Everything posted by atlas
[WIP][MOC] Lander (Endurance) - from interstellar
Over halfway done on the exterior now! 50 57 59 61
[WIP][MOC] Lander (Endurance) - from interstellar
cheers! Some more completed: 41 45
[WIP][MOC] Lander (Endurance) - from interstellar
Cheers. Yeah so much bigger than I anticipated! It is definitely tricky to get square pieces sitting at angles not offered by single slope pieces but that's the fun of this. Attaching each individual piece is like a maths problem in itself. It's not all impossible though as I think I'll have generous amounts of room inside to connect them. Made some more progress: 25 35 39
[WIP][MOC] Lander (Endurance) - from interstellar
I've decided to try and recreate this wonderful ship in lego. It seems to be the ugly duckling, everyone appears to be all about the Ranger from this movie. But I think the lander is a much more inspired design. However I can now see why evidently only one person has finished a model of it. It's extremely complicated. At least twice as much as you might think at first glance. So I have spent quite a while collecting as much reference as possible to have even a rough idea of how the shapes go together. Fortunately I've been able to slowly crack each piece but it's quite challenging, which is actually a nice experience. I couldn't find any accurate details or images on the dimensions of it but I came around to calling it 20 metres long, 5 metres tall, 15 metres across. It's actually enormous and so is the Ranger. But the practical lifesize models that were built and are what's mostly shown in each craft's screentime aren't actually 1:1. It's hidden well but cracks a bit when you realize 5'4" anne hathaway has to crouch to get through the airlock. Anyway I have really had to eyeball a lot of things but gradually established some anchors of proportion, and so far all the lines and seams lie with in a very small margin of error which is pleasing. A lot of them actually flatten the whole craft very slightly which makes it a bit sleeker, but still positively truck-ulent which I like. Here are some progress photos I've added to my flickr throughout the build so far. I also post on instagram with mostly the same stuff but quite frequently add some extra windows onto the process in my stories. My account there is Chur 0 1 4 6 9 12 14 19 more to come!
[MOC] somewhat finished T-70 resistance x-wing model
Thanks, orginally I was making both in both colours but quickly dropped that. I think the current build would look better in black because it would be more of a silhouette than a canvas like here, where the main couple of flaws are fully exposed. Mission is to get rid of those flaws and I think I'll do it, pretty soon too
[WIP][MOC] T-70 X-wing starfighter
Hello again, just posted a thread of the basically complete second edition of this model. Here it is :
[MOC] somewhat finished T-70 resistance x-wing model
Hello, recently I picked this up again and made some further changes to it. I got it to the point where it is as refined as it's been yet, however there are still some things about it that I will revisit in the future. Namely the fuselage construction forward of the cockpit. It's a little too wide. Not by much, but enough that it's noticeable and detracts from the rest of the build due to the proportions being off by a little. Otherwise I am very happy with it. This was one of the first models that I built myself from scratch without using someone else's work as a starting point. There are small details that I borrowed from other builders (all in the reflexes flex tube front engine concept is all I can recall atm), but the rest is mine. The wings open, there is a retractable front leg behind the nosecone and the cockpit opens and shuts. Also can fit a pilot comfortably in the cockpit. It's also one of the stronger builds I've done, it's basically swooshable, which is unusual for something of mine, as I normally sacrifice structure for surface. On this there is at least some strength to the structure. So overall I'm mostly pleased. Most of all, since it's been over 3.5 years since I started, you can actually see how I have evolved over the course of the build. Now I think I have a much broader skillset and more refined approach so achieving various things in lego bricks. And I'm looking forward to sharing with you other projects I have coming that will show that development that this build has given me. My second version of the T-65 is almost done so that will be firsst cab off the rank in that regard! I think i did a better job on that craft than I did here. For example I am really happy with the T-70 wings and rear section but the front is a little lacking. But as I said, there will be a third version of this that will bring that section up to speed, so look out. If you made it through this long blurb, here are some links and photos to enjoy. Thanks Flickr album featuring most of the public WIP: v2: v2 backside: dusty style pre-photoshoot pic, wings open: And 3-page thread on here, cataloguing the WIP since 2015: cheers. Thanks to anyone who provided feedback along the way, consider your words inbetween the bricks on this ship. Also, you're welcome to visit my instagram, I sometimes post there teaser stuff on my story and different looks of the same things I post on here and flickr.
UCS T-70 X-Wing (Resistance and Poe Dameron)
Spot on. I noticed that with a lot of your builds. You almost always stay in system, keep it simple and as you said, clean. Which i respect. I differ, sometimes I get tunnel vision with regard to focussing on accuracy. Often it can detract from ones work when forgetting about other things. I learnt this the hard way with a few projects and I'm coming back around from that sort of focus
UCS T-70 X-Wing (Resistance and Poe Dameron)
With respect, imo that nosecone is less blocky than the one you attached to your t-70. Maybe it's a difference of language - Bigtonka's x-wing nose is sharper, but the individual pieces on yours are put together in a more 'traditional' way, meaning the various wedges stack cleanly with no jagged edges. So it does flow better but it has a blunt edge. My suggestion would be to blend them together (not specifically these two, but the intentions behind the different shapes). T-70 nose is much slimmer than the already slim x wing, so you can change the edge to be 2 wide, replace slope bricks with cutout slopes, then the curved slopes come into the 45 bricks much better. Only real negative would be a couple of exposed studs but that would be worth it to have maximum 1 plate thickness seam anywhere on it, compared to 4 plates. Anio i know you like to do your own thing so i'm not suggesting changes to what you already buildt, just sharing my opinion on this matter as i dealt with the same issues at a smaller scale
- [MOC] [INSTRUCTIONS] UCS Tantive IV - CR-90 Corvette
[MOC] [INSTRUCTIONS] UCS Tantive IV - CR-90 Corvette
i would definitely do the staggered curved slopes in steps of 2 (like in the outer red ring) instead of 3. For me the cockpit shape is very distinctive and having a steeper angle would make it really shine. The rings would still be the same size but instead of 3 side by side on each level you'd have groups of 2, so it reaches higher points in the middle of the two truncated cones. Just looking at it i'm pretty confident the steeper silhouette would bring attract more attention than a couple extra edges created by the groups of 2 instead of 3. They would still go up one plate per 'step' so it would look very similar, just taller. It would also be possible to bypass this issue and instead make each of the four main surfaces of each cone one row of curved slopes angled down together, instead of placed in steps at right angles. You could fill in the gaps with a similar technique which is used in jerac;s tie bomber cockpit with 1x2 cheese grate slopes between curved slopes. However the 'steps' are a not a problem at all for me aesthetically because they maintain the silhouette well with only minor 'pixelation' effect, and the same technique is used elsewhere is the model to good effect so it flows well too. Basically I would just make the cockpit section taller by doing steps of slopes in twos rather than threes. It could make a noticeable difference for minimal effort, would be cool to see in bricks. Im only harping on this because it's the only part of the model that distracts me because everything else is so well done that it appearing a little off draws the eye away from all that excellent work. I know kit has already released instructions so I get that it's not practical to implement this change, it's just an idea I had looking at it again
- [MOC] [INSTRUCTIONS] UCS Tantive IV - CR-90 Corvette
[MOC] The apex of my 40 year journey to perfect the Lego T-65B X-Wing
Interesting that you brought up the special edition. I hadn't noticed this specifically until you posted this photo but it's worth pointing out. When I was doing my research I tried to ignore later models made year after the original miniatures, because they're basically secondary sources, so by their nature there are higher chances of mistakes, missing details, etc. My main reference was images of the miniatures from the theatrical release. Looking at that photo, it seems that the guys who translated the models into digital ones for the special edition 'simplified' some of the geometry for some reason. I'm guessing so that it would be easier to render. But you can see that they've basically changed the rear fuselage from being 9 sided to 7 sided. So you're right, you have modelled it very well, the only 'problem' is that it's the wrong reference to use for your purpose. I believe for rogue one and other digital representations made since the disney purchase that they corrected this and built new digital models.Hopefully this ms paint collage can show my point better.
[MOC] The apex of my 40 year journey to perfect the Lego T-65B X-Wing
Very nicely done. I like that you are not afraid to present your opinion of your own work and its relation to others. For sure this build is one to add to the mini pantheon of great models built recently, I’d say since around when Maciej introduced panels for the fuselage, there have been several great works. With each one shared, I think it’s fascinating that while various guys have been able to present amazing takes on different sections of the same ship, no one has really been able to nail the entire thing. Of course that’s not taking anything away from anybody, they are all beautifully crafted. But the X-wing is deceivingly complex after the first glance as I’m sure you are all aware, and I’m not sure that with the current part palette that it’s possibly to completely nail it everywhere. And I think that’s a good thing – I can pick out from each one highlights, and also shortcomings, often one necessitated by the other. So for your effort, I’d say that the front fuselage, crucially from the side and above, is the best yet. It’s true that the choice taken to stick to structure and form versus surface details gives you more freedom to achieve this, but that’s how it’s done, and it looks fantastic. Again with (your) nose is where I find the dilemmas the X-wing presents you as you try to re-construct the model come to the surface. You have a beautiful silhouette, possibly the best there is, but it comes at the cost of a blunt leading edge. Do you see where I’m coming from? It’s an absolute puzzle. I also like the window for the cockpit. I am not sure if you have seen mine but we have a similar method but different result. For sure both fit the rest of each ship very well. I’m not sure how much the decision to avoid cutting hoses affecting the way you built yours. Honestly I feel that building yours in white has hidden a bit of its beauty, I found personally looking first at Maciej’s ship that grey really makes the edges pop, I think yours would benefit from it too, but that’s just my view. I’m not a huge fan of your cannons but the wings overall are very slick. The only serious drawback for me with your effort is the rear fuselage section. I’d say about from the cockpit rear all the way to the ‘butt’ is just a little less elegant than all the rest of it. I am not sure how much of that is a result of structural requirements, space, style – I don’t know. That’s my main criticism of an otherwise gorgeous model. It goes both ways too. I obsessed over including every face of the rear nonagon (and heptagon) along the fuselage and as a result, it is a little bit fat, and I’d bet more fragile as well. So there you go. Extremely well done.
- [MOC] UCS Jedi starfighter Eta-2 Actis class (INSTRUCTIONS)
[WIP][MOC] red 5 X-wing
Hello, I did get it to a complete stage, but wasn't satisfied enough to call it 'finished'. But yesterday I decided to share a photo I took last year at that time. Next time I get back to work I will be working on producing a refined version that will be better presented. Here you go
Speed Champion Ferrari 312T4 remodel
Stunning, there isn't really much to say. The back is very well executed and the stickers are very well applied too. That's just a very pretty car well done.
[MOC][LDD] Plo and Obi-wan's Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptors
thanks, I don't know why it keeps going down so quickly. I've been asked for the digital files a few times now, curious what people want it for? Is it to build their own or just look at the insides? I haven't seen any pictures of other builds of it yet, so if they are out there then they are welcome to be shared in this thread
- [MOC] Project: Endor
- [MOC] Project: Endor
- [MOC][LDD] Plo and Obi-wan's Delta-7 Aethersprite-class light interceptors
[MOC LDD] A-Wing (with LDD file)
Interested to see what you come up with as it is very similar to what I did about two 1/2 years ago. I wasn't happy with 75003, and was still in a stage where I would find MOCs of others and reproduce those myself, and then eventually modify them. I found Jerac's model and krispy's version and started, I believe with krispy's first, and then started again, that time with the goal of matching the exterior details of Jerac's as closely as possible (at the time there were very few places that I could identify possible improvments), but because there is very limited imagery of his model I had to built it from scratch, making all the surface areas match up with new original internals. I have a couple of albums on my flickr page and posts here of the process. About a year after that I made some other small changes and swapped blue for red but the A-wing I have on the shelf is still in large part Jerac's on the outside. It is out of scale with the rest of my models however, and I can now see some more flaws in it that I would like to improve by building an entirely new model to 1:32. Jerac's was incredible for its time and is still amazing but it's almost 10 years old and now there is room to build on it, even if it's only in small ways.
Updating Your Minifigs
I used a pencil eraser and put clear tape over the lines I wanted to protect.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
That would be useful. I might upload all of my reference (which I am fairly confident is accurate i.e it is photos of the real thing) to brickshelf when I am finished with my moc. As I said the whole affair is a mess and it takes a lot of time to sift through the history of it and become familiar with things. The Blue 12 was definitely a studio model on the first movie but to my knowledge did not appear in the final cut. And the blue thing is a little weird at first, yeah. I do have quite a few photos saved of the main X-wings and I also recently got the great star wars Chronicles japanese book which is a treasure trove of images of miniatures from the original trilogy, some of which were first published in it. Has almost all you could ask for short of ortho views of the studio models but not cheap. The second link you posted has mostly images of the Red 2 mini from the first movie, and a different, considerably bigger "Red 3" model that I believe was made for Return of the Jedi. I'm not sure if it ended up in the movie but they seem to cart that one out for a lot of the exhibitions. There is also one photo of a fan model in there. The first link has photos of the same red 3 model that was made after the first production.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
Thanks for sharing those photos especially the model shop one. I didn't make my post to criticise you directly, I just wanted to make a point about that for others reading because it's a mistake I made early on and overcoming it has improved my work many aspects, accuracy first of all. I spent a lot of time reading about this so I'm able to ramble about it for a lot, I'm sure you could do the same for tie fighters. That last photo you posted is of the "Blue 12" studio model from ANH. Originally red squadron was blue but this was changed because of bluescreen problems. The first X-wing that was built i believe was Blue Leader and was later repainted to Red 2. I believe there are only two photos of blue 12 that are openly available, the other is below. Notable for the split squadron markings on the wings.
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