About Me
Hey people. I usually go by Khosa but since you've taken the time to visit my profile and get to know me a little better, I'll introduce myself-- My name is Caz.
A little bit about me: My favorite things are Lego, art, Nintendo 64, Cucumber, and I like getting pretty creative. I also love to make custom minifigs, and I use my own decals! Interested in checking them out? Visit my Deviantart: http://cloudyfoxcg.deviantart.com/
I enjoy spending my time to help others out, so if you would like to request a decal, please comment on my profile!
I cannot guarantee that I'll make it, but I'll definitely do it if I have the time on my hands.
Though you will need to provide me with the following details:
~ Will you be using clear or white decal paper, or regular printer paper? If clear decal paper, I'll have to make some areas transparent. For example, if you're applying to a black torso, I'll have to make the black areas on the decal transparent. Where if you're not using clear decal paper but you're using regular printer paper or white decal paper, I'll have to make the colors completely solid. Please specify!
~ Which areas of the minifig do you want a decal for? (eg. front legs, belt, torso, arms, hands) Keep in mind: the more places, the longer it'll take.
I hope I can help you out! If you take pictures of your minifigs with my decals on them, be sure to show me! I'd love to see them in action.
"Don't worry about anything, but pray about everything; tell God what you need, and thank Him for all He has done. Then you will experience His peace which transcends all understanding. His peace will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:6-7