Villains containing or depicting contemporary military vehicles or weapons will not be eligible for the competition
Villains containing defamatory or degrading elements will not be eligible for the competition
Copies of/or in other ways infringements relating to any existing third party property or any other intellectual property right will not be eligible for the competition
Use of any toy parts not produced by the LEGO Group will result in your villain being disqualified
Entry villains should show your creation only, and should not show recognizable features of any person or any commercial product other than LEGO Products
Entries that are obscene, vulgar, sexually explicit, pornographic, lewd, derogatory, inappropriate, or otherwise not in good taste, as determined by the LEGO Group in their sole discretion, will not be eligible for the competition
You can enter something you’ve published elsewhere before the start of the contest, but we encourage you to build a new MOC worthy of a gold mask
Entries must not contain LEGO elements which have been modified from their original form (this includes painted elements)
Your entry must be least 75% Constraction/Technic and a maximum of 25% System elements
Any cheating or harassment of other participates will result in disqualification from the competition
Entries must be made by the user submitting the entry
in this rules is not mentioned anything to regard