Everything posted by atlas
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
Star Wars MOC To-do List thread?
thanks! I've finished building the X-Wing model, all I'm missing are the light bluish gray barrels for the engine nozzles, the retro cockpit piece and those weird panels that click along the nose in white. It truly is phenomenal, but I have made a few changes here and there and I'll see about designing a proper cockpit interior. The old 6212 X-Wing set I have has fallen victim to this project as it has lots of the parts, but it's definitely worth it I think. That thing is ugly. The AT-AP set has been modified beyond recognition on the other hand. I'm having some trouble getting all the angles to match in scale, mostly around the area below the top gun. But it's turning out well. Most of the body is complete, all I've got left to do on that is build some new legs and finish the greebled area on the back with the main engine. I might make a WIP thread actually when I can take some pictures, what do you think about that? I've also been drooling over the Delta starfighter that Obi-Wan flies in the prequels. Now that I have got ahold of those new bubble canopy pieces in trans black I feel compelled to make one. I think I will be borrowing a lot of techniques from khatmorg for that.
- Star Wars MOC To-do List thread?
- [REVIEW] 10227: UCS B-wing Starfighter
LEGO Star Wars UCS 75060 Slave I
Thanks for those links amunra : )
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Picked up the new 75055 ISD today for 20% off! all built. I think just the Droid Gunship and a couple of the Death Star battle packs will clear my backlog of several years of sets released during a fairly long dark age.
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
The leaks that are currently circulating are fabricated. The photos of the 'script', aside from being terribly written, clearly show that the text layer has been imposed onto the background rather than just scanned. The guy had a good run but they ran themselves into a dead end with the amount of information they were trying to create and 'leak'. '
BrickLinking a UCS Millennium Falcon
That is extremely impressive.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
That's the thing though, we don't actually know anything aside from the fact that the Death Star has been destroyed again, and Palpatine and Vader have both been killed. The civil war most likely did not end with the victory at Endor, but again, we can't really know until more stuff is canonised or the film is released. For the record, I don't have a problem with the new wings and designs. I quite like them. But I think a lot of people are relying on assumptions that have no basis in the canon that we have now. That's all.
LEGO Star Wars UCS 75060 Slave I
I think the cockpit has stickers on the bottom, not prints.
LEGO Star Wars 2014 Pictures and Rumors
We don't know. From the official video on YouTube it seems like there is a fair amount of open space where the carbonite block rattled around, but there is no doubt that there will be a lot of technic wizardry all through the interior of the ship. I think a lot of people will make modifications to it though. But from what we have been shown, only the cockpit area where Boba sits seems to have any kind of interior, and I think you can actually see a fair bit of the frame behind his seat.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
We won't be getting any character information for a while I think. The pilot we saw in the X-wing was Oscar Isaac's character, he may be a kind of analogue to Wedge from the OT but with more plot involvement, as opposed to just appearing in space battles.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I have been on a shopping spree at Bricklink recently, I picked up two small batches of parts and the following sets new. All at good prices considering the shipping costs and fairly limited availability, especially for where I am. - 9489 endor troopers (2x) - 9490 droid escape - 9678 bespin - 75003 a wing - 75009 hoth - 75011 alderaan - 75015 corporate alliance tank droid - 75021 republic gunship - 75031 TIE interceptor MF - 75032 x wing MF - 75039 v wing Mostly small OT sets that I missed during a long hiatus from Lego. I will have a lot of building to do.
Post your general LEGO Star Wars questions here
I don't see why they wouldn't, it would be a fairly cheap exercise compared to a new alien head mold or something like that. Didn't they cast a new one for the. Inquisitor's lightsaber from the Rebels cartoon? The villain wielding that saber seems like they will be a fairly important character in the film, so it only really makes sense for Lego to hype their new figures as much as possible with that kind of thing.
[MOC] Imperial Troop Transport from Rebels
Very nice. Those troopers seem averse to getting inside that death trap though.
LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
I would prefer for a Cloud City remake to be done in modular fashion like the Jabba sets recently. I would be really cool to get a set to go with the new Slave I in particular, like a landing pad or something. I am holding out for LEGO to drop a new UCS falcon with one of the new films. Apparently the original one didn't sell that well while it was being produced, but they are a real commodity now as everyone knows. I am worried that a Cloud City set on the scale of the recent Endor play set wouldn't really do it justice. It depends how far ~2000-2500 pieces can go I suppose.
- LEGO Star Wars 2015 Pictures and Rumors
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Yeah. I am having a ton of fun filling in all the gaps on this beast right now. It looks fantastic.
[MOC] Mini Millennium Falcon
Wow, the is fantastic. You really captured the height scale of the falcon
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Got the re-release of the AT-AP today on sale. Has anyone else recently gotten this set? I've been pretty impressed with it so far. I might make a mod thread showing the additions and changes a have made to it soon.
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
I recently emerged from a long dark age a couple of weeks ago. I picked the 75051 jedi scout fighter for an appalling price, but it's a nice set. A few days ago I bought one of the Kashyyyk battle packs and two of the Utapau ones, also for pretty hefty prices. I think I'll get the new republic gunship as well as the new A-wing and that sith interceptor next.
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