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  1. Entry 3: Ringatahu Image Link: Tahu was alone on the cliffs of Bara Magna. He was unknowing of the dangers that lurked behind him. The last Makuta It was a lowly shadow leech slithering across the baron, sandy landscape. He attempted to strike it but his efforts were useless against the shadow leeches' tactic of maneuvering around the blasts and clinging onto his leg. Tahu felt extreme pain and passed out. He awoke as a servant to Makuta. sorry the real link for the photo is Entry 4: Demon of the Jungle (the real photo entry disgard the same photo in entry 3 just judge the one that is under it, the real one) image link: Worse than panthers.
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entry 2: Ataran: Warrior Form Photo: Ataran awoke to the gentle, yet sinister voice coming from the shadows surrounding him. “Arise, Ataran…” It beckoned. Ataran slowly rose to his feet. He immediately noticed his body was much lighter now. The mish-mash of armor pieces he once called a chest plate were now fused neatly into one. His lance was replaced by two flaming broadswords. “I am Makuta. And you are my servant.” The figure said, emerging from the shadow. Ataran shook his head violently and swung his swords aimlessly, smashing a boulder in the process. “I call no being ‘master’,” Ataran retorted. “You are indebted to me,” Makuta snarled, “Would you rather I had left you to die at the hands of the Toa?” “No…” Ataran reluctantly conceded. He winced as he recalled the events that transpired. Tahu was in his grasp, his mask, and the power it contained, would have been assimilated into him… But Tahu’s team had intervened…What had Makuta called them…Toa…was it? The fire tribe must have called on these warriors! Makuta saw Ataran’s state of reflection, and saw his chance to act. “I have renewed your armor for a reason Ataran,” Makuta said, “you can have Tahu’s mask powers, as well as all the Toa’s, as well as the legendary masks. That is…IF you choose to follow me.” “Makuta made a good point,” Ataran thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. Entry 1: Ataran: The Demon of the Forge of Masks Photo: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Tahu descended into the darkness that enveloped the passage to the heart of the abandoned forge. The location was made even more intimidating as the sound of metal scraping on metal echoed throughout the chamber. He tried to convince himself that he was not afraid. Tahu ignited one of his swords as he continued. The air around him got stuffier and hotter with every step. His mission was simple: get to the center, and signal the others. The tunnel stopped as Tahu made his way into the main room. Lifting his sword, he could see some of the vast room. It was lined with rows of anvils, and littered with discarded tools, with the great furnace in the center. It was amazing to think that this dusty old place had once been the most productive mask forge on Okoto! Thoughts of what this place may have been like in its prime rushed through Tahu’s head: the incessant pounding of workers hammers, the thousands of hunched figures scrutinizing their masks for any flaws… Why had the fire tribe chosen to abandon this place? The demand for masks was as high as ever, and the place seemed like it was still in working condition… Why WAS this place abandoned!? Suddenly, a large burst of flame came from the main furnace, startling Tahu. A large, shadowed figure was revealed by the light. It moved toward the blaze, igniting its back, head, and claws. The figure pointed its beastlike claw at Tahu, while raising his lance. Fear struck Tahu like lightning as the monstrous figure moved close. Too close. Tahu was within its reach. He could see the demon clearly now. “Mata Nui… It’s hideous…” he gasped, realizing why the forge was abandoned. It was covered head to toe with many pieces of assorted armor, with spikes and flames piercing out of its back. His lance, too, was made of other assorted weapons. They looked like weapons a Toa would use Discarded parts? Or were they the remains of its unfortunate victims? The beast turned to face Tahu, and its glowing red eyes had a bloodthirsty look in them. Tahu was too stunned to move. The beast grabbed Tahu by the throat and lifted him off the ground. It towered over him like a mountain dwarfs a tree. The last thing Tahu heard before he blacked out was the beast bellowing: “I WANT YOUR MASK!” -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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