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Eurobricks Knights
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Everything posted by BrickSev

  1. Hello fellow AFOLs and Star Wars fans, I recently built my first MOC since I came back to the hobby after a very long absence I really like the Shadow Trooper Minifugures and so I decided to build a larger, hopefully improved , version of the speeder from the battle pack. I used mostly the parts from two battle packs but of course I had to use additional parts to ensure the "structural integrity". I also added few non structural parts like the antennas and forward blaster cannons. I don't have many parts available right now and it was not easy to find the parts I need and I had to work with the limited pieces I had but at least I can confirm the speeder is sturdy enough to be even used for play I named the speeder "Low Altitude-Infiltration Vehicle" In addition to the image I attached to this post ( I hope I did things right and the image shows up) you can find more detailed (and in higher resolution) images on my blog (link below) "Low Altitude-Infiltration Vehicle" aka LA-IV I know this is a very small and modest project. Nothing compared to the outstanding works I see around the forum but I'm happy to have finally built a MOC after my absence. Comments and feedback are highly appreciated. This is my first MOC in, well, more than 10 years so any advice would really help me, so I can improve. Thank you very much May the Brick be with You
  2. BrickSev replied to kevin8's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    In the end that's what matters For several persons the situation it's not so easy. For example here in Italy, especially in my city, it's rare to find such deal. Most stores have very few Lego sets at retail price and never the "rarest" ones. For example I can find The Hobbit sets only from Lego shop. Then there are the exclusives, the direct to consumer sets and the promotional items. These are all circumstances making Lego shop a viable option. I wish I had access to the Target-like deals but when I can't find a set on local stores or they have to few of them and restocks take a very long time, Lego shop is indeed a viable option. Of course this is from my point of view. If I had access to the deals you mentioned even I would buy Lego sets there instead than from Lego shop
  3. When someone (Jar Jar) feels pain others (Stormtroopers and Vader) may find amusement lol You had a very interesting idea From what I saw I can tell the "addiction" lol is producing successful results. Very realistic effects
  4. BrickSev replied to kevin8's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Very good news then Did you discover what caused the problem? Anyway I'm glad everything is fine now
  5. I remember a wonderful Boba Fett fan-drawing (or perhaps it was a T-shirt printing, a lot of time has been passed) where there was "poor" Boba "outcasted" by other characters who considered him evil and he was saying something like "I'm not evil, it's just my job.. sigh" It was a very good piece of art and your post reminded me of it
  6. Hello fellow AFOL friends, I recently wrote a review of 60077 Space Starter Set. I've always been a huge fan of anything related to Space exploration so when I saw the new Lego City Space sets I had to buy a couple of them. Given the abundance of photos (I tried to show every single angle of the set) I posted it on my blog. If you think the review can be useful I can try to post a shorter (and with few less photos) version here on the site. This is actually my first review so I hope I didn't forget anything important or talked too much about less important things lol Anyway here is my Lego 60077 Space Starter Set review Like I said this is my first review so let me know if I did something wrong Let's the Lego Space Program to reach new horizons
  7. Well, I can clearly state that trooper is a lady and wearing a new uniform lol Anyway there were women among Stormtroopers. If I remember correctly Gentle Giant made a collectible statue of a woman stormtrooper character some time ago Nice way to make Anti-aircraft practice lol
  8. I recently went to a local store and I found the "Carnage Shield Sky Attack". I haven't built it yet but is seems a nice set. Perhaps not very good as "Army Builder" but it looks very interesting
  9. Thanks for the info I noticed the "size issue" too but I'm glad to read it's great set. Equal to newest AT-AT! I think I'll put it on the "to buy list" then
  10. I saw many of them on shelves too. How is that set? I was very tempted to buy it but I have many sets still to build and I'm looking for a way to properly display my entire collection; so I decided to wait until I can find, well, additional "display space"
  11. It seems Rocket is going to prove he is wrong I once wanted to make few Lego parody photos inspired by real events but then I realized very few Lego fans around the world would have heard about those event that took place in my country
  12. My recent "Middle Earth" order arrived today 3 Mirkwood sets, 2 Witch-King Battle, 1 Battle of Five Armies, 1 Dol Guldur battle and 1 Attack on Lake Town. I can't wait to start building them
  13. I just made a little jump to a local store and they had the June Star Wars sets I bought the Imperial Shuttle Tydirium. I was tempted to buy all them but I have already so many sets awaiting to be built. I want to build few of them before buying more sets
  14. After my recent absence I'm back with another Jar Jar image ( actually two of them ) "You Shall Not Pass" The Clumsy Creature reaches Middle Earth and Gandalf knows he must stop this calamitous being I also posted few Stormtrooper "parody" photos for my ongoing mini-series of Lego photography "Unusual Troopers Part 2" This time we meet the Hula Trooper, The Grey Trooper (even among Stormtroopers there are Middle Earth fans) and the Chef Trooper Feedback and comments are always appreciated. May the Brick be with You
  15. Lol I really like this one. I always liked that scene from Riders of the Lost Ark and the fact Jar Jar is on the, well, receiving end makes it even better
  16. I recently bought several Microfighters in order to acquire few parts for future MOCs and add the Minifiugres to my collection, of course I got 2 AT-AT, 1 Snowspeeder, 1 Republic Gunship, 1 ARC Fighter and 1 Imperial Star Destroyer. All the ones I found on a local shop. I already had 1 Republic gunship. Is there any other Microfighter set you would suggest? Thanks Like I said I'm mostly gathering some parts while I add the Minifigures to my armies. I'm tempted to build one micro AT-AT but I've never been huge fan of the Microfighters so I guess I'll just use the parts for some project
  17. BrickSev replied to kevin8's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    It seems you got good news then I thought it was an administrative error of some sort. Good decision about the email: it's always better to have a written proof, just in case
  18. I just bought six 75089 Geonosis Troopers packs I wanted to see how the set looks like and so I planned to buy one, then I noticed the shop had only six left and I bought them all I think I'll start a new Clone Army project and I want to use the bricks from those sets to MOC a larger walker
  19. BrickSev replied to kevin8's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    Don't let a single unfortunate event ruin your passion for the hobby. If the customer service personnel can't solve the issue ask to talk with a manager. I know you can talk with them because once when I received a broken box they said I could have talked with a manager if I wanted. Then we just come to a sort of agreement and since I planned to build the set and I didn't plan to keep it sealed they gave me additional VIP points to compensate. So I'd suggest to talk with someone "higher in the hierarchy" I'm sure there will be a solution, especially with a company like Lego that usually tends to solve issues "drama-free"
  20. It depends if you prefer a vehicle or a building Going a bit more into details: The set with the Javelin give more "unique" stuff than the Avengers Tower. It gives three Minifigures exclusive to the set plus a Darkeseid figure and Superman Minifigure (who is not exclusive) I have both of sets and even though the tower is nice it has several limitations: it's a part of the actual building, the interior is very cramped and if you really want to get more out of the set you'll have to do some MOD/MOC. So, if I'd have to choose only one of those sets I'd go with the Javelin
  21. Indeed Like I said I'd welcome any set that brings more DCU into Lego world Unless they run into license problems etc they could indeed make the DC a long running theme like Star Wars. So much potential for amazing sets
  22. Lol In the first the wish is Jar Jar remain inside the well and about the second photo I can say Jar Jar got a warm welcome Keep up the great work
  23. BrickSev replied to kevin8's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    That's indeed a possible cause. However I this he should check the credit card statement and see what happened with the transaction. Or considered more than a year passed it would be better to contact directly the credit card company Hold on Lego customer service is always very kind and helpful, so keep contacting them and I'm sure there will be a solution. Try to contact the credit card company and see if they can check this transaction
  24. Truly impressive I really like how you created the effect of the "ring's constructs". How did you create the "transparent green" effect? I'd really like to use it in one my comics but I'm not sure the softwares I use can do it. Anyway congratulations and keep up the great work
  25. BrickSev replied to kevin8's post in a topic in General LEGO Discussion
    How is it possible an invoice is not paid when they charge the credit card before shipping? No charge, no shipping. You should tell them them that It is likely an error in their data and I'm sure they can fix it. Just keep insisting. Personally, I never had serious issues with Lego Shop (I'm from Italy too). They once canceled an item from order because they said it was out of stock (but of course they didn't charge my card regarding that item). Once I noticed all the items in my order were listed as "backorder" but I contacted them immediately and the order was shipping in few hours. With the May the 4th order I had a problem with VIP points. They didn't give me them but I called them and they put them into my account. I always found kind and helpful persons at the Customer service but sometimes they have no idea on why certain issues take place. I imagine how frustrating this is. They must inform via email about cancellation and other issues. I hope this situation will be solved very soon
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