to use tan 1 x 8 arches - it looks good on yours. The use of the black hoses is also a smart move, which looks right on the model - the white ones are currently going for US$12.00 a piece on BL (B+P doesn't even list them for Market Street!) but they're about US$0.12 each in black - and I have enough in my collection already.
  6. Is there something magical about Poland, that you guys keep pushing the boundaries and doing amazing stuff like this? If I move to Poland, will I be able to create stuff like this too? Absolutely stunning model, and I wish I had the time and the bits to make something like it. Well done.
  7. I like the way you haven't done the obvious and used a standard skeleton minifig. Your skeletons are great.
  8. I had no idea you could even get seagulls !
  9. I am gathering the pieces to build Market Street. The dark blue bricks are extremely expensive, and I have chosen instead to use regular blue. In my version the dark blue arches will be replaced by tan arches (of which I already have 3, and they are very cheap on BL), which match the rest of the market part on the left.
  10. This is my first MOC post on Eurobricks - hope you like it. Lots of commuters are leaving the underground station. Play well princeofgonville (https://www.flickr.c...inceofgonville/)
  11. Wow! I am going to have to re-build all my vehicles now. These are awesome!
  12. Welcome Stustaff, fellow Londoner. I think you're supposed to upload pictures to a separate service (e.g. Flickr) and then post the link in these forums. I also confess to owning some Duplo ... there are cool animals, and I intend (one day) to use some of the bigger Duplo bricks as structural support in sculptures. Pog.
  13. The sockets! The door handles! Is that a white spaceman helmet for the radiator control ? And what piece did you use for the flower pot? Genius!
  14. I've started building a clock too ... but with all the Lego I've collected over [too many] years at my disposal. I can't believe you've made a clock out of *one set* ! Stunning. The bit of the video where it falls off the table is absolutely priceless :-) Well done mate.
  15. Hello again Slegengr, I like your solution. It addresses another problem that I was trying to resolve, and it's tidy. This is the solution I came up with for filling the gap between the 4x4 and the 2x2 macaroni: Play well. PoG.
  16. Hello everyone. I have several of part 48092 (4 x 4 round corner, like a "big macaroni") http://www.peeron.com/inv/parts/48092 I have loads of part 3063 (2 x 2 round corner, also called "macaroni"). http://www.peeron.com/inv/parts/3063 But I cannot find anything which is a 3x3 round corner AND that fits in between the above two parts. Or a 3x3 quarter circle plate which fits inside part 48092. I have some plates which are 3x3, but the curvature doesn't fit inside part 48092. Is there such a piece as the one I'm looking for? If this is all gibberish, please let me know.
  17. Hope you don't mind if I chip in from my experience. If you are considering buying rechargeable AA batteries, there are very good ones and very bad ones. The best seem to be the ones made by "Eneloop". They consistently get good reviews on radio-controlled car and aeroplane forums, and are supposed to be good for several hundred - even thousands - of recharges. They might be a bit more expensive than other rechargeable AA batteries, but it's worth investing. HTH.
  18. Hello Eurobricks. Prince of Gonville here. My interests are Technic (I'm currently building a working clock), space, castle, and making buildings. I have a number of trucks (8-wide) too. I hope it's OK to link to my Flickr page here. I started building stuff out of Lego in the 1970s, and still have some of the early "Pat Pend" bricks. Some of the really old ones have warped, and don't stick together properly. My teenage years were mostly concerned with Technic. I was recently in exile from my Lego whilst we rebuilt the house. My other interests? I'm a writer, a dancer, a worshipper, a husband, a dad, I like working with wood, I love peanut butter, but I hate cottage cheese. My biggest problem is that I don't have enough time to do all that I want to do. Cheers PoG.
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