Decal Wish List
I'll see what I can come up with. :) Though I do have a few questions in regards to how you want the decals to be made exactly! I'll PM you.
Hello, same here! Finally decided to join. :3 Welcome to Eurobricks, friend!
Dalek Sram
Hey Mark :3 Welcome to Eurobricks, I'm new here myself. Trying to reach that ten post count so I can actually do some things. XD Nice to meet you, friend!
Another Canadian
Welcome to Eurobricks, fellow newcomer! ^-^
Hello to all! My name is Cindy
Hello Cindy! Welcome to Eurobricks, fellow newcomer ^-^
Hello my name is Ted.
Hi Ted.
Greetings from London
Greetings! Welcome to Eurobricks, fellow newcomer! :D
- Currently residing in Texas
Hi! I am reformed
Why hello there! :3 Nice to meet you, fellow new member!
What was your first LEGO set?
Something like this one was my first lego set. I can't remember if this was the exact set though. =)
Hello, ten posts..
Hey everybody, I'm Khosa. I'm a professional pixel ninja. And uh.. yeah, that's pretty much it. I think it's about time I made a Eurobrick account, with my frequent visiting and all.. so alas, here I am, a nobody pixel ninja that is just here to be here. The end.
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