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Zennia Jorra: Toa of Slush

Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Indeed. I have a 3rd wave set that has held together well. I only have a few so I don't know much about the diversity of the designs, but it does have some pretty decent stability and playability. I like the Bohrok because they're kinda cute... but you're very right, they're less versatile than Shifters by a long mile.
  2. Oh wow, thanks! xD Although it is still in German. .-.
  3. It's okay man, my Neo Shifters fall apart too. Apart from aesthetics, they're not very great sets, really. xD
  4. Vulcanus. I'm a sucker for the fire-types, and Vulcanus seems like the village I got the best feel for after reading Raid on Vulcanus.
  5. Geez, that's amazing! I never can figure out how you MOCists manage to make an unmistakably female figure. I sure can't do it. This is very class!
  6. Omigawd Roboriders lol. This was kinda like getting hit with a nostalgia brick. I have Swamp, I think... hahah. He was my favorite too. Veeery nice! It rings very true to both Roboriders and Bionicle, I think.
  7. YO, I'm all over this. D<
  8. Not bad as an MOC, although not exactly how I envisioned Marander. Although the way I imagined it was kind of stupid, like a mobile wood-chipper or something. xD More of a Toa-killing machine--with emphasis on "machine"--than a bipedal hunter.
  9. Well, I wasn't comparing the two overall (and HF doesn't have much of a story either, let's be honest xD Neo-Shifters DID have a story and an online comic, mind you). Aside from plastic quality, cross-theme compatibility, and variety, if you do nothing but LOOK at one of these 2.0 Heroes side by side with a Neo-Shifter, I think the majority would find the Neo-Shifter better looking. Really, people, as you can tell I'm not a hater who hates Mega Bloks just because they're not Lego. Although I do acknowledge the fact that Lego is far superior...
  10. Okaaaay... those helmets are kinda wtf. Also they look a little too boxy and odd-fangled (the Heroes, that is). The villains look pretty cool. You guys are wrong, this isn't like MegaBloks, this is like way oldschool MegaBloks before it was halfway decent (compair these guys to a Neo Shifter and tell me the Neo Shifter doesn't look sleeker, I mean srsly).
  11. Definitely would like to see the English version as well. I saw the first three episodes on Youtube in German, which doesn't help much. You know, since the fourth one is missing. And I don't speak German.
  12. I still love the story, always will. I'm only disappointed that the web serials update so slowly. And I know that they'll only last so long. In the meantime, I still have my old books, movies, and comics to keep me warm... And a megabluck-ton of fanart. Edit: LOL 'megabluck...'
  13. I remember these things. These things were the worst. xD I've never seen the pieces laid out like that, though. I didn't realize there was a Matoran head beneath those hideous face-masks. This is the worst... these crappy puck-slappers are just Matoran in disguise. Hideous, deformed Matoran. Seriously, this is the worst. Damn you!! D< ~Slushie
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