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Eurobricks Vassals
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  1. Yeah, you can only send PM`s if you have 10 Posts on this Forum. But its easy, just go to Community and say hello to the peoples, I`m sure you will finde some nice themes there.
  2. I have to trade two codes for series 13. Have: Hot Dog Man Carpenter Need: Alien Trooper Evil Wizard Lady Cyclops Unicorn Girl Sheriff Panteologist If you have one of the Codes I need, PM me please, I will sent you your Code but dont forget to write your Code on that PM and witch one of the two Codes you need. I only trade 1:1. Only Series 13 please, i already owen Series 12.
  3. the figures with code or only the online code? and if you are selling them, you are on the wrong thread, there is a buy and selling thread just search for it
  4. you cant get codes for series 13 now, series 13 will be released next month the only way to get figures for the videogame is buying lego bag series 13 for 1000 diamonds (or right now on christmas offer 900). I bought today a bag and got hotdog guy, I was so happy because I was looking to play this too ^^
  5. No, never used it. Only PC Games and Minifigures. Thanks to all, happy to be here :)
  6. Thank you again Fred. I have now all Figures, feel free to contact me if you need one of this figures online codes: Piggy Guy 1x swashbuckler Edit: Codes tradet to: Starrocks923 and Robert8 Enjoy the Minifigures.
  7. thank you Fred for the lifeguard. Since Fred don`t need codes from me I would give 1 Piggy Guy away. If someone need them, PM me so no ninjas can steal the Key :) Now only need Fairytail Princess have still for trade another Piggy Guy and Swashbuckler.
  8. thank you, I PM´ed you.
  9. I got for Christmas some Minifigures. I dont know the Numbers but it was Piggy Guy and some from series 9 and 10. Piggy Guy looks so sweet I`m happy to got this figures :)
  10. I have to say, this is the best Lego batman game in that series. I have so much fun and its much better then Marvel Super Heroes. So funny, I love this game, with Lego the Movies its one of the best for PC (sadly on PC lego Cities never come out :( )
  11. that would be realy nice or at least like they did with Lego Batman where you have 3 parts.
  12. I wish you all and your families Merry Christmas. Hope you got a lot of lego items and other gifts :)
  13. Hi, my name is Lexia and I´m a Lego Fan. Well, I never build something with lego briks but I love all PC Games from Lego, also I love Lego Minifigures, they look so cute lol. I live in germany and Lego is realy expensive here, so I only play my PC games, they are much cheaper then buying a Lego Set. But thats not the only thing, I`m a bad, realy bad builder as well lol. You can do so much things with Lego, its so nice. Motion Chapter Videos, build your dream City and much more. its used from young and older peoples and I´m sure its used more from older peoples haha. My favorit Lego Set is The Simpsons Set with the House, Cars and Figures but 200€ is realy expensive. (200€ are like $244, I´m not sure if in USA the price is $200 but it would be 164€ then but as always $=€) I found my way on this Forum because I searched on google for Minifigures and I found a lot of information here so, thats why I`m here now :)
  14. MAC will come maybe later, for now game works only for win7 and 8 if i`m right. Also the membership is very cheap but you need it. I´m playing with a friend, I´m a member and he not, he drops realy rare building parts to make figures ingame but you need them if you like to continue your game. As a member you get in almost every membertreasure one part so you get realy fast enough figures to continue the game. you also can spend 2000 diamonds to get a membership for 1 month, you drop them ingame from treasures chest.
  15. hahaha the cat with the face place xD must have. they look realy sweet
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