Greetings guys, this is an easy one for me to answer:
Basically I am buying sets based on this question :)
In 2011 reading Top Gear Magazine I accidentally bumped into a small feature on 8110
...That was around 9 years after last playing with the greatest toy ever invented...
I had to have it - it looked amazing (big fan of unimogs), had suspension, cool pneumatically driven crane etc.
Ever since I am checking the new sets and, believe it or not, It is still my only LEGO set bought as an adult.
The explanation is easy - having many interests, a job and a family keeps me busy enough that even though I love LEGO, I need to think about how much time and cash am I willing to invest into this part of my life.
Now, years after the 8110 got released, it is clear to me that:
- I am not interested in anything else than the biggest, baddest of them all (also the flagships, as this is where I sense most of the designers' "effort" goes into)
- and only the non-RC ones (as I find RC sets too "toy-like" instead of technically interesting little machines)
- and only the ones with suspension (no suspension in a LEGO car is the most disappointing thing ever, comparable only to when a child gets told there is no Santa)
Now during the last 10 years there were only three non-RC flagships with suspension - 8297, 8110 and the so-new-it's-still-in-the-future 42043