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Captain Pirate Man

Eurobricks Knights
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About Captain Pirate Man

  • Birthday 09/30/1981

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  1. In this video we take a look at our CUSTOM Dungeons & Dragons Honor Among Thieves minifigs we created using the D&D CMF as a starting point!!
  2. Who else wishes Lego would make some LOTR Battle Packs?? Well I made some for myself!! Thanks for watching!!
  3. Both armies are impressive, but that Red Coat army is NICE 👍 👍 I have my doubts we will see Red Coats anytime soon, so hold on to those!! BTW, I like the comic idea you have.
  4. That's what I was about to say. That's a good point, LEGO did release a bunch of new parts when Pirates launched. Palm trees, ship hulls, sails, face printing... Just to name a few.
  5. Dust is the enemy of all Lego collectors, lol. The EASIEST way, is just to keep touching it. The more you touch things, the more you just naturally remove dust with your hands. That's the best trick for lighter dust. For BIG, caked on dust you need to clean it. I recommend any keyboard vacuum, they will work. Clean my bricks is a relatively newer Lego centric vacuum as well. They just recently sent me one to review. I can confirm that it actually works rather well. For in between studs, and smaller areas, I recommend a small, fine tipped, little paint brush.
  6. It's because it's summer time here, and as such I do a lot of traveling. So when I am home, I record a bunch of footage, and will release those videos periodically over the next few weeks. If the contest were going on in the fall or winter... That would be a different story. Trust me, I REALLY thought about it, lol. I have some ship hulls, and I thought about trying to put together something with those. How long is the contest open until? I might be able to do something if I can fit it into my schedule.
  7. I suppose it depends on what the purpose of the contest is. If it is to get more traffic to the site, and more posts, engagement, etc... Then I would say a mix of smaller challenges (to encourage more posting), with nice grand prizes at the end of the contest. If driving traffic isn't really the main goal, then helping define what the goal is can go along way to help determine the best methods.
  8. Just outta curiosity, what brought everyone to LEGO Pirates in the first place? For me... It was the Black Seas Barracuda and the Caribbean Clipper specifically. I was 9 years old when those sets were released, and I would dream of them in the Lego booklets that used to come with sets. My first Pirate sets were Lagoon Lock Up and Forbidden Island. I also had pretty much all of the smaller build sets (my parents would buy me a $10 set in the store, but not the bigger ones, lol). When the second wave of Classic Pirate sets were released, that's when I REALLY became a HUGE fan though. Skull Eye Schooner, Imperial Flagship, Imperial Trading Post and Rock Island Refuge were all added to my collection for Christmas that year. Unfortunately... ALL that remains of my original collection are most of the minifigs. Once I entered my "dark ages" in my mid-teens, I put all my Lego into a large box. I had a younger cousin, so I took the minifigs out of the box, and took them over my grandma's for him to play with. Some time later, without my knowledge, my step mother sold ALL my Lego in a yard sale for pennies on the dollar So ALL that remained were the minifigs that were at my grandmothers house. When I got back into Lego as an adult, reacquiring my original collection was my MAIN goal. I think I've done a pretty good job
  9. I have been a LEGO Pirates fan since the 80's, and have been collecting as an adult for over 10 years!! Here is our Lego Pirates Display!!
  10. Tell us more about your project. I don't currently have any Pirate projects on the horizon. I thought long and hard about trying to put something together for the Pirate Steve contest. But I'm just not in the position to take on another LEGO project at the moment. At least not one I would be satisfied with. I've literally spent the better part of the last week down in my Lego room getting everything ready to make content. First I did my Lego Pirates display, then Jurassic Park, finally my city. I also am doing a full overview of the entire display (Pirates, Castle, LOTR, HP, JP and a City with trains). We have an 8 year old son, and we let him play in the City, it's pretty much his Lego city at this point, lol. But that means I have to get it presentable to make videos on, so that's actually a TON of work. But it's Lego work, so it's fun. I have to go through it periodically and get it back in shape, then I hurry and make videos, so I can unleash my kid on it again. It's an endless cycle
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