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Everything posted by Skrytsson

  1. 6. Wuntin's "The Sunken Castle" - 5 Points.
  2. Good one, LuxorV I got some new ones. For you that are under 18 years old, please do not take a look at the last one
  3. Skrytsson replied to Skrytsson's post in a topic in LEGO Town
    Thank you for your comments! @McBuddha, are you a member at the Swedish Lego-forum Swebrick? Thank you. I believe it is pretty sturdy: you can breath on it ( ) and you can touch it, carefully. However, I would not play with it since the fiber optic cables are very flexible and will probably jump off the U-clip they are attached to. Any more comments, anyone?
  4. Explanation
  5. Skrytsson posted a post in a topic in LEGO Town
    B-M-1C It is hard to achieve a circle-shape with Lego bricks. However, it is much more difficult to create a sphere. My latest MOC is a famous Swedish building: The Globe. Reference pictures for you who are not familiar with this building, are included at the end of this post. Please tell me what you think! This isn't really minifig-scale, as you probably really had figured out... This is the second "part" of Stockholm that I have built. The first thing I created was the Stockholm Metro. Here you are able to see the building techniques (click for a larger image). Reference images:
  6. Thank you! :) The minifig heads are from: Fred/George Weasley (HP-theme, set: Diagon Alley) Norrington [back of the head] (PotC-theme, set: the Mill) Short Round (Indiana Jones-theme, set: Temple of Doom and Shanghai Chase) Any more comments?
  7. Season 9 of Two and a Half Men airs on american television today (in Sweden it won't start untill beginning of October ) What do you think about my Lego-version of the characters? Reference Picture:
  8. Thank you! It's from 4867 Hogwarts. On BL you can find it here and here.
  9. Nice ones Oky. It's a shame, like you wrote in your MOC-thread, Mace didn't bring the whole council to arrest Palpatine... A few (12 ) new ones: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
  10. Skrytsson replied to Oky's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    This is a great MOC, Oky! The room is simply beautiful and the curves are perfect. Glad I'm inspired you with the curviness-technique I used to the Jedi Council Hey man, you stoled my technique! Just kiddin' The only thing I do not think is perfect (except the CW-faces of course..) is the red colour. I think dark red would have been more accurate Great work!
  11. Skrytsson replied to Skrytsson's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Thank you everyone for your comments! I am very happy to see that so many of you really like my creation True. However, I didn't want to put to much effort in creating a mast etc. The main focus of this creation is the Kraken Yes, the piece need to be attached to another piece in that position. However, I managed to trick LDD by temporary building a construction that attach to the hammer, and then erase all the parts in the construction except for the hammer.
  12. Just saw Speed Racer yesterday. That's a good joke! However, the movie is not great. Could someone please remind me: how come Lego made a licensed theme for the unknown movie Speed Racer?
  13. Skrytsson replied to Skrytsson's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Like I mentioned in my first post, the MOC was created in LDD, before I created it in the reality. Almost every time I create a big and/or complicated MOC I start create it in LDD, and when (read: if) I am happy with the result I purchase the parts needed (that I don’t already own) on BL. One important thing to have in mind during the building process in LDD is to always have a window with BL open, so that you can take a look if the part you are about to choose exist in the current colour. Or, you can have LDDManager running, and let that app find out for you. However, the building is often a very long process, and during this process I always make a lot of changes. I always, sometime during the building, end up in a situation where it feels like everything is going to h*ll; I realize that what I have built so far looks bad, that the construction I have created will fall under its own weight in reality (that’s one of LDD’s limits: you can’t know anything about the creation’s stability) or I just have lack of ideas. This picture shows a situation of that type; the first prototypes of the teeth-construction is impossible to attach more teeth to. The mouth-rings just look awful and at this stage I don’t have a clue about how the teeth and mouth are going to be attached to each other. The tentacle looks very clumsy and the back of Kraken looks very hollow. At this stage I hadn’t decided yet what colour theme to use. At this stage, I was happy with Kraken’s teeth, but nothing else. First when I reached this stage, I really decided to continue the building. This picture gives you maybe a clue about how the teeth are attached to the mouth-ring. The following picture is from very late in the building process. I thought it would look better with some tentacles, and therefore I created two small tentacles on the top of Kraken’s head. It looks a bit like rabbit ears The final result: Even though it looks great In LDD, I guess it looks a lot better when it is built with real bricks
  14. Skrytsson replied to Skrytsson's post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    Thank you, Horry. It has been blogged by Brothers Brick
  15. Skrytsson posted a post in a topic in Pirate MOCs
    183B Pirates of the Caribbean – Dead Man’s chest. The ending scene (almost) when Jack Sparrow is on his own, chained to Black Pearl, and ends up face to "face" to Kraken. From a construction-technique-point of view, this is - by far - the most difficult build I have created. Kraken's mouth with all the teeth were very hard to accomplish. It consists of seven sections with teeth - five of them attached to each other and "the middle" of Kraken, the remaining two attached inside of the "head". Originally I created this MOC in LDD, which were very difficult since LDD often screws up when pieces that are close to each other are not attached. However, I had to do some changes when I build it in real, because of the limits of LDD, but also to make the Kraken more stable. I originally started to build this at the end of June, it was finished first at the end of August = it takes time to build I have presented a prototype version (in LDD) of this creation before: http://www.eurobricks.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=57496 I guess it looks a lot better, when it is build with real bricks, doesn't it? I hope you like my creation! There are reference pictures at the end of the post. Please feel free to take a look at my Flickr if you want. I have built three lego-creations this summer, please take a look at the other two here and here. Hello Beastie 01 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 02 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 03 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 04 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 05 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 06 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 07 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 08 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 09 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 10 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 11 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 12 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr "Hello, Beastie!" Hello Beastie 13 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 14 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 15 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 16 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 17 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 18 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 19 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 20 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 21 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 22 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 23 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 24 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 25 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 26 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 27 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Hello Beastie 28 by Lego.Skrytsson, on Flickr Reference pictures: Here are all my three creations I have done this summer:
  16. Skrytsson replied to Skrytsson's post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Thank you very much for your comments, everyone! I am glad you liked it
  17. Yes, I know. I should have choosen some other jedis in the council who never speak. Exactly my thought
  18. A new one: Here you can see more about the "environment" ;)
  19. Skrytsson posted a post in a topic in LEGO Star Wars
    Star Wars Episode III – Revenge of the Sith. The scene where Anakin, because of Palpatine’s request, becomes a member of the Council. This is actually my first “proper” Star Wars MOC. Just like most people, I’m not very fond of the Clone Wars-heads. If there were any other alternative, I would choose that. However, the situation today is “Clone faces or no faces” I must also say that I am aware of that Luminara and Aayla Secura never were part of the council. In lack of other candidates let them in anyway. Hope you like it! "You are on the council, but we do not grant you the rank of master." "What? How can you do this? This is outrageous, it's unfair." "Take a seat, young Skywalker." "Forgive me master." Reference picture:
  20. Yep, that's right. Except that it is KI-Adi Mundi and not Plo Koon Hilarious, Oky I especially like the first one and the last one. Just like it's easy to find jokes about the CW-faces I believe it's pretty simple to make jokes out of the Order 66 thing.
  21. Skrytsson posted a post in a topic in LEGO Licensed
    I am a fan of Harry Potter. Probably will the Lego-theme be disontinued very soon, now when all the movies have been released. Therefore I think it is a good opportunity to create a Harry Potter MOC. The scene I have created is my favorite HP-moment of all time: the Horcrux cave. Dumbledore are being forced to drink a poison so strong that he begs Harry to KILL him. I think that is a scary moment, since Dunmbledore has always been a stable, calm and powerful character. Even though Dumbledore is very weak for the moment, he succeed to rise and create a firestorm in order to save Harry from the zombie creatures. Hope you like the creation Do also feel free to take a look on my Flick Reference pictures:
  22. Thank you all for your comments. I have been lucky and had some time to make 14 more funnies. Peronally, I think these one are funnier than my last batch, hope you think so as well Please let me know if there is any joke you don't get. I suspect that you need more information to fully understand joke nr 2 and 10... I hope you enjoy them! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
  23. Sounds great, if it is true. Could anyone else confirm that?
  24. Combination - the stubb printing was bad and very easily removed. Thank you! Yep, you are probably right The second one was really funny, but I don't really get the first one... Do they implicate that Anakin haven't had any face offs with Grievous earlier, when they meet in Ep III?
  25. Thank you for your comments. Yep, that's right! Christo aka. Custom Bricks And Minifigs created the Ki-Adi Mundi figure on the left two years before TLG created the one on the right. "I was made first" refers to the fact that he was created first, and "I'm the original one" refers to the fact that he is an original minifigure created by TLC. To be honest, I do actually prefer Christo's version in front of TLC's... Okay, I see If CW didn't exist, I think we would have had a higher probability of getting all these Jedi's as regular figures
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