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  1. Or he could just be ordinary minifigure size I'm just disappointed he probably won't have a molded head, at least it would have made him a bit more unique
  2. I'd like a Deathtrooper vs elite rebel battlepack, then another bp with three Stormies and a shoretooper/tanktrooper. We (technically) got two rebel battlepacks this year, so I wouldnt think we'd need anymore rebel scum than that. Looking forward to seeing that furry alien in lego, it looks like the unholy of chewbacca and unkar plutt. Not so sure about the look of that screaming thing tho...
  3. I think thats somewhat doubtful, Just2good probably won't want to get his source in trouble. Those aliens and that droid sound great! Definitely looking forward to this wave and hopefully the Death Star set will fill in any gaps in the minifigure lineup/variants.
  4. It's possible TLG might cram in a tiny briefing room which could fit two minifigures at a squeeze: it seems more likely they make a downsized ship with a small interior than just recreating a famous interior scene like Home One.
  5. We never really see much from exclusive sets like this until about a month before they're released. For some reason leaks are much rarer for exclusives as well, so this is nothing out of the ordinary.
  6. It's not that they don't allow it, just that minifigure details are improving all the time so some trooper designs can easily become outdated.
  7. The sets only £35 so he shouldn't be too expensive on the aftermarket. Well, at least compared to the previous version from the Executor.
  8. I'm just really glad there's going to so many imperial ships and vehicles coming out. Although with my current Rebels, FO and OT armies I'll probably have quite the mish-mash of various Imperials.
  9. There was a deleted scene planned where he turned to stone, so in Filonis head canon he's dead and not coming back. I wouldn't expect him in a set. Still hoping for Seventh Sister though.
  10. I don't suppose our Bothan spies could give us at least an idea of the size of this set, so we've got something to speculate on?
  11. That'd be great, but I feel like such a set would be too good to be true, especially since Vader is a big selling point of the upcoming A Wing vs Tie Advanced Rebels set. Unless it is another A Wing, which would be awful, I'm still expecting a Blockade Runner set (hopefully with Seventh Sister included) and then
  12. Right, now I definitely feel that
  13. The Hobbit: The Battle of Five Armies also had an R-rated extended edition so there is a precedent. Also, although I'd like a Doomsday bigfig I'd much prefer a comic version, might be a bit more likely as well.
  14. How do you feel about Rebels? Because there's an exclusive set containing Ahsoka as well for us to get excited about.
  15. I'm pretty sure Tragic Banjo himself confirmed that his profile pic had nothing to do with future sets/minifigures. As far as I see it Vision is somewhat unlikely, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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