Setting up to make something new..
I guess for me part of it is, not knowing how many pieces I need/have to make. I've just organized my primary bricks into colours. Yellow/orange green red black grey white brown/beige/dark beige and such. And shades of those colours. The brown/beige colours is because I really want to do a old western style diarama but not quiet sure how to start with it just yet.
Which set should I buy?
I've just repoked my head out of my dark ages, and seeing alot of neat stuff :> One thing I really want, is 4-5 werewolf monster fighters, I love the werewolf, plus the tree stuff be good for some nature stuff I want to make. Dino set, for some of the dinosaurs and other parts. Monster hunter castle, and mansion, and helms deep for parts and just think they look awesome. Some of the ships from Ninjaq or pirates of the caribean. Star wars, "Xwing, Tie fighter, Jaba the hutt palace. And maybe some otehrs. I plan on most likly getting them all over time, my main concern is, since I don't know when they came out exactly and when they be out of print, which ones should I get first to make sure I'm not paying post or too much post print costs?
Setting up to make something new..
How do you guys setup what your making, do you just decide to begin and see where it goes and change as things progress, or do you go into it with a 100% clear idea of it? Especially for larger diarama's and such.
Ebay seller gets busted for switching price labels
In a perfect world, but considering how many people in just america alone that are at the top, and considered great there by the philosphy, "If you can't get caught, or pay of those that would caught you, do it."
Ebay seller gets busted for switching price labels
heh any better then really anyone elses?
Ebay seller gets busted for switching price labels
Best way to avoid being caught I would think is, buy 2-3 expensive products for 7 dollars, but then buy a game or two at full price that you want, or something else, the average will come out higher, so harder to spot then if you buy 5 huge boxes and leave the store with only paying 35$'s or such. That might be how it be hard unless they spotted it as it went through, the price wouldn't bring any red flags. Truth be told, I'm too cowardly tobe a crook :> I be too concerned about being caught, or such plus what fun is having money and stuff if your in jail.
Storage and Sorting LEGO
I bought 4 2$ Snaptite containers at the dollar store going to test them out, 5.75L, long and narrow, and my main bookcase just fits, my secondary which will probably be my case for always and curently using lego just a bit of overhang, going to try to fit some colours in and see how they work out, will buy more on cheque day next week.
- Storage and Sorting LEGO
Storage and Sorting LEGO
Is it best to sort by type and colour, or just colour? Right now the closest I have to by colour is I have brown/beiege/dark beiege and simular off colours sorted into a single bin for when I start making some desert scenes. For regular bricks was thinking of just sorting by colour, maybe at best if collection gets too big, sort plates and bricks by colour.
Is there a way to find out which sets a part is in?
Actually my understanding, though I think it's a tiny bit out of date, is that they don't post any newer sets then 2-4 years due to copyright and only post instructions when they go out of print, though not sure if that apply to parts list, just my understanding.
Storage and Sorting LEGO
I have a decent selection and growing, bought some random pound lots from Ebay, but really at a lost how best to sort. Especially the random larger pieces that don't really fit into any catagory. Right now my main method is. Main lego, which is slopes, flat, 1BYX, 2 by X are in one bin. Tires/vehicle parts are in another. Wings or wing like are in a different. 4byX cilindars and parts are in another. the 1X tubes and caps are in another. And a big bulk of just completly random. But finding it hard to really work with, wanting to organize into colours, but not sure. Any suggestions?
Lego part list program?
Actually something like this would be good for catalog so you can keep track of what pieces you yourself have. This would be something I'm curious about.
Never put LEGO in your nose...
The closest thing I can think of is, it looks like the wheel part of the steering wheel.
- Samsonite (USA/Canada) LEGO discussion
Samsonite (USA/Canada) LEGO discussion
Did you get any of the old lego figurines? :> No hands, just bumps on the body and the legs for a single piece, no aticulating legs or anything. I think I still have some of my old ones somewhere, I have the baseplate for 363-1 and
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