under construction: French brig WIP
Arrrggg!!! Test week is long gone, and I've ordered more bricks from BL with another order on the way. The first larger one arrived a few days ago, and I've been working with my ship... So lots and lots of changes made. Biggest ones would be the new stern and the tan decks. The masts are close to being finished, and I've even started testing some standing rigging (running rigging and sails will also be included some day). Again apologies for some blurry photos. So the new tan decs. Well, not much to tell about them. They're tan exept for those 12x3 wedge plates. I think everything on the decks are now on their right spots. But I'm thinking of adding a horizontal capstain in front of the fore mast. If you know what I'm talking about. Also notice the stairs that don't lead anywhere. I'm testing two types of pumps. The weird thing is that the guns have to be placed on top of those grey bricks so they are high enough for the gun ports. A compromise to achive nice shape and a closed deck under the quarterdeck. Here you can also see that the aft most gunport is a fake, maybe just to create an illusion of a larger battery. And here's a shot from the stern. It will have more decorations in the future and perhaps a boat also. The gallery is stolen/copied borrowed from Admiral Croissant's Vesta. And from the bow showing the mast. There's also the extension for the studding sails. And lots of useles pieces of rope. And talking about the studding sails... They will be removable and connected something like this. I'll have to study more for those, and for the rest of the rigging and sails and everything. Here's the foremasts crow's nest. It will have 2x3 wedges instead of those 2x3 plates and this will be black or brown. And here are the teo types of cannons that will be stationed on her decks. A 18 pdr carronade (whitch could be redesigned) and a 12 pdr long gun. She'll have 12 long guns on the gun deck and 6 carronades, 4 on the quarterdeck and 2 at the bow. "Those darn redcoats keep spying on us." Thank you! Arrgg! - C. Scar
[LDD MOC] Coroner - 22 gun brig
Whow, what a beauty. Shes incredibly smooth and the curves are beautiful . The gunports are clever and nice, I'd probalby just have used the boring squared flags. I really like those stairs to the quarterdeck. oh and am I seeing a lipstick peace on the anchor? Smart. Couple thought here: The white deck is strange, would need a lot of scrubbing from the crue. The stern looks a little high though, but she's not built from the sealevel up I assume. The capstain looks very tiny IMO, you could work with that... Maybe you could take a look at this Dread Pirate Wesley's capstain: I think something like this one would work in your ship. But otherwise exelent work, keep up the good work!
- [MOC] Jungle Adventure
under construction: French brig WIP
Hola hola fellow bricklovers! First of all thanks to you guys for commenting. I appreciate. As for my reference material, my brig experience is limited to the 20 minutes I spent looking photos on google . Ok, I did do some research on brigs, about the rigging, sails etc... I disagree with Kurigan about the tumble home. On a ship of this size and type, the walls would be (or as far as I know) straight, like in this picture. http://upload.wikime..._brig_model.jpg Of course on a bigger different kind of ship like a frigate, things would be different. Maybe the ships aft looks a little boring, but that would change if I made the stern galley come out of the hull, like in a frigate or so... I have link to a picture later in this post. But as Kurigan said the battery being divided on two decks was a bit weird. So now the whole battery is on the main deck. It looks a LOT better now and is much more logical. Here's the new version. A lot of changes made. For example, the bow is completely new, the walls are now higher than before, making the quarter deck look lower (just as I wanted to happen). and definetly more to come.. The new bow. I'm quite happy how it turned out. Though the figure head is definetly not going to stay. The black tubes will probably be yellow in the future. I'm still figuring out the deck, where everything will be: the capstain, hatches etc. . Also the stern needs lots of more work. I'm thinking of two options for the stern. First one is leaving it straight and simple like now, or the second, making it all fancy and frigateish like this one: http://3.bp.blogspot...Ontario-292.jpg Quarter deck = removable . The aft of the ship bends upwords so a single piece of deck wouldn't have fitted. So i made the quarter deck in two pieces. It now fits well (the pieces overlap eachother a little) and after the rigging is in place the deck is also easier to remove. But more coming in the future. I should actually be studying, cause I have my test week now, but I couldn't help building some improvements betweeen reading (read: instead of reading ). Thank you all, suggestions and ideas appreciated. - Commander Scar
under construction: French brig WIP
168D Ohoy mates! Here's my first proper attempt of a sailship and my first MOC here. I built this ship 1,5 years ago and had even started rigging her. But for some reason I desided to wreak the whole ship. Only few small parts survived my sudden rage. But yesterday I began bulding her again. She'll be a french brig with probably 18 guns. But remember this is just an early version of the ship and many things will be changed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EDIT : More pictures lower.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The quarter deck will be huge, half of her lenght. It will start at the black slope piece amidship. It will also be removable to allow acces to the deck below. BTW apologies for the bad photo quality . Also the paper backround is merely because I have a glass table. Now, Dread Pirate Wesley's Pickle ( http://www.eurobrick...opic=53767&st=0 ) was the main inspiration for the hull tecnique, so big thanks for him. Here's a pic from the bow showing the smart solution to make a lower hull. The black area is the deck below the quarterdeck (I don't know what would it be called, main deck?). I don't like the big holes between the deck plates and the walls so I'll have to think more about that. Ideas are appreciated . Here's a view from the starboard side showing her siluette. The stern will probably stay straight like now, but the bow shall be changed quite a bit. A drawing of her siluette. I'm thinking about moving and lowering the bowsprit to make it look more... ohmm, normal . "Our entire crue welcomes you all onboard the ship and wishes you a pleasant journey." Thank you! Comments and suggestions are appreciated. My sail ship knowledge is not great, but I'm trying. -Commander Scar
Practise Posting Here!
Commander Scar replied to Pandora's post in a topic in New Member Section - PLEASE READ BEFORE STARTING!Hey hey hey! Now attempting to post pictures and to show the world my amazing work with paint Great to be here. Over and out. edit: And now the most audacious attempt to edit my post. We'll see what happens... (worked )
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