Battle For The Golden Mask Competition: Entry Thread
My entry is this guy: "Crimson Face". The pic is a link to a small gallery. "Legends tell of a mythical beast spawned from the volcanoes of Okoto. It once rose from the lava and wreaked havoc upon the Region of Fire, destroying all that stood in its path. Those who survived could only remember the creature's most striking detail: its shining crimson face. The monster has never been seen since, and some doubt that the legend is even true at all. Regardless, they cannot shake the fear that this creature is out there, and that someday it might come back."
<MOC> Bulk 2012
The only 4.0 hero I would buy, and it's not even a real set. Great work!
Hero Factory 2012
Sorry, guess I just got a little overexcited then. Hero Factory just has so much MMO potential, seeing a bar over the enemies instantly made me think, "Oh man, you can play as the villains! Awesome!"
Hero Factory 2012
Looking carefully, it appears that you can play as the villains. The thing shooting at Stormer appears to have a name/player ID floating over it's head, as does the Drilldozer that's fighting oragne Stormer.
Hero Factory 2012
In all seriousness though, I think that Splitface was all organic (The red half), but then he was blown/cut in half, and rebuilt (The grey half).
Hero Factory 2012
Hmm, not really into this wave. It's gotta be the heroes, cause the villains all look awesome (Except for Phantom, who really just looks like Fire Lord with different armor). So yeah, the heroes. They really just don't look exciting to me at all. The regular helmets on Surge, Furno, and Breez kinda kill them for me. Brand new helmets inspired by the 1.0 helmets would've been a lot better than just using the 1.0 helmets again. Evo and Rocka look decent, but kinda generic in my humble opinion. And what's with the spears sticking out of Rocka's arm tube? Nevertheless, I am holding out hope. Now the villains, are awesome. I know I'll be getting Jawblade and Thornraxx for sure. I also really like the idea of having smaller villains. But not smaller heroes, that's just not right. Hopefully they're not that much smaller than the others. All in all, decent heroes, great villains.
Hero Factory 2011
If my theory on Reapa is correct, maybe he gets poisoned so early that he doesn't have time to be a regular hero. So the only set of him would be Toxic Reapa. Or maybe he stays as a regular hero for a while, but they just don't make a set of him. Like Von Ness and Rocka 2.0.
Hero Factory 2011
Calling it right now, water theme. Some kind of toxic pollutant has transformed all the sea creatures into monsters, and the heroes have to go stop them before they get to Makuhero city and the poison spreads to everyone. Oh and along the way, new hero Reapa (I'm guessing he's the 6th hero) gets infected and becomes Toxic Reapa.
Mercenary Deadeye
I like it. The mono-eye and tubes on his back remind me of a certain Decepticon Military Operations Commander. The claw on his right arm is a very cool touch as well! Good work!
Review: 7179 Bulk and Vapour
Set name: Bulk and Vapour Set number: 7179 Price: 24.99 Pieces: 89 Year of release: 2010 The box Front Nice picture of Bulk and Vapour fighting. Limited edition logo in the upper right, and Bionicle logo in the lower right. Not sure what that logo by Vapour's name is, an indication of his powers maybe? Back Another shot of their fight, as well as ads for the Heroes, and a small picture demonstrating the meteor blaster in the lower right. Vapour still has that logo by his name, and some tech specs as well . Contents Parts Spilling the box reveals a nice lot of parts, including a non bent up instruction booklet and no stickers! New Pieces Lots of blue! Building We start with Bulk The instructions are nice and clear with easy to identify colors Bulk's build is identical to normal Bulk, with the exception of the other gun arm, and the jetpack. Now on to Vapour First we build the torso... Next we add the legs... Now heres where it starts getting a little more interesting. Done! The Completed Set Bulk and Vapour, shown here standing next to the extra pieces, both look pretty awesome. Bulk definitely looks and feels a lot bulkier. The extra weapon arm doesnt look all that bad, especially considering it's not recolored at all, and the jetpack is a very nice touch. Vapour is REALLY cool. All the blue comes together perfectly, and his weapons look really awesome. And on that subject... Let's look at his weapons. His right weapon has claws and a scope, perfect for sniping. While his other weapon has a large blade and a boomerang They both pose pretty well, and Vapour has a wide range of articulation. Comparisons Bulk fits in nicely with the other heroes, and is a good substitute for regular Bulk. Here you can clearly see the differences between the two Bulks. Vapour fits in very nicely with the other villains, and adds some very nice color variety among their ranks. Conclusion A great set. $25 is a little steep considering it's more than the price of one hero and one villain seperately, ($4 more to be precise) but it's still worth getting. Vapour has some interesting weapon designs and is very cool looking, and Power-Up Bulk is a nice addition too. Final verdict: Recommended
Hello, my name's Rollbar. I've been building Legos since my grandma bought me Gahlok. I'm a HUGE Bionicle/Hero Factory fan, having every single Bionicle set except for 3, and all currently released Hero Factory sets except the Drop Ship (do want) and the Furno Bike (do not want). I also like Lego Star Wars even though I rarely buy sets, and I love the modular buildings even though I only have two . Hello Eurobricks world!
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