Shadow_Bunny13's (Bunny_13) 1st entry to the Battle For The Golden Mask contest.
Entry Name: Ultimate Teridax
Link to image:
Link to lxf file: http://www.brickshel...ate_teridax.lxf
This build was inspired by several iterations of Teridax (or now just Makuta), including Makuta from BIONICLE 2: Legends of Metru Nui, Takutanuva from BIONICLE: Mask of Light, and the current depiction of Makuta from "The Legend" short animation released this year. It was built using LEGO Digital Designer and consists of 466 pieces.
Shadow_Bunny13's (Bunny_13) 2nd entry to the Battle For The Golden Mask contest
Entry Name: Malathyne
Link to image:
Link to album:
Malanthyne's body was forged from pure darkness by an unknown spirit-like entity, and used as a vessel to house the being's spirit.
It's dark armor is impenetrable and it wears the bones of it's enemies like fashionable trophies. It's swords are crafted from many small bones, namely from fingers, spines and teeth and can channel Malanthyne's ghostly powers.