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Everything posted by Wonkyeye1

  1. While I agree with you that we probably would've heard by now about another set releasing later on, I'm pretty sure last year no one really knew for sure whether we were getting an Ant-Man and the Wasp set. So maybe (wishful thinking) we'll be surprised again this year!
  2. Same, I'm almost certain Valkyrie is off the table now too
  3. I THINK it's Black Widow but can't be sure
  4. With the name War Machine Buster being confirmed this means the biggest set is going to be Avengers Compound, finally!!!
  5. SET IMAGES HAVE STARTED LEAKING. First is the War Machine Buster, includes 2 Outriders, Ant-Man with the new helmet in a quantum suit, War Machine in a quantum suit and War Machine's version of the Hulkbuster!
  6. We'll probably see the summer sets at New York toy fair this weekend.
  7. I'm almost certain that's MJ, Lego did a great job making it look like Zendaya. Hopefully we end up getting Ned too!
  8. Yeah I was hoping we'd get a version of her with the red outfit she wore during Infinity War and most Guardians Vol. 2.
  9. Damn that's good news overall, but Nebula was the main hero I wanted to get a non quantum suit variant of. Maybe there will be two versions of her, but I highly doubt it.
  10. Wait a catalog with pictures of the Endgame sets?
  11. YES! So happy we're getting at least 2 more sets this year. Depending on what the droid set is, I'd guess we'll get maybe 3-5 new heroes total. So not enough to finish off the original roster, but getting closer!
  12. Wow I thought the exact same thing when I saw the minifig! Seems like a better fit than the Cap head they used in the Civil War set.
  13. I think two more waves would be enough to cover the rest of the heroes currently in the game. Wave 2 could finish off the original heroes and maybe Ana and Sombra since they were the first added, then Wave 3 could have Orisa, Doomfist, Moira, Brigitte, Hammond, Ashe and Bob. And I'm not sure about Hanzo's hair, but Pharah's armour recoloured would be absolutely perfect for Brig.
  14. I gave him the dark blue with dual molded black boots leg piece from the Lego Batman Movie 2 GCPD minifig pack, it looks pretty decent. Might order a custom waist cape to finish him off.
  15. NOOO damn, I really wanted her red outfit. Oh well like FalconFan pointed out, maybe we'll still get a normal variant.
  16. I honestly don't get it. The Firefly helmet has molded details that are identical to Ant-Man's helmet, just doesn't make sense to me that we're still getting the old one.
  17. The Infinity War sets leaked around January 13th last year, so if history repeats itself we could be seeing the Endgame sets very soon.
  18. I really hope that the new Nebula minifig that we'll likely get is in her newer red outfit instead of a quantum suit.
  19. Wow absolutely awesome job! This looks like exactly what LEGO would do, if not even better! Perfect size and the fact that it actually rolls up is incredible. Thanks for the instructions too, I might just have to use them!
  20. Thanks for making this thread! Here's what I hope a second and third wave looks like: WAVE 2: 1. Volskaya Industries Infiltration: Includes Sombra, Zarya, Katya Volskaya and part of the Volskaya Industries map with a small elevator leading to Katya's office and a large robot arm & hand that Sombra can "hack" to bring her up to the office. Based on the Infiltration animated short. 2. Junkertown Assault: Includes, Soldier 76, Junkrat, Roadhog, the Junkertown payload and Junkertown gate with large brick built sign and opening gate function. 3. Skirmish in Hollywood: Includes Lucio, Mei, Tracer, Symmetra and movie set part of the Hollywood map, with two western buildings connected by a catwalk. 4. Overwatch "Orca" Transport: Includes Genji, Zenyatta, Bastion (recon and sentry mode), Torbjorn, Ana, a small shrine from the Nepal map and the transport with opening cargo door, a cargo bay with basketball net and conference table, a cockpit and stairs connecting the cargo bay and cockpit. WAVE 3: 1. The Wrath of Doomfist: Includes Doomfist, Orisa (brick built) and some wrecked Numbani scenery 2. Route 66 Ambush: Includes McCree, Ashe, Bob, the Route 66 payload and the Big Earl's garage building. 3. Escape from Horizon Lunar Colony: Includes Winston, Wrecking Ball, Mercy and the first control point of the map. 4. Attack on Eichenwalde: Includes Reinhardt (smaller mech) with shield, Brigitte, Reaper, Moira, a bridge and the front of Eichenwalde castle with a large gate, small entrances on either side and a throne.
  21. That's a fake bootleg figure
  22. Now I don't have any insider information, but I did notice something that makes me believe we'll get at least one more wave of Overwatch sets. If you look at the set numbers, Watchpoint Gibraltar is 75975, and the Blizzard exclusive Omnic Bastion set is 75987. There's 11 other set numbers in between, which makes me think there are definitely more sets planned. Maybe a summer wave for sure and any subsequent waves will depend on sales.
  23. So maybe no Michelle, but has he said anything about potentially getting a Ned minifig?
  24. Looks like the CMF Black Canary Head from the Lego Batman Movie, definitely not her official one.
  25. The Infinity War sets leaked right in the middle of January, so I imagine the Endgame images will be out around the same time or soon after. Even if they're being harder on leaks this year, the sets come out March 1st, so I imagine the latest we see them is around February 1st.
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