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About higgins91

  • Birthday 02/13/1976

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    France near Lyon


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  1. I see the photos well. Sometimes I have like you sequences of characters in posts, no idea why!
  2. yes, but a Mario set costs around 30 euros, a modular 250 to 300! I don't think it sells much better than the current principle of single buildings that stick together. Every year, we would need a "traditional" building/house/garage and next to it one or two floors for the building, that would make too many boxes for sale, right?
  3. I don't think that's possible, that would mean that the base set and the first floors would be on sale for years. Otherwise after 10 years for example, there would only be the last floors produced that would be on sale (the base being retired from sale) so not very seller...
  4. you need to ad a resistor if you cut the garlands (for the cut part). The garland on ebay is the one i think, there is a resistor in the USB connector (to be powered into 5V)
  5. Hi, there are several options for illuminating your buildings. There are ready-made kits but they are expensive. Or DIY, you can buy micro LEDs that must be soldered to very fine wires. Either buy LED garlands (micro LED) that can be cut according to your needs and supplied with 5V (with a series resistor) I put LEDs in all my modulars, there are photos in my album here are some: IMG_20220109_150532 by alex peraux, sur Flickr IMG_20180303_152846 by alex peraux, sur Flickr contact between floors: IMG_20180303_153025 by alex peraux, sur Flickr
  6. great project! a lot of work ahead. Maybe you should hide your contact details in the photos ;)
  7. Nice MOC ! do you plan to make instructions?
  8. Hello, here is version 2 of my module made for the TC23 contest. The last wheel caused me some problems when it's first event, I replaced it with a chain rotating around a frame. The outlet can be adjusted to different heights as desired !
  9. this part : https://www.bricklink.com/v2/catalog/catalogitem.page?P=73590c02b#T=C you can remove the end part and insert both end into a pin or a hole
  10. hello, here is my last module, long days of development for a result that I like! I didn't have time to finish it properly for the GBC contest...
  11. Congratulations to the winner and to all the participants, I was able to exhibit my module today during a forum of hobbies, pastimes, passions... I hope that visitors will in turn have the desire to do some GBC :) mini expo by alex peraux, sur Flickr
  12. Hello, I present to you a MOC based on the set 76218 Doctor Strange Sanctum Sanctorum. He doesn't really have a name. OSM Doctor Strange Sanctum Sanctorum by alex peraux, sur Flickr On the left half, I went on the construction of a vaulted tunnel. I wanted to try to make the vault with plates on which there would be vegetation. OSM Doctor Strange Sanctum Sanctorum by alex peraux, sur Flickr And on the right side, a house in which a creature would have appeared out of nowhere and would risk invading the world... OSM Doctor Strange Sanctum Sanctorum by alex peraux, sur Flickr OSM Doctor Strange Sanctum Sanctorum by alex peraux, sur Flickr Luckily the superheroes are there to fight it The construction is of the modular type with 3 levels. OSM Doctor Strange Sanctum Sanctorum by alex peraux, sur Flickr you will find more photos in the album https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAgS1z
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