Everything posted by H_Solo
Build Your Own Plus Size AT-AT
So, I finally finished the build. Thanks a lot to Raskolnikov for making this possible! Now for the new feet: And some more detailed shots for you to re-built it: I also used a 7l strut-piece in pearl silver and re-built the inner ankles of the feet:
Build Your Own Plus Size AT-AT
I think I found a viable solution to the small feet... as I'm in the building process right now and still wait for some parts to arrive I'll post some pictures of my approach to the AT-AT asap.
UCS B-Wing 10227
Bricklinked mine last year... was a little cheaper than original (about 150€) but I changed a lot of details (mainly the cockpit) anyway so I didn't bother with an original set.
- [MOC][UCS?] TIE/D Defender
- [MOC][UCS?] TIE/D Defender
Arquitens-class Light Imperial Cruiser
Phantastic build! I'd love to have plans for this one as well... doesn't look like too many parts... about 2500-3000 maybe? So it seems still kind of affordable...
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Picked up a used SSD 10221 today... little dusty, without box/instructions, but with all the figures and at the original price of 400€... very happy, and right in the middle of dismanteling it right now for cleaning and storing.
- UCS R2-D2 modification to R5-D4
...couldn't resist... the path to the dark side!
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
A request on Rogue One Movie Spoliers.
I've seen it in 3D and again in 2D with my son... as with TFA this movie doesn't really benefit from the 3D technique... its perfectly fine in 2D and has more of a "vintage" feel to it this way. Interestingly I enjoyed it more on the second viewing, where I could concentrate more on the details... and there are sooo many details to discover in this movie.
- LEGO Star Wars 2017 Pictures and Rumors
- [MOC] UCS CR-90 Corellian Corvette – Blockade Runner (Tantive IV)
- [MOC] Blade Wing Starfighter
My (mostly) studless 10179 modification
That looks really nice and sleek... i like it a lot! You could also add a little "shabby" look by adding some tiles in old gray (or even yellowed) Tiles. Great work, great inspiration.
Bricklinked ISD 10030 (Mod)
Thank you! I already put the front leg inside the hangar bay and closed up the other opening with some wedge plates... It gives the model more stability and balance right away.
Bricklinked ISD 10030 (Mod)
Thank you! I might have to tear it all down again some day... For now I quite like the look of it.
Bricklinked ISD 10030 (Mod)
Thank you guys! I saw your mod, mortesv and it must be the best detailed version I've seen... I love how you achieved the angles for the smaller engines... Would you like to share the secret? I'd love to copy that some time.
MOC UCS Y-Wing (10134) Clone Wars Era - WIP
Very nice! I love the dark red color... Well done!
The UCS Hype. What will 2017 bring? (40th Anniversary)
Got the 10179 and the 10030 now as re-bricks... But i'd snatch any new set of those up in a heartbeat... Just for the sake of collecting!
Bricklinked ISD 10030 (Mod)
Hello again, I inquired about bricklinking an ISD already some time ago... a few weeks back, someone from a german forum offered me a re-bricked ISD with some painted parts... I looked at the pictures his substitutions spreadsheet and we agreed on a price. I received a very large box a few days later. Almost everything of the build were in the correct original colors...a very lovely old light gray - I changed some things and reordered some of the more yellowed plates so now it comes to 99% original... only the internal magnet holders are white or dark gray and of course the big wheels and the globes on top are still the painted substitutes... I took some pictures, where I have now set it up in my Star Wars room... Of course I also had to mod the engine section a bit, because the original model is sorely lacking in this department... I'm really happy to finally have this epic model in my collection... I must say, to me it is the single most impressive build in the Star Wars UCS line... (with the Shuttle Tydirium and the Millenium Falcon very close by...) Thanks for looking!
- [MOC] UCS CR-90 Corellian Corvette – Blockade Runner (Tantive IV)
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Bought a re-bricked ISD 10030 recently... Can't wait for it to arrive... Another gap in my ever growing UCS collection finally closed...
- UCS R2-D2 modification to R5-D4
What's your recent LEGO Star Wars Purchase?
Resistance Troop Transport at S@H... With 10% off, free Stormtrooper and TFA Poster and double VIP points... Not too shabby at all!
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