Everything posted by Wonkyeye1
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
So I had a thought, Overwatch 2 is heavily rumored at the moment and could be revealed at Blizzcon this November. If the rumors are true, do you guys think LEGO could be keeping the theme alive for now to see if it gets a boost in popularity when the sequel is announced/released?
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
If we do end up getting the 2020 sets, I'd put money on at least Torb appearing in the Omnic Titan set. In other news, FalconFan hinted on his Instagram yesterday that Overwatch may not be cancelled yet, take from that what you will.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
I definitely think we could get pretty much all the remaining characters over these 8 sets, but it also depends on how many repeat characters LEGO does. The first two waves went well with Reaper being the only repeat, but I definitely see another Tracer, Genji and maybe McCree popping up elsewhere. Like you said though, we can make pretty educated guesses on who might be included in these four sets: 75978 - obviously Orisa and Efi, but do you think Doomfist could be included her too? Or would that be way too generous of LEGO? 75979 - Lucio seems like a safe bet, and I'd put Symmetra here too since the two of them have a rivalry and LEGO seems to be sticking to the official lore pretty well. 75980 - as you said Torb seems like a good fit here, maybe with Brig and a minifig-scale Bastion? 75981 - we're still missing Doomfist, Moira, Sombra and Sigma from Talon, I'd bet this one includes two of them, maybe a repeat of Widowmaker and maybe a new hero. Those four alone would bring our hero tally up to 22-24, so the remaining few could definitely fit into the final 4 sets. PLEASE LEGO DON'T CANCEL THIS THEME.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
So I just stumbled onto an article on that lists all the known 2020 LEGO sets and it has some new details on the possible 2020 Overwatch sets. I know there are a lot of rumors about the theme being cancelled but here's what the article says: 75978 - Orisa & Efi 75979 - Rio Battle (Could either be Rialto or Rio de Janiero with Lucio probably) 75980 - Omnic Titan 75981 - Talon Jet 75982 & 75983 don't have names In addition to those 6 sets, they also list 75984 and 75985, which could mean we'll see a similar release schedule to 2019 with 6 sets at the beginning of the year and 2 in the fall. Again, I know it's possible the theme is cancelled but I REALLY hope it's not because these sound awesome.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
I agree, it’s going to be a long few months waiting for confirmation of the themes fate. Even if the rumoured 6 sets aren’t part of the initial winter 2020 releases, I’ll probably hold out hope until summer 2020 since the two Junkertown sets came out so late into this year.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Looks like the two fall (and final?) Overwatch sets are listed on LEGO Shop. Pretty great prices if you ask me, at least in Canada. Looking forward to picking them up.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I guess. I just figured if the bike, truck and helicopter sets were all Endgame based that LEGO would've spread the stones out a bit instead of lumping them all into one set. Although with the helicopter including the nano gauntlet it does make sense for that set to come with the remaining stones.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
I think the biggest hint that the sets are going to be comic-based is that the Hulk helicopter set comes with all 4 Infinity stones that weren’t in the compound. If the other sets were Endgame-based the stones would probably be spread out over the multiple sets. I would’ve loved more Endgame sets but honestly with Rescue coming in the helicopter the only figure I REALLY wanted from Endgame was an updated Wasp. More comic sets in 2020 will be a nice change of pace before 2021 sees MCU sets taking the vast majority of spots again.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Damn, disappointing. So close to getting more sets, if only this theme had started a year or two earlier. Thanks again for all the info today, saves us from having to play the waiting game.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Do you think the fact that those 6 set numbers leaked could lend hope to the theme continuing? Or is it more likely that LEGO set those set numbers aside in case they decided to go ahead with the theme?
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Ah. Well, that is extremely disappointing. I guess Overwatch will join Lord of the Rings in my list of awesome themes that ended too soon. Thanks for the confirmation though, saves me from having to worry about whether the theme is cancelled or not for the next couple months
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
I REALLY hope your source is wrong this time around, it'd really suck to get excited about 6 new sets only to be told that we're not actually getting them. Hopefully some other people with inside sources can provide some input on the topic so we don't have to wait and cross our fingers for too long before we get confirmation.
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
@Falconfan1414 care to offer any hints as to what you mean by "LEGO going big on Marvel next year" on your instagram story? Obviously don't expect you to reveal all you know, but maybe give us a little something to get us even more excited?
LEGO Overwatch - Wishlists and Future Speculation
With yesterday’s excellent news that the Overwatch theme will continue in 2020, I wanted to revive this thread and share what sets I think we’ll see next year. A couple things to note before I get to the sets: a) Since we’re getting 6 sets at the beginning of 2020 just like we did this year, my sets will follow the same content/pricing format as both 2019 waves for consistencies sake, with only 1 additional set added to the fall wave. b) I’m going to predict that the two heroes yet-to-be added to the game in 2019 will be Mauga from the Baptiste comic recently released and Echo from last year’s Reunion animated short. 76978 – Lucio vs Symmetra: Includes Lucio, Symmetra, 3 hardlight turrets, a hardlight teleporter and the Eichenwalde payload. 76979 – Sombra vs Zarya: Includes Sombra, Zarya, Katya Volskaya and part of Volskaya Industries with Katya’s office and a large omnic hand that Sombra can use to raise herself up to the office. (As seen in the Infiltration short) 76980 – Route 66 Ambush: Includes McCree, Ashe, Echo, a brick-built B.O.B., the Route 66 payload and a facade of Big Earl’s Garage with a large gas sign. 76981 – Doomfist’s Attack on Numbani: Includes Doomfist, Genji, a brick-built Orisa, the Numbani payload with a storage container for Doomfist’s gauntlet and a raised catwalk from the map. 76982 – D.Va: Includes D.Va and a larger version of her mech than the one in 75973, in the same scale as the brick-built Bastion from 75974. 76983 – Overwatch “Orca” Transport: Includes Tracer, Ana, Zenyatta, Moira, a small shrine from the Nepal map and the transport with cargo bay with opening doors, basketball net, conference table and stairs leading to the front cockpit. And for the fall 2020 wave: 1. Snowball: Includes Mei and a life-size brick-built Snowball. (Credit to @hachiroku for this great idea!) 2. Torbjorn’s Workshop: Includes Torbjorn, Brigitte, a minifig-scale, brick-built Bastion (all 3 forms), 3 Torb turrets (all 3 levels) and a workbench. 3. Talon Dropship Assault: Includes Mercy, Baptiste, Mauga, two gas pumps from the Havana map and the dropship with cockpit and troop bay.
LEGO Overwatch 2020 - Rumors, Speculation, and Discussion
While I agree with your hope for lower priced sets, I think the more probable answer is that it stands for Lego OverWatch.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Yeah I don't like the sound of this at all. Hopefully we get at least one more wave to finish off the main heroes, but I have a feeling this theme could go the way of Lord of the Rings and end before we can get all the main characters & locations.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Honestly if LEGO were to use the same 2 wave structure next year, I think it's highly likely the two-set second wave could be what you proposed. A $20 set that's a big Snowball with Mei and a bigger set with Brig and Torb that's a big turret, call it something like "The Lindholm Workshop". Plus between the 8 sets I think we could get figs for every hero currently in the game. REALLY hoping this theme continues.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Since these two sets are Junkertown themed, maybe future waves (if we get them) will follow themes as well. If that’s the case, bring on the Talon wave 3 with Doomfist, Moira and Sombra!
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
WOW great day with these and the new Endgame set revealed back to back. These two sets are FANTASTIC! The builds are great and accurate and the figures are outstanding. I can’t even tell how many new molds there are! Only disappointing thing is the lack of other heroes, let’s hope for a Wave 3!
Marvel Superheroes 2019 - Rumours, Speculation & Discussion
Another weird Endgame set bit with some great figure at least! Can’t wait to get my hands on Rescue So do we think this is just a one off set or could we be getting another Endgame wave? Really hoping for an updated Wasp and Valkyrie
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Wow I hadn't seen your Orisa yet, she looks fantastic! Great job! And you're right, even if the mech is oversized it should fit in perfectly with Rein and D.Va. As long as I get a decent Hammond figure for my Overwatch minifig baseplate, I'll be happy.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Oh yeah I agree, I think it’ll be a really cool figure. I just think he’s going look hilarious next to all the other heroes. Do you think they could get away with using the chip headpiece from the second Disney CMF series, so no new molds would be needed? Also, I’m hoping the mech itself looks as good as your custom one, but I’m betting it’ll be much more oversized.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
You know I never considered Hammond being an actual minifig instead of one molded piece but it makes perfect sense, and I can already tell he’s going to look absolutely ridiculous. Based on the price point, I think Wrecking Ball will be like Hanzo vs Genji (minus the henchman) with two figs. Then the bike would have Junkrat, Roadhog and another fig similar to Dorado. I could see one of those unnamed figs being a repeat like Tracer and the other being another new hero.
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Based on LEGO’s conservative figure placements in the first wave, I’d guess that Wrecking Ball comes with 2 minifigs (maybe 3 since Hammond is just one piece) and the bike comes with 3 including a Roadhog bigfig. So Sombra and Doomfist could potentially show up
Overwatch 2019 - Rumors & Discussion
Glad we finally have confirmation of when the sets are coming out. Shouldn’t be too long now until we see something from them. Let’s just hope these won’t be the last two sets we get.
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